New story i cant believe i'm doing this.

I wrote a new story. A one shot. An emo one.


i blame my classmate. We were walking out of college to grab lunch but she just had to point out a poster stuck ontot the wall on the stairs.


"Blast from the Past" was written on the poster with a very vintage themed background picture with a camera laying on a bed of flowers.


and i regretted reading further.


turns out our college's monthly student newspaper was accepting entries from students. Stories poems art anything. That was the theme. "Blast from the Past"


three topics. Ten Years Ago, Twisted Twilights, Open topic.


sure guys, you just needed to write the words "open topic" for me to see.


the wheels in my brain started turning and i finished writing the story while waiting for my food that seemed to come later as if waiting for me to finish writing because if my food had come i would have ditched the story halfway.


i retyped it into my laptop when i got home that day on thursday and submitted it in last sunday. Gosh i was so excited i forgot to check for grammar errors. Sure enough there were a few.. Just a few. Nothing big. But i have OCD.. I have to correct them. But i already sent it in.. Lol.


maybe i'll change the characters and make it into a fanfic? Then post it here? Heh.


we'll see how.



Signing off,


[29.07.2014 | 1538]


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Lol I know how you feel like, oh boy, here comes another one xD Those are really interesting topics though. I think I would've done the same as you! But wow, you wrote it really quick xD Good luck on your entry!
I vote on you posting it if you want to and like the results you got ^~^
good luck on your piece! Maybe once you get the results you should post it