College Update



Someone started orientation today,

I came back so tired. I need to start ranting here..


We started the day with a very long session of more than a few speeches. It was useful, but I was so tired because I'm not too used to the time difference yet and we were just sitting in a quiet lecture theatre, they don't use proper mics, so if you move around too much, everyone hears you. +I'm not someone that can sit still for more than half an hour idk how i'm gonna survive lectures.. (probably go early and sit at the side of the row)

We were all given a starter pack, it contains a few documents we needed throughout the day (and for future use) like our timetable for this whole week of orientation, our white coat ceremony invitation, our laptop insurance letter, change of address, etc. etc..

I had a few problems with the starter pack because my pack was missing a few documents

I didn't have the documents that told me my college issued email and password and that affected a few of my other documents to hand in because i didn't have an email to fill in.

They spelled this poor chinese girl's name wrongly, missing out my English name and I won't stand for it so I had to go round asking how I should change it on the system etc..

I also didn't have my laptop acceptance document with me so I had to fill it up on the spot. Not tideous, I was just tired after the campus tour.

Our campus isn't huge, but it's historic, and that's all I need to love it already. I don't need a big campus. It's historic. I love it. One of the small halls has a bullet hole through the door because of a sniper that hid in the park across the street during the war.

Okay back on topic, after that, I had to open a bank account, and omg I'm such a dummy at this and thank God the lady was kind enough to explain everything to us. I'm sort of brain fried today.. and it's only 5pm

Then I had to go ask about medical insurance etc.etc.etc..

++we got a mac from the college so that's one more trouble for me. I've never used a mac before. I'm learning, but with my current brain fried status, I'm trying to cope.

(I used my laptop to type out this blog i feel so proud of myself already lolololol)


apart from all this, I'm so done wtith BTS.. every time i come back there's a new video and gosh i freaking love Lumpens because their videography is so good and the art director for this short film series i forgot his name but it's in the description box in the youtube videos. SO GOOD. BUT I DON'T HAVE THE ENERGY AND TIME TO FIGURE THINGS OUT LIKE OKAY I'LL JUST LEAVE IT TO ARMYS Y'ALL SMART ENOUGH I'M JUST GOING TO START UNIVERSITY i don't even have time to write my stories yet urgh.


[05.09.2016 | 1718]


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Mikaylaellayang #1
Wow that sounds tiring... And a bullet hole?? That's awesome (when i first read that i was like "WHAT??!! Is it dangerous there?!" And then when i read the next sentence i was like oh...)

And i know how you feel, i can't even last fifteen minutes without moving around

And i KNOW bts just likes to drop videos anywhere and anytime
have fun while studying there!
wish I can go there too, that is if time and my money allows hahahahaha!
Azuremoon #3
I'm going to university soon too
If you don't mind me asking, what college are you going to?