30 Random Facts About Me!!~

In celebration of 100+ friends and 500+ subscribers on AFF I decided to make a post about myself. Enjoy the best you can. I'm really not that interesting... XP

30 Facts About Me!!

1. My real name is Britney.

2. I rarely can find my name on keychains.

3. No my name is not spelled "Brittney" or "Brittany". I hate when people spell my name wrong  -_-

4. My zodiac sign is Capricorn and I fit almost all the personality traits, which is kinda scary at times.

5. (Sistar) Hyorin's birthday is the day after mine :D

6. I am 16 years old.

7. I hate being called shy. I like the terms reserved, quiet, and introvert better.

8. I am a HUGE procrastinator.

9. My favorite season is Spring. There's nothing more relieving than seeing a tree blossom after a long, cold winter.

10. I have a love-hate relationship with summer. I love having no school and long days but I hate the super hot weather and bugs.

11. I am,  for the most part, a straight A student.

12. Ever since I was young I always enjoyed writing and thinking up stories in my head.

13. I believe I was deprived the title of salutatorian in middle school because the principle thought I was too "shy" to give a graduation speech.


15. My favorite foods (besides icecream) are chicken, apples, and pizza.

16. I am very talkative with the people that are closest to me.

17. I dislike loud, obnoxious, and narcissistic people.  

18. I can be pessimistic at times.

19. My favorite color is blue~

20. My least favorite color is orange :/

21. Due to my love for 2NE1 I decided that 21 would be my favorite number.

22. I am left handed!! #TeamLeftHanded <3

23. I hate depending on others. I try to be as independent as I can.

24. I live in Michigan, USA, in a small city directly south of Detroit.

25. I try not to listen/watch to Kpop in school because people will judge me and I have to explain to them my I like it so much.

26. When I was in elementary school I tried riding my bike with no hands on the bars and crashed into the gate of a park. I only got a few scratches but it was really embarrassing.

27. I don't play sports but I do watch them.

28. I strongly believe in karma and jinx.

29. I have only gone to church 5 times.

30. I saw my first Kpop video on an anime group on Facebook~



Annyeong <3




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Dubuu12 #1
We have some things in common, I'm in LOVE with ice cream, I believe in karma, I'm shy, a Capricorn & in elementary school I tried riding a bike with no hands and ended up hitting a wall...o.o
I'm glad you watched that kpop vid! Which was this? Hi, Britney xD This was so good! Thanks for being an aff friend to me! I love being a subscriber! Congratulations on 100+ friends and 500+ subscribers!!!