[ Mrs. Agent ] — Park Inhyo

Mrs. Agent
Park inhyo
About you

Name : Yang Inhyo (however, after she married she adapted her husband's name Park so her name would be Park Inhyo now)

Nickname(s): Yeobo - Jay because Yeobo means darling and they are married; after all

Age : 27

Birthdate : November 13, 1986

Birthplace : Seoul, South Korea

Hometown : Seoul, South Korea

Ethnicity : Korean

Languages : Korean - native; English - basic




Personality Traits : confident, neat, outgoing, charismatic, blunt, attention-seeking, feminist, stubborn, bad temper, cynic, chatterbox, funny, insensitive, bossy, bad attitude, moody, arrogant, mean, crude, competive, jealous, selfish, awkward with feelings, loyal friend

Personality : Inhyo is a confident person. She likes keeping things neat and clean and she's very organized herself. She is outgoing and usually manages to leave a very charismatic impression on others. However, she's also a person that is often a bit too blunt and can seem to be a bit attention-seeking at times. Inhyo is a feminist and she hates it when women are portrayed as incapable and helpless until a prince in shining armor comes along. While she listens to the supervisors of the Force Humanity Agency she doesn't just take anyones orders without a question, doesn't listen to her huband and if she's unhappy with something she definitely confronts the other person. She is a person who's easy to annoy since she's hot-headed and doesn't take jokes about her lightly. She has a bad temper - Inhyo doesn't have much patience and she's also ready to get into fights if someone is provocing her. While she's usually trying to be friendly she also takes pride in herself and she isn't forgiving. Sometimes her bad temper get the better side of her and she'll pick a fight with somebody just to vent out her anger. Whenever she is furious, Inhyo is even meaner and more cynical than her usual self, smokes like it was her goal to get lung cancer by the end of the day and easily picks up a fight.

Inhyo is stubborn, unlikely to give up and doesn't often take others' advises to heart. But as long as you aren't insulting and upsetting her she'll treat you nicely. She talks pretty much and is actually good at befriending people so others always assume she has a bossy ‚leading/alpha'-personality. Inhyo gets along well with most people and seems very confident and charismatic as long she feels happy. If she isn't talking about their jobs Inhyo has a pretty good sense of humor - she often makes snarky remarks at others, and although she can be a bit mean or too honest from time to time, she really knows how to make others laugh. However, since she's good at making fun of somebody, she isn't really sensitive nor tactful and she isn't good with showing feelings. Whenever she's annoyed and has a bad day she also has kind of an attitude and complains like a without an end. She is slightly arrogant and she can be a bit too mean and sometimes she accidently hurts someone more than she intended to. Inhyo seems pretty energetic most of the time since she is witty and sassy. She often makes fun of good friends, imitates other people in a funny way and exaggerates a lot while telling stories. She doesn't mind doing dangerous things, it's actually the opposite - she loves the thrill and couldn't imagine living a normal, dull and boring life. Inhyo is very honest, has a sharp tongue and her words are more often than not cynical and sarcastic. She rarely says something sweet and is always the one who vividly describes the worst case scenarios, about them getting killed and how their headless corpses would slowly decay in an idle factory side. Inhyo can curse like a sailor if she's in a bad mood. She sometimes appears like she doesn't care about the danger she is putting herself into and she often makes fun of he own death to look like she's fearless but she's actually really afraid of dying. She isn't an agent because she tries to help the humankind but because she enjoys the adrenaline rush while doing missions.

Because on the inside is Inhyo quite the competive person. She doesn't even want to, but she can't help but feel jealous when somebody does better then her. She tries hard to be happy for others and she rarely shows her disappointment openly, but she's actually a bit selfish and gets frustrated if she feels like she can't contribute anything to their missions. When somebody sees that she's suffering or wants to help her she always brushes them off, since she absolutely hates showing weakness. She‘d even distances herself from the help-offering person and treats her cold as long as said person brings up that matter. But on the other side she cares a lot for friends and people who are close to her, when they are in trouble. Even if she still envies them a bit she would never wish them trouble and a part of her would always be supporting and being a loyal friend even if this means that she had to put her life in danger. She can't give advises in love questions and she has no clue how she could help a hurt and crying friend besides asking if everything is okay. Inhyo wishes she'd be more caring and warm but she doesn't know what to say or to do in an emotional moment without sounding cheesy and often just starts rambling awkwardly. She isn't good at cheering someone up or apologizing and she rarely gives a sincere compliment but if she does, she puts all her effort in the nice gesture. If someone befriends her, s/he can be sure that Inhyo will always be by his/her side.




