ZE:A random stuffs + dear Kwanghee, since you've kept oh so close watch for your bffs junyoung n siwan during trainee days(and even afterwards tbh)...

...how about now you carefully watch out for....Kevin ♥_♥...?



i'm just so sick n jelly watching all sikwang n kwanghee-junyoung moments these past few days...pshhh...




and Kevin-Hyungsik/Minwoo/whoever else that wants him




/i know there are better jelly-inducing pics...i'm just lazy to find them back/


i mean it is a known fact that kwanghee is very loving...i still feel he's not loving enough to kevin who needs his love more than the rest...ok forget it...it sounds so fanfic-y...lmao...xD...it's just that kevin's happiness is too obvious whenever kwanghee gives attention to him...even his voice changes...xDDD/bricked/

it's not like i will wail if suddenly they're dating girls though like cmon am i that lame?...unless it's some overrated girl i dislike...lol.



here's the news...



like i said...kwanghee is a very affectionate guy especially towards s...unfortunately...he's taking the role as the dissed one in the group. many people i've seen given stupid remarks on their relationship like how other members are embarrassed/uncomfortable by kwanghee n how the group has no real chemistry....all those stupid bulls by those who obviously know nothing but want to act smart.

the members obviously love him so much...maybe some more than others.../like kevin coughs/ and junyoung, kwanghee's original bff before siwan came, i prefer moonkwang or whatever you call them to sikwang anyday...since they're just too adorable><.....but no, kevkwang shall prevail...n minwoo n taeheon show lotsa affection too but those two are sweeties who probly love everyone anyway even if minu is always bullying his hyungs especially his favourite kwanghee hyung xD...n also heecheol/hyungsik(but that's cuz they're just major flirts n cuddlers)....i guess...it's true Busan guys are least expressive of their affection...looking at siwan/dongjun....lol.

ZE:A never see themselves as celebrities anyway...lol. they're way too humble...and i remember watching a reporter commenting about her interview session with ZE:A...and even she was spazzing about how humble n spazzable they are...xD...until other newscasters on the show called her out on it...i don't blame her though, not at all. 


anyway, recently it was taeheon's bday on 18th june


for more pics: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.776928672328105.1073742304.210078535679791&type=3

and off topic but i'm so happy to see noeul wishes him...xD...yay~! it's unrelated but i'm just happy seeing her going about spamming everyone with love on twitter...lol....



siwan missing from various events again.

am i the only one who notice they would have comeback everytime the members get busy with individual project or vice versa? maybe this is their timing strategy...but i don't find it very smart. wouldn't it be better if they come back right after they finish their individual project with a bang n people are still curious n want to see more of them and tadaaa....you get the comeback...this actor is from this group n he will be performing all the time perfectly...rather than...hey...that actor from that drama airing now...yeah this is his group...but you can't find him anyway....but go on...watch them? though you can watch him in the drama itself.... can you see the flaw in this marketing strategy? or am i the stupid one?




wae are you so adorable?


^ i mean really adorable? hahahah....


looking back at his cameo in Gloria...i'd never thought he'd grow to have so much charisma in portraying a variety of expressions...i mean...he does have interesting goofy personality back then but it wasn't translated in his little acting...


but now it's no longer surprising^^...

i just wish there's more siwan for ZE:A...i'd be fine with less of him if he's a terrible singer...but he's obviously the opposite...



and ZE:A on chart...


why do i feel heatbroken...it seems that it's so fking hard for ZE:A to reach up no matter how n what...but some groups can so easily reach the top....honestly...some of these...i've tried n don't even find them all that impressive....but ZE:A just always have it 100x harder than other groups older or newer...lesigh....and some fans make big deal when oppars take like one year to win something...fking get lost.

ZE:A(and truthfully many more longer, awesome artistes) hasn't won any music show for years...so just shut up with oppar's one-two year hardship.

even if i'm not the biggest fan of their title song...

even when i like their previous abums n find it fking impressive....they still didn't do well anyway...

eh...it's nothing to do with music seriously...

it's all bout fanbase, name/hype, popularity, market value.



Hotbeat. with the eldest couple n their children...i mean...the maknae line....xD


watch it for kevkwangzea n their english awesomeness...xDDD

since my loading is so fking slow...i haven't watch it...only first six minutes...but kevin cracked me up...why is he even wearing shades...?....lol.

so funny whenever kwanghee seems like he's going to give a big speech(in english?) and kevin is like....ready for it...and kwanghee end up with one short sentence...and kevin would be asking like 'that's all?'....and kwanghee would go 'yeah.' lol. like i said...i've just watch six minutes...but....i'm so proud of minu for making effort to actually speak in english...like...omg...you're learning well from your eldest line hyungs...who cares if you can't speak perfect english....i'd never make fun of people who don't have perfect english(well, i don't have it either)...but rather have respect for them for their courage n effort...so major applause for minu...so can we say now the english line is kevin-siwan-kwanghee with junyoung-minu in progressing/effort/improving zone...and the rest need to step it up? xD...but the last time i watch dongjun seem to be making some effort too...idk now since i have yet to watch. though i died of cheesiness when kevin ask what they're gonna give for Taeheon's b'day...and hyungsik said...he's gonna give his love...n kevkwang had some amusing but typical of their reactions...lmao. u creepy cheesy hyungsik.

the lady though....everytime Kwanghee goes to hotbeat...he'd be the one instructing the translator to translate. aish....if i were the translator i'd be eager to show my competency...i mean you don't get chance to be in same room with ZE:A while showing off your awesomeness easily...psh. why waste it?

more spazzing here: http://www.asianfanfics.com/blog/view/885391


Kevin always lose control of his own show when s are there...or is it when Kwanghee's there? :p



ok the end.






yeah. the end.



tbh i'm lazy to post updates...but i realized...there are new fans being curious...it'd be better to post sth...if my compilation is lacking...instead of telling me it's incomplete....go on n post whatever needed to be posted. thank you. have a good day. i'm tired now n having sore throat i might catch a fever or sth soon...yay~so try to not ask me anything unless you're new fans who need guide/infos...i'd be glad to answer anything i could.

how do you like my long- title though? maybe i should start this self-trend of making superlong titles...xD

oh..and for more beautiful picspam...: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.210088142345497.54358.210078535679791&type=3



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Gah Minuuu Taeheoooonnn Kebinnnnn gah KEVKWANG MUST PREVAIL. I saw on twitter someone saying Junyoung is the only person whi doesnt reject Kwanghee's skinship and im like BUT KEVIN ASKS FOR IT ><. Oh and the wailing when dating girls thing. I loled and tsked so hard at seeing all the netbuzz comments. Like freakin damn man. Who are you to dictate their life ? And then leaving the fandom. Tsk tsk so stupid.
Sigh. If i go to Korea again imma take a frying pan and hit the CEO on the head. That should make everyone feel better.
Ive once read this popular group's fanfic, how the leader feels they worked so hard but never won anything and thinking that whatever theyre doing aint enough and how theyre never recognized and . And this group won their first no.1 on their 2nd year. Tsk tsk. Im sad with you peeps *sarcasm*. And seeing stuff on twitter like "Come on guys its the 2nd day and oppars mv hasnt gotten 10 m views yet !" And im like lol ZE:A'S are happy enough they got 100k views in two days ... so SHUT THE FUDGE UP.
On a side note, i named these two new kittens at ny house Kevin & Kwanghee. XD Kevin is an attention seeker seeking dor everyones attention including Kwanghee... who ignores him lol.
minwoo is getting more handsome nowadays I cannot.
and kevin too.
junyoung aswell lol
thanks for the pics tho' <3<3<3