K-pop Quiz

because I'm sick and bored.... 


1. Favorite group? 2PM

2. Favorite guy group & bias? 2PM & Chansung

3. Favorite girl group & bias? MissA & Jia

4. All-time bias? Chansung

5. Favorite maknae? Chansung

6. Favorite leader? Yunho (TVXQ) & Onew (SHINee)

7. Favorite song? That’s impossible... For 2PM (if I only mention the ones I’ve played 400+ times, excluding solos and not summing up different versions): I’m Your Man, Love Song, Missing You, I Can’t, Go Back, Want you back, Stay Here, Back2U, Ha.Ni.Ppun, Heartbeat, Beautiful, I’ll Be OK…. But the list goes on and on and on for songs I’m madly in love with. For non-2PM songs it’s: MissA’s Touch, LeeHi’s Dream that reach 400+… But there are tons of other songs I love, especially with TVXQ, SHINee and Beast

8. Favorite Japanese version of a song? It’s not really a Japanese version if it comes out first in Japanese right? But for songs that first came out in Korean, I love Beast’s Shock and liked it more in Japanese than in Korean

9. Favorite English version of a song? I’m not sure I remember that many English versions.. But I do love Oneways’ Rainy Day in English (especially the Minjun part at the end)

10. Best actor in Kpop? I don’t know about best, but Chansung is obviously my favorite, and I have a major soft spot for Lee Seung Gi, and think he did an amazing job in King2Hearts.

11. Best group on variety shows? 2PM

12. Best-looking? 2PM

13. Cutest couple? Chanwoo (although they are only a couple in my mind kkk)

14. Who would you date? Anyone in 2PM (though we don't really fit), and Onew

15. Who would you date if you were the opposite gender? Anyone in 2PM and Onew

16. Who would you want as an older brother? Minjun (even though he’s younger than me)

17. Who would you want as an older sister? MissA’s Fei (even though she’s younger)

18. Who would make a good husband/wife? Anyone in 2PM, because they are good people, but especially Chansung because he’s kind and caring, for wife I think Jia, because of similar reasons.

19. Favorite album? 2PM's 1:59 PM, Grown & Legend of 2PM. Don’t you dare make me choose.

20. Favorite solo artist? Hmmm I don’t know, LeeHi maybe? Though I mostly just loved one of her songs, maybe I should listen to more.. Sorry I was being an idiot. It can only be one, and it’s JYP.

21. Favorite underappreciated group? U-Kiss maybe… Though I always think 2PM deserve more love lol. And yeah, for some reason I’m kind of in love with this guy here and his voice and his songs… Even though he has only released a few.

22. Favorite music video? I’m Your Man.. I don't think it's necessarily 2PM's best music video... but I've watched it hundreds of times and I never get tired of it, and it always manages to make me feel better. 

23. Favorite dance? Now there you go again, making me choose when it’s impossible… For 2PM it’s I’m Your Man, Back2U, Heartbeat, Again & Again, Don’t Stop Can’t Stop, ADTOY, hot, niga mipda, and the list goes on and on, yeah Step By Step and the Game are also amazing but I haven't watched them often enough to be sure how high they are on my favorites list… Non 2PM: MissA’s Touch, TVXQ’s Mirotic, SHINee’s Lucifer and Beast’s Fiction

24. Favorite costumes/outfits? Pretty much anything that 2PM wear looks awesome. But out of their MV clothes... Maybe ADTOY... Nichkhun with his super-gay sailor hat just does things to me LOL... It's so wrong.. yet it's sooo right

And everyone just... Looks great...

Also the Again & Again look is just amazing, though it's not khunnie's best hair. And the suits in I'm Your Man... just... wonderful... And it's no secret I go crazy over blonde Woo in his solo... but that's more the hair than the outfit though his clothes look good too... And I sort of have a thing for their Without U look, never did hate them using make-up Lol... And their white jackets from Tokyo Dome also... I have a thing for white so... 

GOD the boys are so gorgeous.... 

And then I just.. LOVED everything about JYP's outfit in You're the One, it's just... too damn awesome... But then JYP is my god so... lol...

25. Favorite remix? I’m not much of a remix girl, but maybe BigBang’s Tell Me goodbye… Though TVXQ’s Doue remix is almost so bad it’s good, but don’t listen to it though, just go for the real song because it’s SO GOOD. Oh yeah, and the Hands Up remix was nice too, probably my fav 2PM remix.



26. 2NE1 or KARA? KARA

27. SNSD or After School?  After School

28. f(x) or T-ara? Hmm.. f(x) I guess…

29. Big Bang or 2AM? Big Bang

30. Dalmatian or TRAX? Trax

31. SHINee or 2PM? 2PM

32. CN Blue or SM The Ballad? CN Blue 

33. Super Junior or B2ST? Beast

34. Yuri or Yoona? Yuri… I guess

35. Jonghyun or Key? Key

36. Minho or Taemin? It depends totally on the day of the week (and whether they are dancing or not lol)… Today? Since they are not dancing at the moment… probably Minho... but it might change later...