Background : Inhyo was born and raised as an only child in Seoul. She kind of fit into the stereotype of only children - her parents doted on her a lot and treated her like the apple of their eyes. They treated her very well and spend a lot of their time raising her. Inhyo knew that her mom wished to have a large family and many children and sometimes she felt like her father would have liked to have a strong and manly son. Inhyo's birth was a problematic one and because of that her mom lost the ability to ever get pregnant again. Luckily, Inhyo was a healthy baby but since her parents knew that this would be their only child they were very protective and cared a lot about her safety.

Inhyo's dad had three things that meant the most to him; his wife, his daughter and the small matrial arts club he owned. He worked there with two employees and all three of them had black belts and the license to teach matrial arts and his job was to give lessons in Taekwondo and other types of combat. Her mother was soft and a bit worried that her daughter would hurt herself if she learned these fighting methodes, too but her father assured her that he won't let their daughter face any potential dangers and so he started to train Inhyo in matrial arts since young age. Inhyo inherited exceptional strenght and agility from her father and she was very talented and interested in everything he taught her. She started to go to tournaments at age ten and she won many competitions. At school she wasn't too popular and she hadn't any best friend but she wasn't that interested in interacting with people her age anyway and so she didn't care much. At least she didn't get bullied. Inhyo wasn't good in any subject except PE, she wasn't outstandingly smart and too lazy to do her homework. Her mom sometimes scolded her a bit but her father was endlessly proud of her.

She was pretty happy with her life and had her life planned out - she would be working along with her dad, teaching students matrial arts until she would inherit the club one day. With sixteen she won first place at the national U18 tournament for matrial arts (*U18 means for people under eightteen). Because of this she caught the attention of Lee Byung Hyun's father who offered to train her as a secret agent. She was first hesitant but after thinking about the offer for a day she decided to accept it because it sounded exiting and she never did something as sneaky and thrilling as that. She thought that whatever happens, she would definitely get experience and she knew that she would have regretted if she had declined.


Now : Her mother was happy when she started to be more often away from home due to her recruitment, because she thought that Inhyo started to be more sociable and befriend some people. Inhyo did in fact start as a trainer at her father's matrial arts club. It was a perfect job since it kept her in shape - at weekdays she trained matrial arts with her students and afterwards she would go on missions with the other agents. Despite hitting the 27 her body was muscular and trained and she could keep up with many men.

Inhyo is married to Jay Park, they tied the knot in 2013. She lives together with him in his house and since he's a CEO of a hip hop company she has to uphold a certain image and has to accompany him to some boring events and meetings of his business friends. He's wealthy and he told her that she could just give up her job and live off of his money but she doesn't want to stop working and she is angry about such offers since she wants to make her own income. It was easy for her to keep her double life hidden from her parents but it's hard to hide it from Jay since he sometimes gets jealous and pries into her life. 


How and why she got chosen as a secret agent :  She was chosen for her exceptional strenght, flexibility, stamina and agility. Since she won the national tournament she was clearly one of the best Korean females in combat and therefore the perfect addition to a team of agents.






  • peppermint bubble gum and candies
  • manhwas and animes (favorite genres are action, dark, horror and shounen, she stays away from Shoujo and romance-centered manhwas)
  • flowers and their meanings
  • astronomy and space, she's amazed by the beauty of stars and planets
  • strawberries and cherries
  • fashion magazines
  • coffee
  • gemstones
  • driving
  • smoking
  • anything that gives her an adrenaline kick
  • nice scents and perfumes
  • vintage fashion and design

Dislikes :

  • loud, shrill and unpleasant noises
  • Kimchi and any spicy food
  • nail polish or long nails
  • cats
  • sweat
  • talking behind someone's back
  • the colour green
  • chocolate
  • plain water
  • duckface

Hobbies :

  • training
  • spending quality time with her hubby
  • Korean literature [preferably fantasy books but she's actually reading anything]
  • collecting cute but useless things like key chains and lucky charms
  • playing video and computer games
  • chess
  • browsing the web

Habits :

  • Inhyo talks to herself whenever she's under pressure.
  • She uses lots of body language to express something.
  • She plays with her strands of hair whenever she feels self-conscious.
  • Drools while sleeping
  • Blinking when she's nervous.
  • Doesn't cry in front of others.

