secretseven, wae so serious?


Note: If you are my friend, and you feel like this is applicable to you, it's not. I try not to be an to my friends. So if I tell you I love you, at least once, you're safe from my rabid spittle fit.


I don't particularly know why I keep writing blog posts. I don't particularly know why I do anything. Life is so pointless, I can't even breathe without thinking existential mumbo-jumbo.


I recently deactivated my twitter because I am so angry... mostly for being spoken to so casually by people I don't know. Which is, by any standard weird, because how do you know people if you don't strike that first conversation?


But that's not how I feel. I feel invaded, like my thinking space needs to accomodate you which I guess it does. Recently, YG United was tweeting that I somehow made an actual painting of TOP. A ing actual painting. And they have that audacity to put my ing twitter handle in there and everyone kept retweeting it and they don't even bother with me saying "Oh hey, I hope you know I didn't make this please take it down." No, YGUnited tags me without consent and I just sit there looking an idiot being told this painting is good like I am ing Van Gogh. I did say it was mine in an RP conversation, that people think thay have the right to assume I say seriously because you know, I talk to the real Sandara Park who is married to the real Seung hyun Choi and I am of course really a ing dog who can paint. Yes. Thank you.

Now, people invade my privacy because I am somehow a public figure just because my account is public. But I don't ing now why people don't at least have that shred of respect to invade my privacy properly. READ THE ING CONVO, take in the context. Stop making me look like an idiot claiming artwork I didn't make. AND FOR GOD'S SAKE READ YOUR ING MENTION THAT SAY "Uhhh duhhhh, can you not mention my name in that ing lie you are spreading."


No, I am ignored. Because you know, I am no one. Just someone you can ing mention because you want to... thanks a lot, s.

 Thanks a ing bunch.


Then this glorious stint about being asked why I don't subscribe to a story anymore, and I don't know why anyone would engage me in this conversation. Screen shot my old comments and make me feel like a douche for unsubbing. I don't know what kind of world you live in but when a person stops reading usually it means they lost interest. Now I don't even know why you'd want this conversation to happen and you being nice about it, makes me feel like . I don't know. I make you sad because I unsubbed? Don't live that way, I have thousands of subs and they unsub, resub, unsub and if I give a then my emotional yoyo would take on double speed.


My tastes are not impeccable. I think I don't read as much lately because everything is kinda ruining my grammar which is impeccable to begin with. I mean of course, impeccably ty.


There are days I am okay with general fluff, and cliches but there are days I want to kill something because of it. If I don't like your story, it doesn't mean I'm being a douche about it, it usually just means that. I don't like your story, and now you open this conversation for me to offend you and you even bring up that you read all my stories like I owe you something. I never force anyone to read my . Never. I have never asked someone to read my to begin with. Or to be their favorite.


Reading or liking me doesn't make us friends.


I don't even know, why you'd make me feel like an when all I want is to write and be left alone.


If you want to be my friend why not do it normally and talk to me like I'm a human being and not ask me why I don't read you.


Could you have phrased it better? I don't really know. I would never ask someone why they'd unsub me. Never. Just because I think everyone has the right to leave when they're bored or if I offended them. I don't know why I have to care about other people's feelings when nobody ever considers mine.


I don't like being angry or offended or an , even if I am. I don't. I just want to write and laugh and being delu over tabisan when it's possible.




Lastly, I posted a photoshopped picture of TOP. And someone out of the blue tells me it shopped. And I go, I know. And person goes, it sounded like you didn't.






I don't even know why you think you can talk to me like I posted this for your ing entertainment. I don't even know you. WHO THE ARE YOU? I'm sure as hell you don't know me, now you make me want to.. I don't know. Hurt someone. Most likely you.


And I know that's awful, and I'm a jerk with an extremely volatile personality. I get that.


I know that.


But I don't get why you're talking to me.


You correct me.


But you correcting me makes me wrong. Like kid, how many edited photos of TOP do you think I have gone through already. And the quality is not even good, like his hair isn't even right. And you tell me, like I'm an idiot you need to school that it's shopped and that I sound like a dunce because I THINK IT'S REAL. BECAUSE YOU ING HERE WRITTEN WORDS LIKE A ING MULTICOLOURED HIPPOPOTAMUS.


I don't even... and you don't ing disengage when I tell you to... and that stresses me out because I don't like online fights that I don't get to resolve physically. You're angry, I'm angry and I think you're a complete dickwad to think I want your face in my post because I have gazillions of followers that I would confuse because I sound like I didn't know and you're on a crusade against ignorance. WELL GET YOUR ING HEAD OUT OF YOUR , BECAUSE NOBODY ING CARES WHAT I SAY EXCEPT YOU AND YOUR ING SENSITIVE HEARING OF WRITTEN WORDS AND IMPLICATIONS THAT ARE ACTUALLY NOT THERE.

There. So I actually went back to private because I don't know. People think I am someone they can interact with... I don't know what to do with YGUnited to be honest... I am actually still very, very angry.


But I am usually angry.


And I usually go berserk and wish I didn't.


I wish everyone would just leave me alone.


At the same time, I wish I had friends.


But then again, I hate people.


Someone should just put this doggy down.



Also, I think I should study at one point in this lifetime.


Anger just makes me so... unproductive.



I am so tired of myself.


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Yo dear!

This is one of the things i miss in aff... reading your blogs... thus reading your thoughts.... i always love your straightforwardness (is this a word?), your no nonsense tone, your not taking crap from anyone... you being true to yourself... true to what you feel.

I think one of the thing that is constant in life aside from change and age is that people will always have something to say in anything and everything they see and hear, may it be as minute as air to as big as the universe... humans have the tendency to comment, assuming as if they know you(the person involved)and the reasons behind whatever it may be... thus we in turn feel like we lose our
privacy and lost the true cause of our intentions (if we do have one)... it's really disappointing that just because people think they "know" you, "heard" or "read" about you, they'd start thinking that they "DO KNOW YOU" and because of these, they assume that they have all the rights to unravel and decode the intricacies of your mind.and they expect you to swallow all their ! it's suffocating, disappointing, tiring,... you know, in the long run, to keep on extending your patience and understanding to them so you won't get stressed of all their assumptions, all the talk...

Gah... i think im getting out of context, but i just also want to share my thoughts... been so long...

Way to go Sevv! You're awesome being you...