General Shizzz...

I haven't written here for a while.


Good on you.




But today, I am feeling like a brain barf and I am missing my laughtoff (lap top, trying my clever hat on making it sound like laugh it off, but fails miserably. Oh well. on that). So here I am again, being nothing less than an exhibitionist, trying to get off (emotionally) by talking myself up, or down, most likely up, because gravity is for losers. :p


Well, anyway, I am not here to talk about feelings.


Actually, I am.


But I like pretending I don't have them.


Because you know, that makes me sound cool.


Except I have as much emotions as the next person.


I hate it.


Makes me all feely-billy.


I can never really get used to feeling like a loser. Hahaha.


Cheesus cries,


Oh well,


What is it now?


I am talking myself up to do a confident revision of a story. I call it Draft Zero point Five plus point two equals PointSevvy. I don't paticularly try to not make sense you know. I just don't. But anywho, I am constantly writing this term and as you all know I at it and many times I am good at it, it's like god is playing jigsaw with self esteem. I guess that's fair.


But after writing poorly thought papers receiving appropriate mark of C for Crap, you know, I feel like I should kick myself into gear. Push back the idea that I am now a sort of scholar being paid to actually to keep my ABC's limited to the first letter. But yeah, dun dun dun. A C. Two C's actually. How dreadful.


Writing these projects have been in some zombie mode where I think I have digested my own brain or something and I just wanted to get done with it and watch Fairy Tale after. I am tired of thining and stressing and just it.


Which is why I started a private journal titled beautifully as Anxiety Pits where I stagger dumb sentences of my anxieties. It's always open like a gaping hole waiting to feed on my nervous energy. 


It's been instrumental in my writing but sadly I've been ting crap writing so I don't know.

If you haven't noticed this post is actually anxiety pit stand in and I am actually writing something right now and I am trying to talk myself into it.... and I don't particularly know if it's working. I have already spent 15 minutes trying to quiet down the voices in my head but without success. I am terribly tired. I wish I could have a nap.


But revisions. I think... there is something romantic about it. Having a vision. That gift of the first vision, is like a first love misconception. Everything is glaringly pretty and love is blind and dumb and ed up. But that is usuallly what I live for as a writer.


Now because I am so emotionally skewed, revisions, or maybe a serious relationship with an idea seems rather absurd. No. No more second dates. Why because I am unworthy. I am unworthy of your purity... and this is how it is. Ideas left to stale because I am too afraid to defile it, to expose it to the world. Maybe my muse is Rapunzel... hahaha. Oh god. I need a nap so bad...


I am running away now. Hahaha


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huggles sevvy just let it all spill out okay don't hold back something if you need to rant about it ;__; your writing is beautiful okay ;__; believe in yourself <3