Trivia :

  • She collects gemstones and has already over fifty different ones. When she is anxious she takes her favorite one, an amethyst, where ever she goes because she thinks they have a positive influence on her.
  • Her favorite movie is 200 pounds beauty. The first time she saw it her parents were eating out and when they came into her room they were shocked about her crying so much. It took a while to explain that this was because of the movie.
  • She has a Aelurophobia and is scared to death whenever she sees a cat. Sometimes she even faints just looking at them.
  • She has 4529 points on chess cube and often plays online chess.
  • Inhyo gains weight easily so in order to lose weight she cut down all the sweets in sixth grade. Now she doesn't even like chocolate as well as most candies anymore and her skin condition got better by a lot.
  • When she writes messages on her mobile she always adds 'XXX' at the bottom of the message.
  • She loves Disney movies. Especially 'Arielle' because she has seen the film over 20 times since she was a five year old.
  • She has a oft spot for fairy tales and myths, like the story about the red thread which makes you meet your soulmate eventually.
  • She possesses 32 different lipsticks. She even has a green one.
  • She loves fashion and often buys some magazines. Her favorite style is vintage and whenever she sees a nice handbag or an old-fashioned watch she just has to buy it. She even decorated her room in a vintage style.
  • Whenever she's depressed she hugs her plush-teddy, puts on headphones and listens to some sad, love-sick ballads.
  • She's left-handed.
  • She likes taking long showers.


Spy Speciality : Combat - as already stated, Inhyo is strong, flexible and agile. She learned combat since she was six years old, is a matrial arts trainer and she possesses a black belt in both Karate and Taekwondo, making her one of the best female fighters in South Korea.

Weakness : Her fatal flaw is her bad temper. Furthermore she's bad at science and doesn't know much about computer-related topics.

Strenght : Anything physical. She has a good perception and she would be decent in handling guns. She's also charismatic and knows how she can leave a good impression on others. And she's brave and gives everything in a mission.




Family members:

father | Yang Hyukwon | 59 | founder and trainer at an matrial arts club; boss of his daughter | They are very close and he's really protective about her. She makes him proud and they have a good relationship.

mother | Yang Sookyung | 58 | housewife | They are also close and her mom is someone who cares a lot about her and always cheers her up in bad situations.

husband | Jay Park | 26 | CEO of record company and label AOMG | in the love interest section

Rival :

Amanda Park | 52 | housewife | Inhyo dislikes her but tries to be friendly while Amanda Park outright bashes her and talks bad about her in front of her and many others. Amanda tries to tell Jay to leave her and tells him that Inhyo cheats on him. Jay is torn and doesn't want to take sides so Amanda continues to make Inhyo's life like hell. | Amanda is Jay's mother and wishes a more demure, soft-spoken and perfect wife for her son








love interest

Name: Jay Park

Age: 27

Occupation : CEO of record company and label AOMG

Personality Traits : ambitious, charismatic, caring, outgoing, funny, thoughtful, passionate, dorky, 4D, romantic, gentleman, perfectionist, prying, nagging, a bit too whiny from time to time, too stubborn, attention-seeking

Personality : At first glance Jay Park might look really confident or conceited but he's actually quite the opposite. He is unpretentious and has good work ethics. He has both a playful and a mature side - when it comes to music and business he's a perfectionist and won't let himself get distracted by anything however, when he's around friends, he's usually the fun-loving, laid-back type. Jay is ambitious and while he isn't arrogant he knows exactly how to leave a good impression on others and that his charisma and good sense of humor makes him popular with the girls. He's also somewhat of a gentleman and popular with girls, something that irritates Inhyo more than she admits. He is a perfectionist and he wants to give his friends, wife and work enough of his time so that he sometimes forgets to sleep or eat entirely so Inhyo has take care of him. He's someone who looks like someone that only likes to party and be happy but he's actually a family guy and very caring.

Jay possesses an outgoing personality and is sociable, it needs no time to befriend him and he likes being the center of attention. He often makes fun of his close friends and therefore he doesn't get offended if they joke about him, either. If you want him to dislike you, you just have to say something disrespectful about his company or wife – then he'll get mad. While he is energetic he also seems very thoughtful and can be also quite absorbed in his thoughts when there is nothing that demands his attention. He actually is a perfectionist and puts 101% effort into everything. He has a good sense of humor and is confident. But he also can be really dorky and 4D and no one knows what's going on in his head. It needs no time to befriend him and Jay very reliable and can take responsibility for his actions. When he is dating he's a very sweet and totally romantic person who gives a lot of compliments. But he's also often worried about her and is a bit unhappy with her leaving and he's whiny when she doesn't have much time for him. He's also a bit too prying and afraid of her having secrets he doesn't know about. However, his company would be his first priority and he wouldn't have much time for his wife. He has a good sense of humor and is rather informal, he doesn't loose his temper easily and he won't get mad if someone forgets honorifics. Jay also can be really dorky and 4D and no one knows what's going on in his head. Furthermore he is very reliable and caring.

