Scheduling Update on The Five Promises and Midnight Winds

Due to some major end of semester events for Korean school. The update for The Five Promises will be delayed. I hope to have it out somewhere around Mon. or Tues. 

Midnight Winds first chapter will be delayed until the completion of TFP. While outlining the story I fell into a plot hole that I missed that must be remedied before the first chapter goes live. I want this drama to be perfect so Ive been researching it for almost three months. I hope you will be patient with me and look forward to it. 

As you all may or may not have noticed, When I do a chaptered story its a big deal. The Five Promises was started in March of 2013 and is slated to be complete by the End of December. One major story a year is the norm for me right now. I know that this can be frustrating for my readers who really like my work but I pride myself on making stories that are well written and -normally- doesnt leave any plot holes. Thats why I take my time with my major chaptered stories. 

My New Year's Resolution is to dictate some more dedicated time to writing smaller chaptered stories/drabbles/oneshots/threeshots to entertain my readers so hopefully I will be able to fulfill that next year. 

I really do love each and everyone of my subscribers and I love the fact that I have so many active commenters. Thank you all so much and lets have some fun. ^_^


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monshine #1
okayyyy...all the best..dear
ozwalkr #2
I'll be waiting for you Noona, no matter how long it takes. I ADORE your TFP and Moonlight Confessions, and well...everything I've read from you!! You are one of my favorites on this site. I am just glad to be able to read your works. Saranghae Jagiya!