The Bully Project

Hey everyone!

So recently I discovered TheBullyProject, and the cause just seems so great and so easy to join that I couldn't not share it with everyone I could!

Simply go to put your full name down, leave them an email, and make a silent promise to yourself that you will not be an ignorant bystander if anyone were to ever get bullied under your witness.


Don't really care about bullying? Think it's not that big of a problem?

I have opened myself up and shared with the public my own story. Come give it a read!


Bullying can come in so many different forms; it can be physical or psychological, so don't brush it off and pretend it doesn't affect you. Chances are, even the bullies have been on the bullied side before or in the future. No one is safe, as long as there is ignorance and hate in the world.


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Ajkpopfan #1
Yes it is a good idea author nim.
I think its great what your doing and I hope more people follow you example author-nim! ^^