[ HELP ] So there's this guy in 9th grade


and he is texting me and he wants my number but damn I guess he's like 15/16 while I'm going to be 18 this year lol sorry, yeah my crush is also one year younger than me but urgh wsedrftgzhuikm (I'm 10th grade btw)

Jonas (the boy's name) is whining like

"Ugh, all pretty girls are taken or doesn't want anything from me"

Me: "It's the same with me :D"

He: "You're pretty ): :* "

Me: "Merci beaucoup but I know prettier girls :D"



[UPDATE]     He said I'm in his taste for girls...Gawd, the only thing I hear this from is my ex and my ex-boyfriend's mom is bout to die because she got hit by a car heavily ><



Well, thank you


Lately weird dreams featuring my crush (so, yeah, Theo) are coming up again guYSE S HELP MOI

P.S.: *listening to 2ne1's new album Crush, finally* DAMN IT'S SO AMAZING EARGASSSSSSSSM


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Raeinren #1
18 this year? 10 grade? Really? .-.

Lol for your story :p
Wow! I have experienced that lol XD I know how you feel.
Gott, ich weiß wie du dich fühlst XD Ich meine, ich bin 20 (werd 21) und ich werde von 16 jährige typen angemacht :'D Ich hab mal ausversehen mit nem 16 jährigen rumgeknutscht und er hat mir gesagt er wäre 19. Nix da, sein kumpel hat ihn voll auffliegen lassen XD
Gib ihm ganz freundlich nen korb und wenn das nicht funktioniert... dann sags einfach gerade heraus XD
I laugh so hard with the blog's tags
Hahah you're his Noona 8D