



Hey lovelies~


I haven't been updating at all lately... but I simply haven't had the time to write.

Of course the 2PM Summer Writing Festival took up a lot of my time, but maybe more importantly work has been crazy crazy crazy...


Hopefully things will start to become a bit more normal now... I'm still going through my subscription list for the festival... and then I have a lot of other updates I want to read, and well... my own stories to write. 

I hope to start to write soon again, at least a little bit... Though AFF is kind of messed up at the moment, most stories don't show up in any of their search tags, so they are kind of invisible, and makes it kind of pointless to post... Hopefully they will fix it soon... 

But I think the subscribers still get an announcement if the stories are updated, so I'll post regardless, if I manage to write something...


Over the next two months or so, I plan to finish some of my ongoing stories, and I have a couple of new ones I've been wanting to start for months... but in the end it all depends on time if I can or not... 


Anywho... Thanks for all your support, with the festival and everything else.. 


2PM2PM2PM ~kitsu~




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Awww can't wait to read your updates & of course your upcoming stories~!
*hugs* <3
I will patiently wait keke~

Phaiting on writing and completing your stories Kitsu! ~~~~♡
Good luck ma. I know what is being busy and not able to write but wanting to and wanting to read all the glorious stories out there but being unable to as well etc, etc... So fighting!
I'll wait patiently :)

I know how you feel, captain~

Take your time ♥