What is this? Not a TOP spam?

I have a new k-crush. Korean crush. He's a baby. OMG. B-but he is tooooooo precious to pass off. A bit of context, I liked him in Cunning Single Lady. hahahaha. And well, I had a crush on him because of his character name which is... erm Guk Seong hyeon, which of course, has nothing to do with TOP. (Yes, I'm lying.) This isn't going to be pretty.


Well, he's a kid. Born freshly in 1993. TAT I feel bad. Bad. I am 7 years his senior. Ghaaaak. Whatever. LOL.


I wanted to post this because... well, a like him and I should have his photos, because he isn't just a name he's a freaking institution. okay. no. I just really think he's cute. and he has y photos which you should see. Or not. I am really just here to amuse myself. :3


For one thing, I think he's not breath taking compared to... well TOP. But he's so animated. Which is good because he's animate. You know inanimate is an object right? What? What? I am just amusing myself.


Oh btw, Girl of Cunning Lady, I think you are gorgeous!

I always, always perked up seeing his name on the subs. Because Seong Hyeon amuses me. Lately, it turned to a more explicitly spelled Seung hyun. :3


I think my favourite feature is his lips. Or lip expressions? Hahaha.

But I think mostly it's his charm. And really Lee Min-Jung reacts to him so well. /claps

My interest generated this:

which of course reminded me of this:

... and is it normal that I spazzed over Eun Hye after. Hahaha.

TTATT I live vicariously through other women. OTL

Bath Tub photooooo!

Ahahahaha. OTL


TOP is distracting me. OTL


He's 20. He's 20.

Super kawaiiiiii though. OTL


Radiant creature.

Again, with Eun Hye!

Oh whoops, TOP keeps sneaking in.

Whoa. Possessie hand over his abdomen. :3 :3

Eun hye is kinda aggressive in these photoshoot concepts. :3

And it's hard to TOP, TOP, yah know. :3

I should really go study...

Hahaha. Let's end this with a baffled Choi Seung hyun! I still love you the most.

I am slightly confused now. Um



Break glass in case of khdfkghdkfgdskglhlfd.

I... I...


I'm leaving!


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bmsqrdd #1
Lmao this is me on tumblr or in real life tbh


the conversations I have: without him, not about him, goes without a mention of his name. But in my head: I have spent my conversations talking about him, my memory which has a permanent TOP fixture now and which the neurons like visiting the most colours the words I hear and I understand and its just sad and amusing tbvh lmao.

rambling and but yes at least I know you know how i feel
Break glass in case of khdfkghdkfgdskglhlfd.

hahahaha..LOL!..It's a TOP ENDING..
But I like that kdrama too..
bcoz of Lee Min Jung..
SHe's such a great actress..
in the end TOP ruled... but I like that little boy too first saw him in the suspicious house keeper. I think he's a pretty good actor because he can do a teenage role and a slightly older character and give justice to it. and he has on screen chemistry w/ minjung. I kinda want then to end up together.
It ended being a TOP spam. OTL