2ne1's Missing You MV/Audio Response

This is not a review; it's a response to their music. There is a personal context to this response. First, I feel like I am so ing burned out, it's not even funny. Second, I think I want to hurl myself off a flight of stairs because I am having stupid bouts of wanting to a better writer... and somehow discontent leads me to wanting to hurt myself. Um.


But that aside, I have listend to 2ne1's new song. Also, watched the MV, twice.


So here it is...


/deep breath



As a 2ne1 fan, a BlackJack, I think this is a pretty solid ballad. SOLID meaning to say, I thought it was moving, and beautiful. Fully evocative of winter, where everything is dead and cold. And Holy is it cold. -22! I hate winter,. TAT




Lyrically, which I have let myself indulged in... 


Stop acting like you’re so comfortable
Because you and I, we’re still strangers
Stop whining like you’re a child
Because I haven’t even started yet

I don’t like love that’s like a child playing with fire
I’m just a little famished, I’m alright
Actually no, I’m…


Still hating you, who has let me go
My frigidly cooled heart is still
Missing you, missing you, missing you
Missing you, missing you

Stop being so obvious1
Because the world was always dark (you heard what I said)
How can you smile so brightly? (what)
But looking closely, I see your face is sad
(I know I’ve been there before)

I don’t like the calculative love of adults
I’m just a little tired, I’m alright
Actually no, I’m…

Still hating you, who has let me go
My frigidly cooled heart is still
Missing you, missing you, missing you
Missing you, missing you

The love of my youth is ending like this
Please be happy
Even after a long time passes, let’s both remember
That we both had each other back then
That we both had each other back then

Missing you, evocative of something that is lost. In the narrative of this song, the "you" is still someone who would listen to this song. I think this is a dialogue where the "you" is there to share the pain. 
This is really sad. Not wanting a youthful frivolous love, but not wanting an adult, calculating love. Then what is there but an idealized love that is immortalized by its lost?
I think this was vocally performed really well. I've always, always been a fan of Bom's raspy, rangy, uncontrolled voice. That comment goes with CL and Minzy's singing voice too. I think the star of this song is... CL. Though... I am more inclined to like Bom, but only in a slightly tip of the scale.
Visually, I think the MV was pretty.
twenty-one guesses as to who takes sevvy's cake and eats it with her perfect little Dara hands.
This four gifs are my favourite scenario. Notice last one, how her body is almost completely immobile, even her stare is latched at one secret space. and how she delivers her lines... show... actual stunning anger. ;A;
I mean this of course as a fan, who is in love with Dara... so I guess you can call me on that.
Of course, the other girls were beautiful as well. And who was that dancing... at one point I was guessing that it was Minzy... but I wasn't really paying attention and looking out for bumps... so yeah. Moot. Do let me know if you know who it was. LOL. Except if you're going to ship and say something weird...
I mean, I was sure it was TOP too. But I don't know. (I am joking. I don't really know if my humor has always been this dry... :/)
Are we all happy? Yes? Yes? we like the song? Yes? Look at Dara... she seems to be happy. :DDD
Soooo. I think, I have already reached the point where I need to complain. Because sevvy is a whiner and there is so much to whine about.
I will repeat that I totally think, as a Blackjack, Missing You is a strong ballad (Now whether a strong ballad would be received as well is totally not something I am going to talk about), but now I must say an opinion, completely based on my bias. I am a Daraling since I have discovered 2ne1... and this is the truth. An honest declaration of subjectivity. And as a Daraling, and a very, very (trying hard) fair Black Jack at that. I mean. I am extremely happy for 2ne1's release but as a Daraling, I can't help but be disappointed. I am not even going to complain about the obvious lack of her share in the song. I do believe that she is less talented than the other three, so I think there are merits as to why she has very small parts. But... and here is a big but... I thought, and do argue with me if I'm wrong, that she had been improving recently. Vocally... I thought FIL was her strongest performance ever. But now... here we are again... her singing in a flat, almost monotonic voice... no texture, no quality... if I had to describe it... it was...a presence... that was unnecessary. And this is extremely painful for me to say, because there is no idol/celebrity on earth right now that I love more than her. (Lana Del Rey second). 
Missing You is an extremeloy likable song but... how can I like this when it was produced with Dara's complete and apparent neglect.
I am not one of those Daraling fans who think she should just do drama. I don't believe that. I think dara is an awesome singer... maybe not the kind that has a high pitch range, and a well-textured voice, but hers has... character... only if she could find it. Again, I am not bashing anyone... not completely at least. I will be forever thankful for Teddy-oppars production that allowed Dara to explore rapping, and dream pop singing and techno. I really am.
But I can't help but wish there was more for Dara in there, out there. I want a solo, a ballad, an rnb song that actually explores the strenght of her voice... and there is one. I just know it.
So yeah, my response to this song is very mixed. I like it in many ways... but with equal or more ways that I hate it.
I don't even know if I want to support this. I just want another song... this upsets me so bad. Hahaha.


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pinkstar_butterfly #1
I feel you Sevvu.. T_T The lack of Dara in the song hurts. I do think I'm quite objective, I watched the MV and listened to the song with zero expectations of anything. I actually quite like the song, it's a solid ballad like you said, but I was kinda waiting for more of Dara, like with It Hurts. But zip. Nada. And it hurts. T_T