y boy.

So just as I woke up, I got entangled into looking at TOP pics. Not a bad start of the day. The problem was... I was dreaming about Wrestlemania. Yes, wrestlemania... why? Because... I think... This person was asking me how I liked hockey with it being violent and all and I said I grew up watching boxing, wrestling and Ultimate Fighting Champion. And I loved RPG Dungeons and Dragons which involves a lot of slaughter. I was kind of raised in an environment where violence is cool. I, once, watched a friend slam another friend's head on a door knob and I laughed when he bled...


I once shot a friend with a pellet gun... Okay, not once. I like war games. I love war games.


What was I talking about?


You know, I haven't finished reading Hamlet. ;A;




So I think the gist is I was into violence, and last night I pretty much dreamed of wrestling matches and most prominent was Wrestlemania... and what is Wrestlemania if not about Mr. Wrestlemania himself. I'm sure no one is getting me. LOL. I remember loving WWF back in the day and all my friends were male and all they spoke of was Austin and the Rock... and... no... Errr... Why am I talking about wrestling?


Wrestlemania. Mr. Wrestlemania! That's Heartbreak Kid.


Sevvy, why is this post about wrestling so long.


I have no idea. OTL


I just wanted to... explain why my head is singing y boy... while it's projecting a TOP slide show. OTL


So welcome to sevy's head before caffeine, with caffeine, TOP over-relished.

In italics words of y Boy


I think i'm cute.
I know i'm y.

I've got the looks.
That drive the girls wild.

I've got the moves, that really move'em.
I send chills up

and down their spines.

I'm just a y boy.
y Boy.

I'm not your boy Toy.
Boy Toy.


I'm just a y boy.
y Boy.
I'm not your boy toy.
Boy Toy.

I make'em hot.
I make'em shiver.
Their knees get weak.

Whenever I'm around.

They see me walk.
They hear me talk.

I make'em feel
Like their on cloud nine.

I'm just a y boy.
y Boy.
I'm not your boy toy.
Boy Toy.
I'm just a y boy.
y Boy.

I'm not your boy toy.
Boy Toy.


Eat your heart out girls
Hands off the merchandise.

This was so much funnier in my head. Hahahaha.


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So I guess you will very much enjoy GTA V...haha. Becos it's all about violence and brutality XD