Foremost, Happy New Year.

I have never really liked holidays... never really truly. Because I had an awful family, holidays were only good for not having school and, well, trying to run about partying (hopefully for free, because I'm poor). When I got married to the person who I am quite fond of, most of the time, and love all the time, I am astounded at the transformation of holidays... of it being about family, and being jolly appreciative of being part of a family, which is to say highy un-sev like. It was NOT nice. At least not all the time. It's like being an alien, or bacteria, or someone incredibly awkwardly diseased.

I am feel like an ill-fit for this picture; I am incredibly grateful. But extremely ill-fit, and anxious. A family, how weird to have something resembling a good one. And I miss my own, you know, my mother who nagged, who never really liked anything I did, do, doing, my brothers who were leaps and bounds better than me, who rubbed it in my face that I was dumb, and that household with grimy, disgusting linoleum floors where I have received abuse, physically, mentally, emotionally. That household that crippled me which now makes me this emotional invalid who get social anxiety, who wish to be a rock instead of human so I don't have anymore feelings and dreams and reoccuring nightmares. I want to be a rock. I miss my family, of blood ties.

Most of the time, when I sit with my habbu who is most of the time wonderful, I wonder how much of a cheat I am in the game of life. And until how long do I keep him before some divine intervention happens and he gets snatched away because I don't deserve him. I don't.

How do I start the year? Should I paint what I want in words, like how I want to live my life? Is that how optimism go? I want to be happy. Everytime someone greets me Happy New Year, I kind of wish for the same. Sincerely, like I have never had before. True happiness. I want to write more, possibly find that courage to actually try and submit something for publication. I want to start writing my novel. I really do. And I want a new job in communications, in publishing and editing. I want to be a published writer someday. And then maybe, someday, I wish I can be that person who thinks I deserve my husband, before he realizes that isn't true, and that I want to tell him, "You can be whatever you want to be," like he did when we were twenty... and I want him to believe me and then I want to live my life as a person who reciprocates... because I finally learned how.


Foremost, Happy New Year. To me. To You, whoever you are.


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It's different without family. Or rather, my sisters. Ever since moving to Dubai special days doesn't seem so special anymore. Not saying that I don't appreciate my parents' presence but I miss bonding doing all kinds of things, from girly to naughty, with my sisters. Haaay, buhay OFW nga naman. But still there are so many things to be thankful for and I don't need to feel very festive for that, I think. Hee.

Happy New Year, Sevvy!
I never liked the holidays for what it is tbh I only look forward to them school lol I actually got sick last christmas and new year so I couldn't celebrate it well :/

Wishing you all the best sevvy.
parisbartender #3
I never liked the "new year", I enjoy the celebrations but not the trappings that come with it.. parang 'yong kanta...

Should old acquaintance be forgot
And never brought to mind
Should all acquaintance be forgot
And auld lang syne (long time past)

I don't want to forget the year that was nor the people in it, I want to remember every single thing if that is possible just so I can remember how it felt to be with the people I love, forgive but not let least for a while..

I'm dampening your sorry...feel free to delete this..

you are who you are, your family, your pain, your dreams and I will love you for everything that you are or will be..I want to wish you happiness but I want more, more for you, more of everything, because the universe owes it to you and because you very well deserve it.

I wish you joy REN, joy in its purest form, even if at times you think you are tainted... Because in my hearts eye you are the purest there is, because you are your own truth and in the 24months that I've known you there were many times you tried to run from it but never have I seen you bow to it...

and you do reciprocate, have I made you happy? because you've made me tear up in happiness so many times, with your stories, your words, your spazzing, and your in your own way you do reciprocate, but if you think you need to learn more, go ahead, just know that I believe in you and that I love you..always..

I never liked the new year..but christmas...well christmas is a different story..:D
Happy New Year sevvy and don't you ever think you do not deserve the good things in life 'cause you do. You make your habbu happy too and that's all that matters. Not everyone has a perfect family but no matter how imperfect it maybe you'll still miss it. I wish you all the best most specially in your writing and your family life.
SofiaJessica #5
Happy new year Sevvy...
aww sevvy, personally I think you're deserving of the sweetest people in the world, including habbu okay ^^ <3 but i really hope you can find what you want to do and learn to be truly happy <3

happy new year! (: