Snap Review/Response: Eyes, Nose, Lips Tablo version

Words and Rap by Tablo, Beat by DJ Tukutz, End Chorus by Taeyang

Okay, this is a snap review because I have exactly 10 minutes before I need to split.

Somethings to get out of the way: I loved the original version of Eyes, Nose, Lips, lyrics, composition, delivery.

I liked AKMU version, though I still preferred the original. I am madly in love with Tablo. Madly. Madly. Madly.

Now that's out of the way, I was beyond pee-myself excited (meaning to say I did not pee myself because that is beyond me) when I heard of this cover. I actually dreamed of another version, LOL. But because I am a Tablo fan, I expected a re-do, a new song. So when Tablo said, I wanted to give fans something unexpected... I went a little "Psshaw, Tablo, you are my god. I expected a miracle."

I woke up to this. This was actually the first thing I did this morning (groggily scoured YouTube, forced myself to be awake).

The Good: It's in English and I love Tablo's English and his beautiful diction!

It's a new song with Tablo personality in it.

It's not a hold back because I love you; it's pretty much wishing someone who hurt you hell.

I loved the resentment and the expressions: of the break up game as a pageantry, then the death of a relationship as an actual death of no eulogies and rest in peaces.

I really liked how morbid Tablo can get: "I wish it's your eyes that are the first go" takes me to a place of actual decomposition because you know, funerals and deaths and yeah. Decomposition. LOL And riping wings and just... evocation of heaven and hell. I think this was a superb expression of anger and resentment. I really, really loved that.

BUT, The Bad:

Because I am madly in love at Tablo's mad skills, this came a little short to my expectation. Why?

Because the flow wasn't as fluid as he usually does. There were awkward points and rhymes and it made me awkward like sticking out elbows... or something.

though I like the irony of sad, slow tunes and angry lyrics, the actual delivery... is kind of off. I am using qualifiers because I feel like this is off to me because the production of this was too short. As I said, I am a very big fan of Tablo, Over is like the anthem of my soul, I can't even explain it. But yeah, I don't like this as much as I usually do for Epik High/Tablo songs.

And if I actually want to be honest, I was a touch disappointed.

Ugh. I feel like Tablo must now smite me.


But yeah, here's a two-cent review.




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charlottelehnsher #1
I AGREE WITH EVERYTHING YOU WROTE. I love the diction, but there is time when the flow is kinda awkward.