Why I Hate Holidays. Mostly.

It's getting pretty gorddarned close to Thanksgiving, and we all know what that means, right? Yup, Christmas commercials. Sooooo effing annoying!! And they actually started up Halloween! I, thankfully, record all my shows, so I can skip commercials. Most of the time. But when I'm watching the lives, for the Voice, there is no shortage of Xmas commercials. It's like election season.

But it's not the commercials that I hate the most. It's the decorations. The bright, flashy, distracting, annoying, cheesy as heck, plastic decorations. And you know, I wouldnt actually mind all the decorations, if there were put up actually during the holiday season!!! I'm not sure how it is for you guys, but where I am, it's the day after Halloween, and they're all putting up blow up snowmen and blue lights, with the candles in the window and everything!

And the mall! Oh my effing god, the mall! Again, day after halloween, and the mall is takin "Deck the halls with boughs of holly" to a whole other level! This, and the Santa Clauses! Am I the only one who was terrified of those Santas at the mall? The ones you took your picture with? They scared me!

And, charities! I know, I know, good cause and all that. But I can't go to CVS, without these little girls asking me to support some charity or another!

But perhaps what I hate the most about holidays, is that with every passing Christmas, every new years eve, every valentines day, that's another year, gone. And they're flying by! I'm gonna be eighty three and dying before I know it!!

Anyway, thanks for putting up with me. Happy holidays!!


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