Tagged by YuYuan

I'm answering this, cause I was tagged by YuYuan-ah... But I don't think I'll be tagging anyone else though... 

But thanks for tagging me!!


Rule 1. Post the rules.

Rule 2. Answer the questions the Tagger asked you, then make 10 new ones.

Rule 3. Tag 10 people and link them to this post.

Rule 4. Let them know you tagged them.

Tagged by: YuYuan


1. Your first reaction in the morning?

Depends, either I try to force myself up and try to get to work, or I cuddle for a liiiittle while longer, thinking about my dream, or one of the many stories in my mind.


2. What kind of habbits do you have?

I'm a creature of habit. Everything I do regularly becomes a habit that's impossible to break...

(Like for example, I had to write fanfics a lot, cause I was sick, so it became a habit... Now I'm all better... but well... the fanfic writing is still there LOL)

But I do have this.. I don't know if you could call it a habit... But I tend to pick up slang from my surroundings very easily and overuse it... and not just slang, just words in general... I mean if I watch Friends a lot (or any show really), I start to talk like them. And this one time I was in a Spanish class partnering up with a German girl, and at the end of it the teacher had to scold me for my German accent on my Spanish LOL... 

It's not something I do on purpose, and I really can't help it... But it makes my way of talking often silly and not age apropriate. It doesn't annoy me though (though lot of things about myself do), but I can totally understand people that do find it annoying.


3. What's the coolest thing you ever found on street/or in your pockets after washing your pants?

 I never pay any attention to my surroundings at all, so I can't even find things I'm holding in my hands let alone on the street.

So never in my lifetime have I met a person that is worse at finding stuff than I am. 

(and doesn't everything just turn into mush if you wash it?)

But yeah, as an example of my non-attention, when we were kids, my sisters used to play the game of suddenly covering my eyes and ask me what was the color of the T-shirt they were wearing (usually after hanging together the whole day)... And not once did I get it right.


4. The nicest thing you ever done?

I'm never that nice really.


5. Your most memorable dream?

I dream a lot, and most of it is really fun and some of them have very cool story lines... 

But honestly what I think is the most remarkable of my dreams are the buildings. For those who don't know, I'm a math-loving, sciency kind of person, and don't really consider myself artistic at all... But my subconsciousness is an amazing architect... Seriously, often I'm having a normal day at home dream... But my home is just an amazing piece of art... Or a crazy house built into a mountain, or made completely out of stairs or whatever... So often when I wake up, I'm just like WOW how does it come up with this kind of stuff!

But since we're on this subject... Then actually even though me, myself is seriously Chansung-biased (with Woo as a second bias), then my subconsciousness is seriously Taec-biased. Like seriously so. I rarely dream about 2PM... But when I do, it's almost always about Taecyeon, and he's always so perfect, and being in his presence makes me all warm inside, so when I wake up I'm all in love with Taecyeon LOL... I even once dreamt I was pregnant by him... It might sound cheesy and what every fangirl wants.. But getting pregnant is like... One of my biggest fears in life. I don't plan to have babies, so everytime I dream about pregnancies it's a terrible terrible nightmare. Except for this time LOL..

And then it's like my subconsciousness is trying to convert my ways and stop being Chan-biased... Because I've dreamt about him two times exactly. The first time he was speaking my least favorite language really obnoxiously, and his nose was like, 3 times his normal size... So dream-me was like "huh, he really isn't attractive up close"

Then the second time, Chansung was growing his hair (Channie's long hair really wasn't for me), but it was put up in a kind of girly way... And dream-me was like, "That's actually kind of cute" Then Instantly his hair changed to a brown prince valiant haircut, and dream-me was like "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! That's just NOT y" and then I woke up.

Those of you not familiar with prince valient hair, it's something like this:


6. Your most embarrasing moment?

Let's just keep those memories burried, shall we.


7. Which is your most favorite memory and why?

I really don't think I have a favorite memory. Those I tend to visit more often than the others are usually bittersweet.


8. Most dissapointing food you ever had and where?

Yeah, sigh... Once I went to a dinner party, not having eaten all day (cause I was really really really busy), but everything was horrible, and I couldn't eat anything. Which is really amazing, cause I more or less like all food (about the only thing I have in common with Chansung, that and his love for 2PM). But I'm terribly picky on drinks though.


9. Something you desperatly want to do or try?

I want to go to Japan, and I want to learn Japanese. But maybe mostly I want to go to a 2PM concert, like proper concert, where it's just 2PM and hottest and nobody else in the world, and I get to hear all my favorite songs live.


10. Why do you think I tagged you?

Cause we're friends, aren't we? 

And because I write a lot of Chankhun :) 




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Thaaaaank you for answering ♥♥♥
*feeling special and honored*
I wanted to write.
Not because you write Chankhun, but than I remebered I probably wouldn't have met you if you didn't so its a little bit true *Laugh*

Thank you for your honest answers.To be honest as well, I was really curious tagging you. irst of all because I reeally was curious about the answer, second because you are a genious writer, and inspiration for me, so I was curious if reading your answers would be as intresting as reading your fiction.
and yes they were. I totally see you may not be an artistic person but you are a writing genius person. I even believe you have totally the talent to pull it thru to publish a novel. I'm not saying it to make you a compliment, I really believe you have, because your charackters pull youin and your storys awww your stories.
So this habbit is defintitifly a good habbit, I would even believe your are some faous authors re birth and your illness had to happen so you would start writing >.<
but enough about habbits. I laughed about the dream so much. And I agree. If I dreamabout 2pm, I dream either about chankhun together, or Taecyeon being the perfect non existing guy getting me weak!
I once had a dream I had to wake him up, and I become very nasty if people ignore me. I had those chupachups in my mouth and treated him, I would put it on his cheeck (since it would stick because of me having it in my mouth before)
he opened his eyes, very charming ( alla secret garden szene) went up, ) I had the lolli daring above his face. He looked at me so warm and nice, brushed a my hair back ans wispered. "Try it!"
before he took the sweets out of my hand, (so he woudl have the lolli instead of me)
(alla candykiss)
I'm not a person who easily fangirls, or get impressed by such a chessy thing, but I admit I woke up with a hardly beating heart and a very confused bias list *Laugh*
(seriously always if I see the picture of those hair I have a laugh flash because I imagine chansung in it, in fact it even provokes me making a photoshoped version of it *Laugh*

Ah it's totally fine with me not tagging anyone. I wouldn't have tagged anyone eithe rif I hadn't thought oh this question are actually rarely and kidn of fun and yeah I already explained my self above.

Annd soon soon babe, I feel it you will be soon in japan, learning and use the japanese you can, comming back much more trained, and with a 2pm concert in your memory, and remeber don't fprget to tell me about aaaany chankhun and chanwoo moment in it okay?

About the mush thing apreantly not, I always forget the dog cookies in my poket, they look exactly the same when they come out after a 60° 2 hours cleaning program, it makes me wonder if those stuff really is that healthy and biological they say they are!

And when I was a kid I was a huge fan of digimon, and they were those first digimon cards you could collect, and my favorite digimon was gatomon ( or gurumon) but gatomon looked cuter, and I had the limited card of gatopmon, it was silver and reeeeally reeaaaly pretty. and I lost it, I found it again on street, and than lost it again, till i found it after wahsin in my pockets, it wasn't as colorfull as before but almost perfectly fine. So nope aperently some things except for tissues are fine after washing . The collest thing I found in my pants after cleaning was a 10 euro note. I don't know where it came from since we use sfr in swiss right, but it made me happy *Laugh*