Where are your updates Noona???



Hello Subscribers!

I want to apologize for the lack of updates recently. There has been a lot going on in not only my personal life but my business life as well and I havent really had a chance to sit down and write/update. I'm happy to say, however, that the last and final chapter of The Five Promises is almost done and should be out sometimes TODAY or TOMORROW! 

Ive actually been working on Ch. 36 for a long while, and had to take a break from it as it was giving me grief. The chapter has a specific scene progression and I was having issues with their flow but I finally figured out a way to fix it so it makes sense. I am currently working on the final scene.. and should be done within the next few hours. 


As for the updates for Midnight Winds, The Lady N, and Of Wolves and Dragonkin, I will work on theme sporatically while I have time. I may or maynot be able to post an update before April 15th but I will try. Between April 15th and April 23rd I will be completely unavailable to update any of my currently running fictions as I will be traveling out of the continental United States for a vacation of a lifetime. Where am I going? Hint: tropical beaches, volcanoes, blue ocean, and hula skirts! 

Once I return from my vacation, updates will be back on schedule. Please make sure to subscribe to all my stories to see what unfolds in each universe. ^_^

Thank you all for your unwavering support and understanding! 

Much Love, 



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ozwalkr #1
Hawaii is not continental US...LOL! Just our only true island state.. But I hope you have a lovely time. One MUST see is the drive up the Kona coast if you get that chance. BEAUTIFUL!! I look forward to 5P, bat am sad to see it end. It was one of the first 5 fics I picked to read on this site and holds a great deal of meaning for me. Thanks for such a wonderful, if angsty, ride. *Big hug and kiss on the cheek* Komawo chingua.