Trip to the salon.

i went to the salon earlier and highlighted my hair. :D


at last i did it. after so long of waiting. my hair is black and i dyed it dark blue. it came out pretty much what i wanted it to be. it's dark blue at some parts and blue-ish green on some other parts. yeahhh~


my best friend accompanied me for that long three hours.. bless her soul.. she was pretty happy even though she didn't get to dye her hair because the salon was playing kpop songs the whole time we were there (much to her delight). she plans on trying out for the online auditions for JYP soon, (wish her luck!) so we usually talk random nonsense like how her life would be if she really successfully gets to debut.


we were running late so towards the end, two of the hairstylist dried my hair for me. i wriggled my brows at my best friend. i told her "imagine you're me right now, and you're sitting in the salon getting your hair done by proffesionals because you'll be up on stage in half an hour's time." she just gave me her sheepish smile.


i wonder how my friends will react tomorrow in college. so far no one in college has their hair dyed/highlighted blue (except one of my ex-high school friend who went yolo and dyed her hair blond.. bleached it). take note, i'm an asian.. so dyeing hair blonde is not normal at all..


i don't know why but pink ombre hair seems to be in trend here (it's like black hair and pink ends). so i went hipster and had blue streaks instead. :DD


[13.03.2014 | 2305]


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ParkHyeri #1
Oh! That sounds really cool!
your new hair sounds cool!