Shes's already making me choose....

My step dad is going to the army. My mom is going with him when he transfers, and she asked me if I want to go with her...... Or stay with my dad. The original plan was i pick who I want to have full custody over when I'm 16. I'm still 12. I guess she already wants to know....... Its still too early for me to pick though...... I don't want to choose.....


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I know how you feel...I bounced houses with my parents, just, choose which parent you feel most comfortable with, thats what I didn't do and regretted it, now I'm stuck with my mum who I can't stand...
I know what you're going through. And the choice I made today I won't regret. You won't regret yours either.
Oh wow, we're the same age. I'm actually in a situation where my mom is trying to get a divorce (and I agree with it) and later I have to talk with a lawyer and say why I don't want to be with my dad. I think it would be easier for you to choose if you sorted out the pros and cons of being with either people. And try to focus on your happiness for the future because even though you've most likely grown up quickly and might be fine with making sacrifices not for yourself, its better not to grow up with regrets. But I hope you don't get too pressured and stressed. ^^ Stay safe! Fighting!
waaah :o, your so young !!! and i guess it is hard to decide but in this matter you have no choice, so i suggest you make a pros cons list, ths will help you make a decision.
And even if leaving one parent behind is hard, you can always visit the other or at least keep contact through media (phone, internet,...)

*hugs* just go where ur heart tells u to go..
I agree with aliadane, even if they have made you choose earlier than planned just take it in a positive way and just make a list on the pros and cons about living with who. The one with most pros will be ur choice :)

now, it is hard to leave one parent behind but im certain you can always come visit or they can visit you at one point. Just think that the separation won't be forever. :)

Stay strong!♥
Do you wanna pm, Cheerio?
Okay, let me give you some advice from someone who has been in the military. She's not asking because she wants to. As an army wife, she's being told by the military that she either has to move with her husband, or be forced to be separated from him for a very long unknown amount of time. With that being said, you can't blame her for wanting to be with the man she loves. With that comes the choice you have to make. I went into the military married. My ex-husband and I got a divorce 3 months into my service, and I was FORCED (yes, I had no choice in the matter) to give up custody of our two girls to him, because I was in the military and unable to have full custody. This situation is not that much different. The military is forcing your mother to make this custody arrangement. It's part of their entrance paperwork. I know it , but you really have to think about the whole picture and where you think you're going to have the best life. I suggest making a list of pro's and con's of living with each parent. It will help you organize your thoughts and not just your feelings. Make sure to write down solid facts for each, not just how you feel about the situation. I'm here if you want to talk, though. <3
Damn, you're only 12? It must've been a tough choice. I was never on your shoes before so I couldn't tell you what to do. All I can say is stay strong! (or maybe choose someone you're most comfortable too).
mistressofsecrecy #10
Stay Strong and talk it out to someone if you adult you might trust...even better if its your mom as others said :(
My wishes with you...This will be a hard decision but You will be able to pull through it :) You are strong and smart :) They are throwing a very wrong decision at please take a deep breath and explain your thoughts to an adult who can help :)

Stay Strong!!!
I know how you feel Hun. My Parents split when I was eight and I was FORCED to live with my Mother. I really didn't want to.
That's not an easy decision. I know it will be hard, but I hope you are able to get through.
You're way too young to be making these kind of decisions hun... //hugs// Perhaps you can tell your mom the truth-how you really feel?
My goodness!!! I feel so bad for you and you are still young to answer that! Honestly i don't know what kind of good info to give on this, but i hope you will be happy!!!