Quiz #32 What Kind of French Fries Are You?

i'm hungry n i want to eat fries....in fact...i might just go fry some....yeah...sounds good...lol. you can drool on these...

n take the quiz!: http://www.blogthings.com/whatkindoffrenchfriesareyouquiz/

share ur results~



          You Are Curly Fries



        You are a fun loving person, and it's not hard to convince you to do something silly.

Novelty makes you light up, and you're often attracted to anything creative or quirky.

You're easily distracted, but your inspiration often comes from these distractions.

You are cooperative and friendly. You're especially excited to be around interesting people.



fun n me definitely doesn't go together...i'm the most boring person anyone who meets me get terrified n change attitude afterwards.....uhhhh.....this is weird....but as for distraction...yesss....n curly fries are yummmehhhh




          You Are Sweet Potato Fries



        You are open-minded and very inventive. You like to play around with new ideas.

You are excited by knowledge, and you like to put what you learn to the test.

You are a natural creator, and you love to make things. You are definitely a mad scientist.

Some of your ideas may be total flops, but you will produce valuable, original works one day.



^ sweet potatoes are overrated i tell 'ya..../oops sorry...i mean....yeah...not sweetpotatofan/


          You Are Chili Fries



        You are a freedom loving wild child. You have to be given the space to do your own thing.

You are curious about the world and extremely adventurous. Once you hear about something, you want to try it.

You are expansive and carefree. You don't take anything too seriously. You especially don't take yourself too seriously!

You have a great sense of humor, and you roll with the punches. You are definitely the opposite of a control freak.



^ wonder how this taste....


          You Are Fast Food Fries



        You are easygoing and happy-go-lucky. You try to avoid complaining.

You're up for having a good time anywhere, and you definitely aren't a snob.

You are more honest and modest than most people. You don't pretend to be someone you aren't.

You aren't preachy or judgmental. We all have our vices... you just think we should enjoy them more.



^ i love fast food friessss...n the humbleness....<3.... let's be buddies....


          You Are Belgian Fries



        You are an optimistic person who enjoys being in a crowd. You love the energy of a city.

You are hard working, but you also play hard too. You are the type who often needs a midnight snack.

You are open minded, and you do your best to just enjoy life. You are not easily annoyed.

You feel like you've got it pretty good, and you're not going to do anything to rock the boat!



^ not sure what belgian fries actually meant....


          You Are Waffle Fries



        You are independent and intelligent. You have an amazing sense of humor.

You're always seeing the lighter side of life. You love to play!

You are at the same time ambitious and disciplined. You have the makings of an accomplished artist.

You know how to balance creativity and practicality. You make your dreams a reality.



^ love these too...to eat...but the description sounds uh....too tiring....lol


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Ack, I want waffle fries.
yaaah i skipped lunch cuz... idk.. but this is making me hungry ;-; stop being evil D:<

and i'm fast food /o/ yaay

"You are easygoing and happy-go-lucky. You try to avoid complaining." - complaining make me feel guilty.. i like nagging more :"D
"You're up for having a good time anywhere, and you definitely aren't a snob."- idk about this o.o

"You are more honest and modest than most people. You don't pretend to be someone you aren't."-yup and people get mad at me for that e.e I wanna be me not someone else why they no get it ;-;

"You aren't preachy or judgmental. We all have our vices... you just think we should enjoy them more"-yussh it's fun \o/ everything is fuuuuuuuuuuuuun