Me and My Weird Mind



Hi folks...


This is just a completely meaningless post where I tell you about a dream I just had (literally just minutes ago)...

I know a lot of people hate hearing about other people's dreams so... here's your chance to back out....



But anywho, in the dream I was visiting a research facility that had some connections with SM-entertainment (money-wise I think). So when I was done with the science, the instructor called Kai and asked him to show me around campus...

And I was like: “Exo's-Kai? But Why?” I wasn't important or anything so it didn't make any sense that he'd come all the way down just to show me around.


But I went to meet him, and turns out it wasn't Kai, but the lesser known K-pop-idol Kyle... I had just misheard the guy calling since my hearing isn't all that great... So I was like: “Aaahhh that makes much more sense!” and thought that would probably be a lot better, since we wouldn't have to worry about fangirls gathering around us, so we could walk much more freely around campus...


And Kyle, who was a cutie, reminded me of BAP's Daehyun but a little bigger with red hair, but anywho he told me about his biggest hit: “The Shagged Ladies” which for the life of me I couldn't remember, even if it was from 2012 when I was far more up to date in K-pop than I am today...

He was a bit sad, but not surprised, because apparently it hadn't been that big of a hit, and in fact his band wasn't really doing great. And I kept thinking how any band associated with SM could be that small that I had never even heard of it.


After showing me around campus he took me to see his brother, who wasn't really chubby, but had a round face and a full beard, which is strange for a K-pop-idol and any Korean in fact. And they invited me to see a show where they were going to re-enact their most recent MV on stage, which I of course accepted.


On the way Kyle's brother talked to me about the fame that never came... and how everyone always dream of having talent, but that talent means nothing if you're not willing to put in the hours...


And well, we went to the gym where the show was being held, there were some people to watch it, and the show began.



There were four of them, Kyle and his brother and two other, and they started singing, and I started to understand about what Kyle's brother had said about not being willing to put in the hours, because their voices weren't bad or anything, it was just obvious they had not practised at all, and even their elementary-school-dance-moves were all out of sync.

The song wasn't bad though, and a fiddler jumped in on stage, hopping around, playing his fiddle, and then I remembered it was the first K-band with a fiddler on board. For a while he jumped around in what seemed to be an improvised manner, and people with drums were dancing around..


Then suddenly, onto the stage came a cardboard-Hillary-Clinton with a huge head (and a big smile) on a jumping stick and she hopped around with them for a while too.

Then Cardboard-Hillary-Clinton left the stage on a big white Unicorn, but when she had left the K-idols, it started getting cold, and fake Hillary and her horse froze completely solid, and were covered with ice completely.


Then the focus was put on the wast sea, which wasn't frozen, but it was dark and clearly cold. Over the sea was a tree hovering, and inside the tree was one of the K-idols, maybe Kyle I don't know, because the only thing that could be seen was his leg, clothed in white shiny sweatpants, standing out from a hole in the tree. And that leg, hovering over the cold dark sea, preformed a supposedly very deep and meaningful and expressive dance...


And I just remember thinking:

"Wow, sometimes it is understandable why K-pop-bands don't make it..."


That is all folks!

Thanks for reading!





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Puahahahaha! Too funny and indeed weird dream which is normal. But I cracked up with the Hillary Clinton part lmao so funny! I love dream recounts.
You lost me at Hilary clinton lol
Now you know sometimes our dreams relate to things that we may have thought of or come across but didnt really pay much attention, or push aside but this is store in our sub.con, so whem you fall asleep n your mind rest your sub.con takes over n reminds you of problems u were worrying about or a person you were unconsciously thinking up by putting images or symbols into your dreams..... Anyway i could sit here and present a full thesis to you on dreams n how they affect the mind and blah blah blah BUT what am getting at is what in the world were you thinking of tht let to this dream lol
Things seemed to be going okay until cardboard Hillary Clinton...
actually i really like that dream, it's weird but its just real, and on the other hand its understandable why they can't put more ours in it.
Because soemtimes al the hour syou put in means nothing if not the right people see it or if you just not the type who gets lucky for the chance.
and thats why thsi dream really touched me, it's so deep ;_;
Hahaha, I like your thoughts :P Soo like fanfiction ^^
affgaga #6
ahahahaha.. your dream can be another fanfiction.. :P