20 Questions No One Asks {Stolen}

20 Questions No One Asks

1: When was the last time you ran?
- I ran yesterday afternoon trying to cross the street before the light changed x3
2: Do your jeans have rips, tears or holes on then?
- Most of the jeans I own have rips, holes, tears, and frays but I buy them that way because I think they look so cool ^_^
3: What are you dreading right now? 
- A lot of things.. Mostly starting my 11th grade year without my bestfriend with me. I'm dreading being lonely and not having enough people to talk to.  I'm also dreading taking the ACT and doing college classes I signed up for over the summer.

 4: Do you sing in shower?
- Yup! all the time XD
5: Do you get 8 hours full sleep every night? 
- Nope but I wish I did. I haven't since elementary school.
6: If any one of your friends come to your house randomly one day, what would you say? 
- "What are you doing at my house??" 
7: Who last grabbed your ?
- My ex boyfriend :/ I'm glad I'm done with that douchebag. 
8: Have you ever been on your school's track team?
- I don't play sports.
9: Do you own pair of converse?
- I own 2 pairs of converse but I haven't bought any new ones in like 2 years. I have flat feet so they are horrible for me to walk in.
10: Did you copy paste this survey?
- Yup~

11: Do you eat raw of cookie dough?
- No not really..
12: Have you ever kicked a vending machine?
- Once or twice.
13: Don't you hate it when radio ruins good songs by playing them over and over?
- Ugh I hate that. The radio ruined Pharrell's Happy and Beyonce's Drunk In Love. Every station would play those two songs all day long. A month in I got sick of them. 

14: Do you watch top gear?
- What is that??
15: How do you eat oreos? 
I don't know. I just eat them. Sometimes I crush them up and sprinkle them on icecream. *^* Now I want some oreos!!
16: Have you ever stayed online for a very long time waiting for someone?

- I'm very impatient so no. If they don't answer me in a reasonable amount of time and I have other things to do I won't wait.

17: Are you cocky? 

- Nope. I doubt myself even when I know I'm right. I wish I was a little cocky though.

18: Could you live without computer? 
- Maybe for about a day or two and then I'd loose my mind.
19: Do you wear shoes in the house? 
- Yeah P.S I live in America.

20: Who or what sleeps with you?
- I sleep with two pillows one with a satin pillowcase and my soft comforter I snuggle up in. 


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#3: YES, I don't want summer to end , so I can go back to school. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO~!!!!!!!! I'm starting high school >.<
#5: Don't worry I don't get 8 hours of sleep either...............That's why I'm CRAZY XD
#13: The radio always ruins good songs :\
#15: I rip my Oreos in half, drown them in milk, then DEVOUR them >:-) Mwahahahahahaha! But they are my favorite cookies, especially the mint flavored one. Yum!!!<3
#18: I applaud you for that, I don't think I can survive a DAY without something to entertain me XD