Supernatural School



1. Account Name: UlquiHime

2. Character Name: Kai Summers/ Choi Kai

3. Ethnicity: Half-British Half-Korean

4. Picture: 

Lee Han Gook

5. DOB: November 30th 1994 (16 years)

6. Power: Metal and magnetic Manipulation. He is able to control and manipulate metal. No, he is not Magneto. He’s way better. Magneto is not made of metal cuz that’s what Kai is made of. He is able to make any object he touch into metal and he is able to move them with his mind. His whole body is actually metal but he willed them back so that his skin is shown. He is able to transform any part of his body into metal like say a drill or a sword. He is also able to release the metal from his body to form a weapon like say a spear or a sword. He is also magnetic so he practically doesn’t have any disadvantages to magnets.

7. How you got to the school: When he was returning from his part-time job, he saw a teenaged girl (Or boy?) being harassed by a group of boys. Seeing the boys standing above a metal pole, he willed the pole to hit the boys. The boys ran away out of fear and Kai approached the feminine boy(?). She/he walked backwards as he approached her, scared. “Are you okay?” Kai asked and the tomboyish girl(?) suddenly disappeared into the shadows (Hint Hint). She dropped a piece of paper and it turned out to be a flyer to the school. Kai read it and decided to go to the school.

8. Biography:

He was born in a poor family. But the family was contented. He was the oldest of the family and his lil sister was born 3 years after him. When he was a 3, he started showing signs of his skin turning metal. But whenever his parents turn to get a better look at his metal area, they disappeared.

When he was 10, he had a fight with some bullies and miraculously, he didn’t get bruises from the punched they gave him. His sister died of tuberculosis when she was 10 and Kai grieved over her for a year. His father contracted the same disease a year later and Kai’s mother turned mute because of that.

He started working at a mute school where he taught and learned sign language. He taught his mother sign language as well and he had started controlling his powers. And to practice controlling his powers, he worked at a smelting factory (A place where they smelt metal). The boss liked him and allowed him to stay overnight, leaving Kai able to practice with his powers.

When he turned 15, he accidentally lose control of his powers and he injured his mothers hand. His mother didn’t break her arm but there was blood everywhere. He sent her to the hospital and she recovered. He felt wary and scared of his powers and started using his powers with caution.


  • Forget-me-nots
  • Sneakers
  • Singing
  • Sign Language
  • Piano
  • Quiet people
  • Tomboyish girls (But he’s afraid of feminine boys)
  • Basketball
  • Girls who can fight hardcore (Rock on Violence! XD)

10. Dislikes

  • Loud girls
  • Feminine boys (He feels inferior to them somehow)
  • Drowning
  • Glasses
  • Alcohol
  • Peanut Butter
  • Magnets (It blows of his cover)

11. Family

Henry Summers | Father | Deceased (Died of tuberculosis) | Worked at a mute school. | Kai loved his father and they always goes out fishing at his father’s secret spot. (The spot was at the supermarket! He bought the biggest fish there! XD)

Choi Jiwon | Mother | 40 | Mute | Kai takes care of her when she needs something and he will kill ANYONE who hurts her. She’s his only family

Claire Summers/Choi Claire | Little Sister | Deceased (Died of tuberculosis) | Kai had a hate-and-love relationship with her and they both supported each other’s beliefs.

12. Orientation: Straight as ever but he gets scared if he sees an attractive boy. And might turn Bi because of that.

13. Your ideal type: Someone who is curious and not afraid to stand up to her beliefs. Someone who has a fire in her eyes when she needs to be but will turn quiet when alone. And is a tomboy. Yeah, he likes tomboys.

14. What you are majoring in: Athlethics

15. Specific major: Basketball

16: Link of you doing your major: NIL (Sorry! :'( )

17. Why you came to the school: He didn't want to hurt his mother accidentally with his power and decided to move to the school so that he can learn more about his power.

18. Trivia stuff

  • Kai can’t swim so he’s deathly afraid of water
  • He knows sign language
  • He can play the piano and violin but he doesn’t play them often
  • He’s quite smart, above average
  • He thinks tomboys are cool
  • He has a dog named Prince
  • He will gladly join a fight if someone he knows is in that fight
  • He’s has the reflexes of… something that is good in reflexes
  • He has an angelic voice~

19. Code name: Metalix [Is it to cliché?]

20. Persona: The Not-Afraid-To-Say-Things-Out-Loud Dude


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