37. Yoseob or Dongwoon? Yoseob

38. TOP or G-Dragon? G-Dragon

39. Kikwang or Hyunseung?  Hyunseung… Depends on the question though.. 

40. CL or Minzy? Minzy (because she did an awesome collab with chanwoo, kikwang and Taemin, she’s my fav 2NE1 girl)

41. Dara or Bom?  Dara

42. Luna or Krystal? Don’t really know… like them both ok… Maybe Luna

43. Victoria or Sulli?  Same as above… Sulli maybe

44. Amber or Amber?  Amber

45. Jessica or Tiffany?  -

46. Sooyoung or Sunny?  -

47. Yonghwa or Jonghyun?  Yonghwa I guess, but mostly I like them together, meaning I like how their voices fit together.

48. Siwon or Heechul?  Siwon

49. Yesung or Donghae?  Donghae

50. Leeteuk or Kyuhyun? Leeteuk



51. Funniest girl group & funniest girl in the group? Honestly I don’t watch enough girl variety to say who’s the funniest… But I think MissA’s Min is funny, and Kwonnie’s wife from WGM is also really funny… (She’s from Brown Eyed Girls right? Sorry for not knowing)… and I’ve seen Sulli in variety I think, and she was entertaining and seemed nice.

52. Funniest guy group & funniest guy in the group? 2PM and Minjun (Woo is also really funny, and SHINee’s Onew and Key can be hilarious)

53. Funniest group of all? 2PM (I know that is very biased because I watch them a lot more than the rest)

54. Funniest person of all? Minjun.

55. Funniest dance? OneDay collaboration with Abracadabra parody, and it's the iest as well lol... Damn Chansung O.O

56. Funniest song? Same as above

57. Funniest costumes/outfits? 

58. Funniest music video? OneDay Parody above

59. Funniest couple? Khunkay

60. Funniest parody? OneDay Parody

61. Funniest buffalaxed version? Huh?

62. Funniest variety show episode with a Kpop artist? 2PM Show… Hands down. 

63. Funniest impersonation? Onew’s impression of Jonghyung’s singing, and Chansung horrible expression of some actor… that I don't remember where I saw... but it was aweful hahaha... Key making fun of Taemin is also really funny... Key immitating Dongho is also hilarious as is Key immitating Songseung, but then again Key is always funny :)

64. Funniest face? Chansung

65. Funniest mistake onstage? Don’t remember anything specifically, many of the 2PM ones are funny…



66. Do you have any Kpop posters? If so, how many? Plenty… If I’m counting correctly: 12 2PM (including two Woo-posters and one Nichkhun), 5 TVXQ/JYJ, 1 Beast, 1 Onew, 1 JJ Project, 1 BAP and 1 LEDApple.. And yeah, 1 JYP and 1 MissA

67. Do you have any of the actual CDs? All of the 2PM Korean ones (except for the special version of Grown I only have their regular one), 2 albums and 4 singles from their Japanese stuff (and most of their concert DVDs) and both versions of Woo’s solo, for other groups, I have a Beast album, LEDapple one,  BAP album, one JYJ album… TVXQ’s Junsu solo, and I think 2 rather than three TVXQ albums… oh yeah, and a JYP album.. and 1 MissA so yeah, plenty… But most of them (except for some of the 2PM and the TVXQ/JYJ stuff) were bought in Korea where they are much cheaper than online and I admit I bought most of them to get the posters.

68. If you’ve bought any Kpop songs on iTunes, how many have you bought? None

69. Have you ever covered a Kpop song or dance? No. 

70. Have you ever participated in a Kpop flash mob? No.

71. Have you ever been to a live concert? Yes, 2PM (yay!), Cube Entertainment, Beast, Big Bang, Jay Park, and Music Bank in Paris with various artists and I saw HaHa and his musical partner live in Korea by a coincidence, plus a concert on Heundae Beach in Busan, with Baek Jiyoung from Taec's candy collab. Daesung's lookalike, aaah, I don't remember his name at the moment - a ballad singer, BIGSTAR and some other people... 

72. Have you ever talked to a Kpop artist in person? Talking is maybe taking things to far, but one of the LEDapple singers said “What’s up” to me. And the D-Unit cuties might have mumbled a thank you towards my direction…

73. Do you have anything signed by a Kpop artist? No.

74. Do you check allkpop or another Kpop news website daily or on a regular basis? No.

75. Do you have a Kpop tumblr? If not, do you look at other peoples’ Kpop tumblrs? I don’t have a tumblr but I do look at other peoples’, but mostly just for 2PM



76. How did you get into Kpop? After getting to know 2AM through OST, I finally got into K-pop by falling in love with 2PM’s music, and later the guys too.

77. What was the first song you ever heard? OST, probably from you’re beautiful and Personal Preference, some CNblue songs I liked and more songs I don’t remember anymore, 2PM’s Don’t Stop Can’t Stop & WithoutU were the first ones to really get my attention.

