▲ Scarlet ⋮ Cha Eun Ae ⋮ Wind 。


Insecure model 
success and nothing less
success and nothing less
success and nothing less
Name: Anastasia Cha Eun Ae
Birthdate + Age: June 10, 1993 + 20
Birthplace: Montreal, Canada
Face-claim + Backup: Park Ji Hyun + Song Mira
Element: Wind

Personality Traits
+ Quirky, quick-witted, empathetic, reliable, laid-back 
- Self-critical, overly cautious, insecure, timid 

Talents: Guzheng, Cooking, Embroidering, Skateboarding, Basketball, Sign language in addition to English and French

Love Interest: Kris
Back Up: Chanyeol
Interaction: Ana and Kris met when she was introduced as a new trainee in SM. At the time, she had just joined, so she didn't know a lot of Korean. Plus, being the timid girl that she was, Ana had a hard time making friends. So Kris, being his outgoing and helpful self, had initiated a conversation with her, and he became her translator and her first, and greatest, friend. He found that she loved basketball and was also from Canada, just like him, and also, she knew French, which he had wanted to learn. As they spent more time together, what with her teaching him French and him helping her with Korean, they got closer. They became best friends soon enough, as he slowly pulled her out of her shell. Although there was mutual attraction between the two, neither said anything. Ana would look devastated when she saw EXO in the hallway or something but didn't see Kris, and Kris would pout just a teeny tiny bit when Ana couldn't make to meet up with him. It was quite obvious to everyone else that they liked each other, since they were being about as conspicuous as a sack of bricks, teasing them as the "Model Couple" because they were both good-looking and tall, him being 186 and her 175cm, respectively. Each would deny the truth of it, her because she couldn't trust guys after her last boyfriend broke her heart and  him because he didn't want to lose their friendship lest she felt differently. They would just laugh it off as silly, claiming  they were just friends. However, when Kris saw any guy flirting with Ana, he would get angry and jealous and take it out on her. He would apologize later though, and when she asked, he would just say he had a bad day or something. For her part, Ana would feel sorry for herself and avoid Kris for a few days before returning to herself again, after calming down her feelings, confusing Kris to infinite degrees. But she would never tell him what happened and make up some lame excuse and changing the subject.

When she was about 8, Ana had accidentally thrown a friend from the orphanage to the wall during one of her rare temper tantrums and had broken her arm in the process. After that incident, her friend had called her a monster and avoided her, so Ana was often alone as the other kids were afraid of her as well. Because of that, she has worked hard to control her element completely, always fearing that she would become a freak to others should something like that ever happen again. Consequently, that means she also kept this a secret from everyone else, including Kris. The only ones who knew were the other girls because they also had similar abilities. When Kris found out about it one night, after the initial shock, he felt cheated and betrayed. He thought that she was honest and genuine, but knowing that she hid something like this from him, he felt like she didn't trust him. Afraid she would hear him call her a monster like when she was 8, Ana had avoided Kris for days. After finding out about her past trauma, Kris became more understanding of her keeping it a secret and becomes more protective towards her. He becomes fascinated with her powers as he is supposed to represent flight. They return to normal, and h
e reassures her that he won't go anywhere, and they become even closer.

Feedback: Uhh... This app took longer than I expected, so I really hope you guys like Ana. I really like the supernatural element to the story and also really excited to see how it turns out.  Good luck to my beautiful authors! I shall wait for the story patiently now... or as patiently as I can ever be x)
P.S. Please feel free to tell me if anything needs fixing or something...
P.P.S. Love the layout1! It's so purrty and definitely unique. So jealous of your skills right now 
P.P.P.S. My brain is fried after those scene requests, which now sound so lame, but yea, I really wanted to put it out there, just in case. Uhhh... yea so again, I hope you like her. It's like 3AM right now  so I'm just gonna stop talking and go to  bed. Bye!
Okay with violent/ual themes? Yes
Scene Requests:
-Kris finds out about Ana's powers one night, while they are playing basketball together, after their schedules.
-They both take a walk at a park when they make up  again, with him telling her he won't leave her. Kris also confesses his feelings for her. There's this moment after he confesses that everything just stands still, eerily quiet and like there's no wind, no rustling of trees or anything, and it makes him really nervous. Then, she breaks into a smile and launches into him, half hugging half tackling him to the floor with her wind. They kind of just snuggle on the grass for a while afterwards.
-A scene where Ana tells the girls about Kris, and they were all just like "Oh you guys are just dating now?" not surprised at all, and Ana's taken aback at how (1) unsurprised they all were, thinking she was doing a good job hiding her feelings all this time, and (2) easily they had accepted her and Kris. She then shares her worries about him changing his mind when he's really thought it through and being insecure again, to which her members all reassure her. (I just really hope for a scene where the Scarlet members have a true heart-to-heart talk with one another and bonding with each other.  



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