KDramas, sev watched, watching and some thoughts

I am not a big fan of dramas, as I am not a big fan of television. However, I am a big trip-and-fall-face-first-in- procrastinator, so as my things to do piles up, I find dramas mindlessly rewarding... in an eat my time, kick myself on the face kind of way...


I should be writing about Jesus, because I am taking Bible in literature, which is all fun and good, if they didn't make me write essays about Jesus portrayal in the 4 Gospels. I mean, I've been staring at the temptation of Satan for four hours and I still don't know why Matthew paid more focus on not having other gods, and Luke is more fixed on trying god.... I mean, given their audience (Matthew=Jews, Luke=general poor including gentiles) is that... because Matthew relates focus on the old testament (very Moses of him), and Luke is speaking to the poor who could demand of god... but that doesn't make sense. Oh god, helllppp me this course is too hard. ;A;


So anywho, as I try to untangle the bible and preconceived notion, I decided to watch several Kdramas because.. well, just because a lot of people in my TL seemed to be involved with it. First I watched a couple of series available free on Netflix. I watched and completed Pasta,  Secret Garden, Lie to Me... and did not finish Princess Hours, Creating Destiny... then I kind of watched things on line: You who came from the stars, Cunning Single Lady




The thing I find a common thematic thingy, is that these "romantic stories" are elaboration of ism. Yes, ism. And because I try I am a feminist, they don't sit to well with me. I like them, but never really all that much. I think Pasta was my favourite just because lead female wants to be a pasta chef and she became one.


Have you ever noticed that men always seem like douches in dramas. They make me so angry.


I am now having a mild migraine. Ugh. So good bye coherent train of thought.


Anywho, I really wanted to say something, but now everything is jumbled in my head. I will try to write this as coherent as possible.


First off, I do hunt for these kind of dramas, because I like certain mindlessness and lightness. Since I usually watch psychological, depressing , a hit of fluff is necessary to my being. There was a time that I would deny watching these and insist I enjoy -kicking much more, but mindless -kicking is cool but way too aggravating for me, kdramas well, they feel nice and relaxing, kind of a stand-in nap. I don't make sense.


But anyway, why am writing this again? I forget. Well, mostly to give my thoughts voice because they are rampant in my head and none of them about Jesus and I hate myself, you know, the usual. So to give some illusion of linearity I will try to give a synopsis of my impression and thoughts to everything I've watched lately. Why? Because I just like to write something other than school astics. Anyway, to start:



I started watching Pasta because of this teaser image on Netflix. Visually I think this says something. I mean, she's alone in it and she's wearing chef's clothes. This girl has an identity outside wanting to be romantically involved. I like that idea. I like aspiration stories, because everyone wants to be thrown platitudes once in a while. You know to keep the fires of dreams burning. So I watched this and lo and behold it starts with her being the kitchen helper and god does this speak to me or what? Because I have interned in a convention centre for a few months and that drudgery of peeling frozen shrimps and deboning ing chicken... UGH. This is why I'm not a chef. Nor do I enjoy cooking. I know how to but god I have no stomach for it. But yeah, that aside, I liked the realism of this, even if starts with the common Cinderella motif. I like that she isn't dropdead gorgeous as well. She's simple, simple-minded, determined. She endures and she finally gets to hold a frying pan, then enters prince ist and fires all the females. This is where everything gets annoying, because I empathize with her. I mean, I have a dream and I think that if someone pulled out the rug from under me when I am at the brink of finally, finally achieveing it, I'd probably kill something. But of course, said character is not sevvy, so she does what she's good at, which is endure. She shows up at the job after being fired, she does this several times and you realize she has so little pride. I think that can get to someone. What I thought of is how I wanted that kind of dream, you know, something that trumps shame, and self-preservation. The fact is she's dumb, but in the end she's happy. I want that. LOL.