78. First group you knew about? Hmm… 2AM probably.. and CNblue, through dramas

79. First group you really got into? 2PM, and G-Dragon

80. How long ago did you discover Kpop? I don’t know 4 years almost? Fell for it 3,5 years ago

81. Did you like it or dislike it when you first discovered it? I sort of knew it was there for a while, but nothing got me hooked until I fell for 2PM

82. Is your current favorite group the first one you discovered? Sort of, I mean I had heard other groups, but 2PM was the first I fell for.

83. If not, how long did it take you to discover your favorite group? It took me, I don’t know, half a year maybe to realize it was not just a fluke I fell for a couple of 2PM songs but that I like most of them.

84. First variety/reality show you watched that had a Kpop artist in it? Strong Heart

85. First song/MV/pic/whatever that made you fangirl scream? Don’t remember… Maybe I’ll Be Back, but I know I definitely fangirl screamed over Joo’s Bad Guy (which features Chansung), and TVXQ’s Mirotic had me squealing pretty good also.. But probably the first thing that really made me fanscream, though I denied it afterwards was this thing here.... The way Chansung moves.... it just... gets to me



86. Least favorite group & least favorite member? SNSD, and Yoona probably   

87. Least favorite guy group & least favorite member? I don’t know if I have a least favorite guy group, if I don’t like the music usually I just don’t listen to them and forget about them, but least favorite member of any guy group is Shindong, he just doesn’t strike me as being that nice and I don't think he's funny.

88. Least favorite girl group & least favorite member? See 86.

89. Least favorite member of your favorite group? Jay Park… Sorry sugar… still love you a lot… Just that it’s unfair to compare to the rest of them.

90. Least favorite song? Fantastic Baby

91. Worst-looking? That is a harsh question. But look-wise the boys from EXO aren’t really my type, though I do like some of their songs.

92. Who would you never want as an older brother? Shindong

93. Who would you never want as an older sister? Yoona

94. Least favorite solo artist? I donno, Ailee isn’t really my style, or the superfast rapper I don’t remember the name of at the moment… over-something.. or under-something, I don’t remember (Outsider... I just remembered)

95. Least favorite music video? Hmm.. don’t remember anything, usually I just stop watching if I’m not that interested. Generally I prefer dancing videos over story videos… And I generally don’t like it that much if there is a break in the song or parts with no music… So out of 2PM’s videos Tik Tok is my least favorite, and though I do love the song, I've only watched it once or twice and think that is enough. 

And yeah, although I really did like the song (and generally like them), this MR. MR's Waiting for You video annoyed me a lot, since it just... makes No sense and not in the fun way... Yes I know she forgot her telephone at home, but there is just NO way she would go through a whole day with out the possibility of making a phone call... so it's nonsense and it annoyed me, but I like the song.

96. Least favorite dance? Don’t remember anything especially, though super ty girl-dances get kind of boring, don’t get me wrong I don’t mind them doing it, by all means please your fans, it's just that if tiness is the only appeal I get bored…  though I did like G.NA’s 2HOT, which was kinda ty lol and though I prefer their other videos I definitely don't hate MissA's Bad Girl, Good Girl which is also pretty ty.... So probably I have a higher tolerance if I like the girls and the songs in the videos… 

97. Least favorite costumes/outfits? Don’t remember anything… Even though TVXQ had Horrible outfits and hair at the beginning of their career, I sort of end up falling for it if I watch it often enough LOL… Though the wallpaper-suits in Keep your head down wasn’t really a favorite.

But *shrugges* I guess it could be worse 

And NO I did not like SHINee’s promo fics for Sherlock (and no I'm not posting pics, because I'm ignoring that ever happened), and I do think in general they don’t have the best stylists.

But how happy I am this happened: 


***SECTION 7: BIAS <3*** 

98. If you were only able to say five words max to your bias, what would you say? I don’t know, “Thank you for bringing happiness”

99. If your bias kissed you, how would you react? I’d kiss him back

100. If your bias asked you to marry him/her, how would you react? Try to convince him that it was probably not the best move for his career, and see if I could get him to agree to just dating.



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Aww you sound super cool ^_^ I never knew zat you are actually elder than Minjunnie :O
And golly I can't disagree with you bout Minjun being the funniest! xDD That's one of the reasons why he is my bias ;) he's so easy going..
Ah I wonder why you don't create a tumblr blog. In my op, you are a type of a person who would love tumblr (like me) *-*
Chansung, chansung, chansung, chansung, hha my bias was chan,taec,and khun, but I love all the members, but if I had to choose one I'm going to choose channie too, although my bias was chan,taec,and khun, I have channie photos more than taec and khun on my phone hha, just never get bored looking at him I think. Anyway my fav girl group was miss A and after school(esp.nana) they are amazing and really deserve more than what they got now, and hifive! All your 2pm fav song was my fav too, I really enjoyed reading all your answer <3 (sorry for my broken english)
Wow just know that you dislike Yoona that much. You must dislike overrated things then huh?
Seem like you like I'm Your Man a lot... Well, I like it as well xD
The Daesung look alike is K.Will xD
People (including myself) often joke that Taemin is their love child xD