Sick and tired of people like that

so, let's say, somebody requests from me and gives me such pictures:


don't ing expect me to work with those because it's useless and no designer can work with such images! (okay, maybe if I'd put IU in a frame or something...but nothing else! It's impossible and it'll look like crap

soooo many people send me pics like that and I'm so tired of requestors like that >.< I'm so sorry for this outburst, but it's true!


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I feel you
Palama #2
I hate it when they send cut offs X(

Or low quality pictures. OMFG this girl sent me a 100x100. Wtf!? And I chose another picture and she wanted a redo because she didn't like the picture I chose!? Freaking deal with it.

Peasants. Peasants everywhere >.>
fatDream #3
They should really just say that you should use a photo with this person and not give a spific one -.-
I know right? They're so hard to work with especially if they say that you absolutely have to work with the pictures they gave. -_-
....what theme even is this? Two are happy and one is sad..?
i cannot stand it when they send selca.
i understand you dear :O
Yeah, people should think more about the pics they are selecting. Do they even use their brains? ._.
it's so true! if i see it, I'll closed it down and calm my nerves ><
I feel your pain...