How they met ? : They met 2008 through mutual friends at a party. Some girls were trying to get his attention since AOMG just had a rise in popularity but he didn't pay them attention and was immediately charmed by her and tried to get closer to Inhyo. They talked a bit and befriended. They got closer and stated to meet each other, going to the cinema or a restaurant, though Inhyo didn't count this as dating. This changed an evening in December 2009, when they outside late, taking a stroll through a park near the Han river. They were having a snowball fight until Jay suddenly fell into her arms and Inhyo saw the face of her friend so close to her own that she somehow suddenly stopped thinking and leaned closer and kissed him. Jay didn't push her away and kissed her back so they ended up making out in the snow until they heard some people coming and thought that it was better to go, he was a CEO after all.

After that incident Inhyo was wondering if the feelings she had for Jay were still just friendship or changed to love and if he felt the same for her. She got awkward around him and avoided him until he someday turned up at her door with flowers in his hands and asked her to be his girlfriend. She started crying and immediately said yes. Jay tried everything to show Inhyo that he loved her. He brought her presents - Inhyo didn't accept the expensive ones, though - and called her everyday. Without noticing she got much happier just because of him. Inhyo was REALLY in love with him and was on cloud nine whenever she thought of him. 2010 - 2012 he served public service as mandatory military service in Seoul and despite hard Inhyo took care of him when he came from work late at night. In March 2013 they announced their engagement and in July 2013, four years after starting dating, they married.

Interaction : Even though they are a real couple, they are bickering all the time, telling or messaging each other hilariously bad pick-up lines and are often making fun of each other. They also like to make fun of each other but actually rely on the other one a lot. Jay spoils her and often drags Inhyo along to everything he wants to do - a soccer game, checking out a new music store or boring meetings. At the beginning Inhyo is happy that there is someone like Jay who makes her everyday live a bit sweeter.

Plot story : Both like skinship and cuddling but Inhyo is actually a bit embarrassed to act all lovey-dovey in front of others, pick-up lines and bickering is fine but holding hands or kissing in public makes her feel weirdly exposed. After a while their relationship changes for the worse - she feels terrorized by his mother and she wants to be viewed as an independent, strong woman and not as his cute, little girlfriend that dates him for the money (her mother in law was fast to spread rumors among his aquaintances). She feels like their relationship is affecting the way others perceive her and she gets annoyed by that. She rants about his mom which upsets Jay. He feels like she wants to distance herself. After a while he is more and more irritated when she leaves for the missions and he gets jealous and wants her to stay. She gets more annoyed and they start to often argue with each other, one day they are all lovey-dovey, the next day they are fighting and Inhyo thinks about a divorce. But in the end they really love each other and can overcome this obstacle

Back-up love interest : Kim Jonghyun - SHINee 

pretty face

Face claim : Irene Kim

Links :  Tumblr

Back-up face claim : Park Soojoo

Links :  Tumblr

Height : 173cm

Weight : 59kg

Style : She loves vintage fashion. Inhyo feels much more confident if she wears clothes that fit her style. She likes blouses with collars and ribbons. She doesn't like too bright colors either and often wears black, white, and some dark blue and purple. Inhyo has a pretty good sense of fashion. She knows the best clothing stores in Seoul, Busan and Daegu that sell unique clothes which are both eyecatching and cute. She's a fan of vintage but that doesn't mean that she won't wear anything else - it's more the opposite, she tries everything out. Some things she likes the most are white dresses and blouses with laces and she also has a liking for jewelry like necklaces and rings. Furthermore she likes patterns. Inhyo feels self-conscienous about her muscular legs and therefore she doesn't often wear hotpants or really short skirts. She loves accessoires and often wears some bracelets and necklaces, preferably in gold or with pearls.

Links : 

Home - 1  2  3  4  5

Casual - 1  2  3  4  5

Formal - 1    3     

Date - 1   2  3  4   5

Mission - 1  2


Username : Chakayuko

Nickname : Sori

Activeness : 9

Comments : It took so long to fill out this app... Hopefully you like it!

Scene Request : no

Anything ?:  no :)




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layout designed and coded by flamzfox at Cerulean Themes







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