What I liked: I actually liked the romance bit. I mean their interaction, when Chef (Prince ist) is being all nice to her. I thought Chef is an jerk and really I want to set his hair on fire, but he is cute in some places. I would not date him or anyone like him, but still I liked them as an expression of the romantic. I liked the fact that he remains an throughout, just because there are stories when the man change and it gives that illusion that men change in love and that's just a dumb fantasy. People change when they want to, and sometimes, most of the time, they never do. I like how he pointedly made steps for her to stay and not go to Italy to fulfill her dreams, I liked that. It so ing devious, and so un-princely I thought it was adorable. I liked it when she kept changing her mind man-dreams-man, because it is a difficult choice and they portrayed it as honestly as they could. I liked the very small things he does when he realizes he made a mistake, I mean still the jerk , but he's changing, a tiny, tiny bit.

What I didn't like: Of course, it frustrated me that she has no backbone, and he does so many, many things that makes me want to kick his . I have no redeeming statements about this. If anything, I just think that they were meant for each other the -asswipe. Not as condescending as that sounds. Hahaha. You know, asses need their asswipes. Sorry.

Disappointments: I thought this was a dream-centered story which it isn't as much as I expected. She did end up winning a competition, but I kind of thought it would be something like Cooking Master Boy. Hahaha. I don't remember as much as I should. It's a nice watch to pass time. I did not get hungry for this though which was something I expected. I did cook pasta on the firt episode bit you'd realize this is less about cooking, and more about... well, I guess, romance. OTL


Secret Garden

I watched this because of... well because Big Bang made a parady of it and I like TOP. So I watched this. I don't really know. Overall, I think I may have enjoyed this more than I remember.

What I liked: I like female lead who I forgot the name of. She's not your atypical damsel in distress, and there are moments when she actually really did look like Jiyong. Hahaha. I like the body swap, because I don't usually follow this kind of tv trope, so I thought it was funny. I liked the side story about Lawyer Cha (haha, I mean, kpop idol Cha) and his girlfriend. I liked how he was , and then he figured it out then he tried being nice. You know, simple thingies.

What I didn't like: That dude is an . Ugh. I hate him. And why is it that women are always poor and men are always rich and women are expected to marry into a better life. He's an and he kept saying really horrible things like disappear like foam, and you go and kill yourself, kid. So I actually, did not like them to be together, since I didn't actually think anything was likable about him. I mean, if the actor was TOP I might... no, no I wont. (Actually, I would, TOP is TOP though, and being foam doesn't sound too bad. Hahaha.)

I have nothing more to say about this, possibly because I don't remember too much about it. I did not like how it ended, with a lot of carelessly tied loose ends, even the curse-magic thing and his elevator-phobia. I wish it was done better. Is all.

Lie to Me

I watched this because of the title. Hahaha. I like the deviousness of it.

What I liked: I like the beginnings. I mean, sure it's kind of petty how she tried lying about being married because her bestfriend married her first love, but I kind of get it. I also found after watching this that women in stories always "Blame it on the Alcohol" motif. But this is the first time it was so blatant to me and she is just always drunk and I find it hilarious. I liked that she actually drags him into it, I don't even remember why he needs to lie as well. I liked that she did not marry him the instant he asked because she wanted to know herself. I also liked her reoccuring jacket (the military style one. LOL)

What I didn't like: I don't like that marriage is a success status. I don't like how they fell in love, I mean the first kiss was fine and good but all of a sudden he's devoted to her. I don't know, I find dramas cram something profound like love in a short space of time, and I think it proliferates the idealism of whirlwind romances.  I don't know. LOL. I also did not like the toxicity of female friendship here (I find this occurs in other stories as well.) I did not like that I did not understand how she defined herself in that instant of her self-quest.

I think I liked this story, save from the romance itself. I thought the guy was cute and I had a thing for him for quite sometime. LOL.

My Princess

I didn't get to finish this, because I got bored. I don't know why i watched this... and what I got from this.

I am of course, tired of rags to riches trope. I thought it would be interesting and there is a touch of history and politics in this, and I thought her reading mature online stories really hilarious. After a time though, I got bored of it... which is not that bad sounding, I mean I get bored with the earlier three as well, but I kind of powered through them. This I just ended up getting distracted with A Company Man (which btw a good action film).

