What I wrote and some TOP Doom Dada Analysis

So... Barthes say the Author is dead... and well, I have been thinking. As always, a mind barf of my thoughts.

I like the idea of books existing outside the writer's intent, and also outside the reader's comments. Because words are merely symbolic of meaning, no one really gets the whole picture. Take for example, TOP's Doom Dada (which I should have the longest commentary on), a lot of the initial interpretation of it is the symbolism of TOP being TOP and popular.


I would like, of course, to sit on my pompous chair and put my TOP hat on and say I got extremely upset that people thought of him so shallow when he was being cryptic. LOL This means getting upset at everyone with any inclination of saying the visual was "weird" and dismissing it because he was "pretty." jdfgisdghlfhgfl

TOP is pretty, I'll give you that, and I guess everyone is entitled to their opinion (whether I think they're wrong).

I just think sometimes people put some thought in what they say, an express and not take things at face value. And I don't know, know that when you don't understand something, it usually means that there's an existing underlayer. I am an English minor, but this isn't just literary analysis... it's... critical thinking. I don't know what I'm saying. LOL

But what Doom Dada was, is... well, the perfect social commentary on popular culture. I would always love TOP for releasing the audio first, then the supplementary visual. Because the audio even with the translation is easier to digest. In hearing Doom Dada first, we get the first impression of TOP as the musician, rapper.

And here I express my discontent on him being insistently labelled as Bingu, when he doesn't like it, when he clearly isn't. I think TOP is partially an introspective genius. Hey, he's the dude in popular culture who wished people discuss Dadaism, the doom of dada. This is also why I am somewhat annoyed with Premium Oppa who demeaned the message in flamboyant language saying it's about something simple as being popular. But then again that's me, I could start a TOP religion, and offer him sacrifices if he told me to...


I scare myself sometimes. But I try to remind myself that no interpretation is wrong, and the genius of TOP maybe just a sevvy rabid fangirl product, but still.

The concept of Doom Dada, the doom from dada. Dadaism rejected reason and logic, prizing nonsense, irrationality and intuition. It was a clear stab at popular culture and mainstream kpop. The mix of the visuals of the primitive ape to the evolution of the shackled man, is the zombification brought by trends.

The actual rejection of logic. The mix of "pretty" TOP is the nonsense, that creates the confusion, where we prize the irrationality of shallow visual.

If you watch the video, there are several instances where the dilation of the pupils, mydriasis, if I am allowed to dump terminologies, so I feel gratifyingly smarter, which is caused by disease, trauma, or drugs. Now while I can go metaphorical in saying that this concept must be a stab at saying popular culture is diseased, I think what it more directly says that popular culture almost acts as opiates, where we can no longer think, we just accept things as they are presented.

(which was ironically the response to Doom Dada) "I don't know what's happening but it's TOP, so it's cool."


There are also many symbolism in the video, other than the ape, the dilation of eyes, the pretty of TOP.

The baby of a humonguos head (the youth of humungous egotism) is crying (perhaps in a tantrum because this generation is rather coddled and spoiled) for a culture with meaning (maybe that's wishful thinking).

The deer (docility)

The horse (tamed by man) painted into a zebra by TOP (something of an act of returning something to the wild, the untamed, the want for rationality).

Lyrically, I loved that this song had fewer English than most songs in kpop. I thought that was something of a slight to the Western Culture where English is king, and of course the host to mainstream concepts. He used words sommelier, and hakuna matata both word/phrase of a different language universally known.

I also loved the drone of the song, which of course is representative of the zombification of trends, but he wishes to be the "shower of eardrums" "the inspiration" so that "the hot media" could not push us to "Hakuna Matata"


Gad. I could really start TOPism. Ugh. I fangirl your brain, love. I fangirl your everything.

I am super disappointed with Premium Oppa saying he's better with GD because TOP deserves the unrestraints of solos. I understand his reluctance to a full solo album because he still needs to be mainstream and sellable which I think compromises his expression.

But I love Doom Dada as it is the most TOP I've seen and heard. Prior to Big Bang, when he still carried the name Tempo he didn't sing about love, but about youth and angst and I thought that was him without the constraints of thinking whether he sells or not.

I think TOP is a secret genius. Really.



As to what I wrote, LOL. I wrote something and people read it and it was nicely generalized as cute, and youthful, while that is the surface value of the story what I wanted, my intent, was to show the flaw of coddled, pampered lifestyle... but I guess that's is for the bees, and the birds... and I don't know why i used that analogy. And I don't know, it stresses me out to be read not how I intend, not wrong, because the author is dead, but... um, not according to what I want.... and really, really this stresses me out. Now it's midnight, and I wrote nothing again.


I think the problem with AFF is that we publish small chunks of intent and haphazard symbols, and readers respond to it, and rather than discourage, writer's gets side-tracked, and lost, the intent disippates and in turn, writers who aim to express, now performs to please rather than attempt to express their original intent.

The loss of intentionality, now that is sad.



/watches doom dada

/maybe I should just sleep


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bmsqrdd #1
thank you for this <3 really
hellokorea #2
Which story of yours are you referring to? "the flaw of coddled, pampered lifestyle"
don't mourn. it's a common struggle to remain within our original intent to write. plus, i was waiting for some relevant talk on his matchless song for once. thank you for this.