Tagged by nuneokcat

I won't be tagging anyone, but thanks for tagging me sugar!

I'm supposed to be doing lots and lots of other stuff, so I'll try to keep this short... But honestly, being consise isn't really my forté, so let's see kkkk


1. How long have you been on Asianfanfics?
14 months roughly, since April 2013

2. How many stories have you written?

I've posted 25, but many of them are oneshots, and quite a few are ongoing so... but I've finished like 6 stories that are 3 chapters or more... I think lol.. 

3. What is your favourite fanfic that you've read?


Out of stories that are completed, to name a few I would say nuneokcat's Halo and Night Life, Enilyc's Apology, that is no longer up, and LlyaAegi's The Dragon's Keeper & Feathers

But there are more... Many many more.


4. What do you love seeing in stories?

2PM ... especially with Chansung... and if it's chanwoo... well then this girl is very very happy.


5. What do you hate seeing in stories?

  • The "you"-format. It just... Doesn't work for me. It prevents me from getting lost in a story if I'm talked to directly, (also in films and such). Plus, the person writing the story obviously doesn't know "me", so almost by default the writer is going to make "me" do or say something I would never ever do. Making the story automatically loose credibility, because it's then Obviously not "me", in the story. But I guess that's just me being too literal lol... 
  • Also, broken chanwoo I just can't... If Chansung ends up happy... then... m-m-m-m-m-maybe.
  • My least favorite of everything, is if chanwoo is dating or something, getting together or what not, but Wooyoung is "truly" in love with someone else. Or if someone else is Wooyoung's "one true love", but he "settles" for Chansung, that's just... I just can't... So whenever there is a slight possibility of this story line I just... can't read the story. I want to be able to, and I'm happy those stories exist and  really happy people are including chanwoo in their stories. But I just can't read them. 
  • (I have absolutely no problem however reading stories when someone else is Wooyoung's "one true love" if there is no romantic chanwoo in the story. In fact, Wooyoung is my second bias, so I love reading about him, also when it's not with Chansung)

6. Name three things you love about Asianfanfics.

The stories, and the AFF-hottest community... And the possibilty to flail and have other people flail with you.


7. Name three things you hate about Asianfanfics.

  • The Subscriber Only feature. It's just very unfriendly. Subbing a new story is fun. It means that you've found a new story that you want to read, and as a writer I know that it's fun getting new subscribers, so I hope that the writer of the story feels the same way and is happy to have a new reader.
  • But when it's Sub Only, it takes all the fun away. First of all, if I can't read the story, how can I know if I want to sub it? But maybe more importantly, I feel like I'm being forced into subbing, like someone is saying to me: "If you don't sub, you can't read my story!" And you might not know me, but I'm so stubborn it's no joke, so hearing something like that makes me Really want to NOT sub it. But if it's chanwoo, or one of my fav author, I say to myself that I'm a grown up woman and should know that supporting them is more important than being stubborn. But it hurts me inside. So I just avoid those stories in all other cases. I have better things to do with my time than fighting my stubbornness (I spend enough time on that already).
  • Also, rude people. Luckily I haven't met a lot of them, and honestly in my entire time on AFF, I've only gotten like, one rude comment, and it wasn't exactly rude against me personally or my story, but against a pairing, but honestly, for me that's worse. It wasn't chanwoo (otherwise that person would probably have been blocked lol), but still... It's unnecessary to be rude. And I've seen it around, people leaving ridiculously rude comments on other people's stories, and it's just So unneccessary and can really throw a writer off her/his game, which is a shame. But I really do believe those people are a very small minority.
  • Third thing, I can't think of anything at the moment lol... 




8. What is your favourite pairing to read?

  • Chanwoo... 


9. What is your favourite genre of story?

  • Fantasy, all kinds. Not hating on either. But I think my absolute favorite genre (if you can call it that) is chanwoo fluff... Just when they are overly corny and totally in love.... I get happy just thinking about it ^.^


10. How often do you go on Asianfanfics?

  • These days, all my spare time is spent on AFF because of the 2PMfestival!!! (That's starting in a few hours!!!!)
  • But even if it's not festival time, I check on AFF several times every day. 


11. Who is your best friend on AFF?


12. Who is your favourite Author?

  • nuneokcat


13. Where do you come from?

  • Europe... 


14. If you could change anything on AFF what would it be?

  • The Subscriber Only feature
  • I want to be able to exclude tags in the M-section too. 
  • I want a system where I can find my favorite people more easily.


15. What is your biggest peeve?

  • When the story is difficult to read, for whatever reason. I don't have the patience for that. 
  • Like for example for these shops that have really cool layout and everything looks fantastic, but the font is TINY and it's IMPOSSIBLE to read... I'm a practial sort of girl... so functionality over fancy design any time of the day.
  • Though the best design obviously has both.  


16. Which group do you mostly read about on AFF?

  • 2PM, almost exclusively.
  • (apart from 2PM I have read exactly 1 MissA story, and maybe 4-5 SHINee fics since I started here, and then half-a story in another fandom, but it wasn't for me).
  • And being so busy lately, I mostly just have time for Chansung-stories, and not even manage to read all Chan-stories that I would like to.

17. What is your favourite narrative to use in your stories?

  • ​In some ways I think it's easier to write 1. persona, but the third is more practical for many reasons, so I tend to use that one, but basically it depends on the story what's the best one.


18. What is your most disliked sort of story?

  • You-stories, I guess...  


19. What age are you?

  • Sigh, do I really have to answer that? Well... I'm younger than Rain... but not by much...


20. What would you tell your favorite author if you saw them in person?


Nothing. Because I'm a shy girl so I'd not be able to say anything, I think. 

21. What pairing do you wish to see more of on AFF?

Honestly speaking, all 2PM pairings. Which was sort of the point with the festival...




Well that was fun! Used my lunch break on this so I should probably get back to work...

*how is that fair*

But the 2PMfestival is only a few hours away... Yay!


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Oh yes, I don't like 'you-stories' either.. >__< And I agree with many other things you've said ;) *whispers CHANWOO* !!!
I get so happy when I see older hottests like myself. I think "ah, I am not so alone afterall".
Anyway. have to agree on the you stories. Idk, I just don't have that feel to put myself in stories and you make excellent points I never thought before. If it's me, it should be an accurate me.
LMAO!! It's rather funny how all of us have similar thoughts about certain things. Now I totally LOL when I read that you love corny and cheesy ChanWoo. You will definitely LOVE the ending of you Bday Fic then because it's super fluffy, cheesy and corny as F@ck!

And the the age thing way is it that we have to answer like that I totally avoided answering directly lol ah so funny we have to hide our age lolololol Girl you had me all night reading your fics and still here I am having nt slept a wink lol lucky me I don't work. Though I would love too. *sigh* Anyhoo so essited for the posting for the 2pm Summer Festival and The start of the posting of the Unreal 2pm challenge that also starts today! I am going to go cray cray! Oh boy! *giddy*
I agree with half of the things you've said. And I'm so excited for the festival cause I won't be traveling until the 28th which means I can celebrate Khunnie's birthday! :D