Creating Destiny

I watched this because I thought the girl was cute. Haha.

I didn't like this possibly because it's about arranged weddings which is outdated and unfair. I think I watched this because they wanted to go against the concept. But more grating is the conservative values in this, about family and stuff and collectivism that I never really quite understand possibly because I a selfish douche. I am not judging traditional culture, and condemning it. But I found this very hard to understand. Like being forced to have children (I mean, is there not a world where you can choose not to reproduce). And again, the male being so in power and being a doctor and again an with the woman lawyer who doesn't practice what she studied for years and just gets chucked to a culture under the premise that Korean is better. I don't know. I didn't like this because well, obviously I am not korean, and this is saying TOP wouldn't marry me or something... hahaha. /ran over


You who came from the stars

Okay, so I watched this because Shy and Momo were gushing about it on twitter... and I wanted something to watch.

What I liked: I liked that this has a touch of history and sci-fi. I liked Do-manager, lol and I liked the Supermanish feels when he stopped the car from going over the cliff. I liked Song Yi, most of the time, because she's fabulously crazy. I loved Se Mi and Hui Kyeong. I think I cried when Se Mi pleaded song yi to take Hui Kyeong. I don't know. The selflessness and the selfishness of it. I mean, the beauty of asking someone to make a loved one happy with actual disregard of the other person's happiness. I liked it. I thought it was beautiful Hui-kyeong is forever the good guy. I dunno, I have a soft spot for side characters. I like Jae kyeong as well. I don't know. i think I am the only one. LOL

What I didn't like: I didn't like that the bad guy is just a flat sociopath. I didn't like the ending, the whole wormhole bit is absurd, and the acceptance of what he is in society is strange. I didn't like that the lead character did not undergo change whatsoever, she just fell in love and everything fell nicely into place. I actually liked the short span of them slightly liking each other rather than the actual relationship that felt a lot rushed, kind of strange, and unbelievable.

I can hear your voice.

You know what I like... I can hear your voice. I think this is the best experience I had with a drama. Nothing too overbearing, I think the characters are just right. I loved a lot about this. And all the characters even the bad guy with a rich back story. ;A; I liked the philosophy of justice (very conservative, but I still like the expression). I liked Lawyer Jjang, and Lawyer Cha and Soo Ha. I liked the amount of drama and the acting was superb. I don't if I'm gushing too much but in some scenes (Da Hee scenes mostly) I cry at the sheer intensity of the acting. My girl crush Lee Da Hee is such a moving crier, it's not even fair to the world. LOL

What I didn't like. Well, I like Soo Ha. I really, really do but he's a touch dead pan. I wish he'd improve someday.


I guess I'm leaving. Not that anyone cares. Huzzah, time wasted. Time to mourn.



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Lina90 #1
IKR!! Why the male lead always be rich then the female is poor as if woman always need rich guy.. well we need it. But yknow it started getting my nerve and Im sick of it. Thats why I dont really like secret garden. Btw, I think we kind of having the same taste for drama lol!! I love pasta so much!!.. unlike you.. it does make me hungry tough.. I kept cooking pasta or at least ramen when I was watching it.. lol.. I like drama with profesion element involved.. not just romance.. but I like the romance in pasta too.. And I think I hear ur voice was my fave drama last year lol.. I love the female lead.. and I fall hard with the male lead.. which his real name us lee jong suk.. I think he did better in drama tittled 'school 2013'... although thr drama have no romance at all.. unless you have a thing with bromance.. he played it with kim woo bin, then they became popular after thr shiw.. you should watch it!! Unlike any drama ive ever watched lol
shining_writer #2
Have you watched the drama "Tempation of Wife"? (I translated it literally from the Chinese title) You took the words from my mouth. Elaboration of ism. Which irks me because cliche fics in AFF portray almost the same thing. And I have a big problem with that. I must admit that I read the cliches occasionally for the feels, and when I see ism being portrayed I go crazy.