IA: Feeling the fluff, some thank yous

I know I have excommunicated myself. I have already dug a whole and covered it with to the point that I am sure this will be read by only a few, if any.


But I have been reading IA comments for chapter 45 and I am so... happy. Maybe it's the medication and that Happy Light I received as a gift last Christmas, but yeah, actual happy feelings.


I actually regret a little that I have shoved people aside and decided to live as a part-time hermit. I miss certain people, those people I actually burned bridges to get away from, those people that I actually took steps to offend. Sometimes I feel like apologizing, but I don't... you know, because I don't know how long my sanity lasts. It's better this way, to have no one and be alone.


But that is not my point. I am actually happy and every comment kind of reads happy to me... except there are still a few that irritates me... but then again, I am just kind of a venus fly-trap, except can't I be an Mars Fly trap instead?


I actually lost what I was going to say.


There was a certain overflow of gratitude. Thank you for reading, thank you for taking time to comment, thank you for all your fondness, whether it was to me or to my stories or to the characters I have the delight of constructing within the idol template.


If I was ever harsh, it is only because I am insane. And you may never really know how to forgive that, but please know there are these days when I am greatful for every ounce of feelings you have for me.


So yeah.


Thank you.


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SofiaJessica #1
welcome sevvy....