Quiz #104 What Flavor Milkshake Are You?

Take quiz n feel free to share results: http://www.blogthings.com/whatflavormilkshakeareyouquiz/

Do you agree with your results?/think it match you?




          You Are a Banana Milkshake



        You are happy to go your own way in life. You've always felt a little different from everyone else.

You are content to have your own thing going on... you just don't like getting attention for it!

You love variety and new experiences. You are quite creative and experimental.

You believe that there is a lot to still be discovered in this world, and you're hoping to find some of it.



i don't even drink milkshake at all...lol. anyway....banana...i'd love some bananas stuffs...i'll just pretend this is icecream or sth...though i never ate banana ice cream....:o...don't think i've ever encountered it...yet...but description wise...i feel i'd be a combination of banana n chocolate which is...i want now...


other results you may get:


          You Are a Coffee Milkshake



        You are a hyperactive and impatient person. When you want something, you don't like waiting for it.

You are witty and very verbal. You love to talk, and you can be more than a little sarcastic.

You are quite opinionated. You've never had a problem speaking your mind.

You are one of those people who actually likes to work. You find meaning in your career.




          You Are a Strawberry Milkshake



        You are a patient and compassionate person. You are willing to accept people as they are.

You have a natural sweetness to you that others appreciate. You have a sense of humor about everything.

You are easily delighted and inspired. You think life is pretty great.

If things don't go your way, you always believe that you will persevere.




          You Are a Chocolate Milkshake



        You are fair, principled, and very tolerant. You have a strong personality, but others still appreciate you.

You know your own tastes and values. You couldn't be someone else even if you tried!

You are intensely passionate, especially about causes and people you believe in. You are very idealistic.

You try to live your life with a higher purpose. You want every one of your days to mean something.




          You Are a Vanilla Milkshake



        You connect easily to other people. You have found your place in the world.

You feel both intensely alive and totally at peace. You are grateful for this life you've been given.

You are a joy to be around, and people love you for being exactly who you are.

You can be protective and stubborn, especially when it comes to your friends and family.




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Hey, I got banana milkshake too!!! I never tasted it before...
Coffee - very accurate, but sadly, i hate coffee!