Humans, people, existence that I wish I had no interaction with.

I wish I was a rock, then I wouldn't have opinions, then you wouldn't have to contradict me. I mean, you sound like an intelligent person, you even use a beta when you write. You sit on your high chair of intellectual elitism. Yay. For you.


You actually write like you know what you're doing. I feel sort of inferior. Here, have a fragment or a run on, I don't even know.


Maybe you should learn a blog etiquette, since you are so smart. First, before you comment, read it. Second, when I respond to you, stop being such a ing pompous when I'm trying to be nice. Your logic is circular.


Here --> is not . FACT.

My reply --> But to say s are not a reference to is ignorant.

Your reply --> But to be judgemental of ual expression because you find it icky is also ignorant.


OKAY SO I REPLY WITH A NICE TONE, because I want to be ing nice for once and hear you out. But here. KNOW THAT YOU ACTUALLY AGREED YOU ARE IGNORANT.

Your second premise that I am also ignorant because I am being judgemental because I found it icky is null and void because though I am judging, it's not because I found it icky, I found it... morally questionable... I ask you what is the message, and you tell me to read more about uality, and gender politics? You obviously know about me, since you don't know I am a feminist.

I champion women who are in love and stupidly so, saying that it is everyone's right to be stupid.

I say promiscuity is fine, as long as you know you are promiscous and in know that in some ways, at least in societal values, you are wrong.

Feminist movements are actually rooted on equality and saying that we are more than our . That we enjoy , that we can use it as leverage in some instances, but we are intellectual beings not controlled by our loins, not to be controlled by anothers loins, or if loins are in control we acknowledge it and not make it into some social gathering to celebrate loin metastasis.


I don't know. I really don't know how to talk to people, it's not like I want you to agree with me, but at least have decency to bring a solid argument. If I sound contradicting it's because I follow the structure of rhetoric, I qualify your point. Yes, you are free to be a ual creature, but to make it a highlight of your message  I squint and think that maybe this is just some commercial stint.

Are we just ual beings?


I thought before 2ne1 was y without being defined as ual... they made that make sense.


Now... now it's less.


It's not like I'm telling you to abandon ship and not like 2ne1 anymore, since I still do. I like their songs, their tone, the message of transcendental cultures, but I think they are falling into the trap of sells if they continue, and if you think it's okay, then that's you and what's me is saying that it isn't.


ual expression should not be just expressing , because if it is, we might as well just watch , or get real .


I mean, if you want me to change my mind, tell me why you think the was a necessity, why you liked it?


I didn't because I think it debases their status as musical artists and their strong woman persona. Now, your turn.


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dockie8ph #1
i love how you express your opinions! just remember that we cannot please everybody, we love 2ne1 and we all agree with that. me too, sometimes i can't help myself but react to those bashers on youtube, hahaha... my office mate even told me, that she cursed and reacted to someone in youtube regarding 2ne1 not having talent! i love those young people who are opinionated, but we should also be ready for comments, agreeing or not with us! keep it coming girl!