Afterlife | App | Kang Evangeline


     To survive you must know how to live

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The Beginning 
Aff Name: Ulquihime
What Can I Call You?: Ella
The Basics
Birth Name: Kang Evangeline
*Nicknames: Anorexic, Eva (By most people since her nome is too long)
Age: 19
Birth Date: 14th January
Occupation: Student
Ethnicity: Half-British Half-Korean
The Road To Find Yourself
Eva was a quiet child since birth. Most people find that hard to believe as she grew up in a family filled with chatter-boxes. She rarely talks as she did not want to draw attention to herself and the only responses you will get from her are nods and shakes of the head. She was born with a preserved personality and a wide mind. She has this uncanny 'sixth' sense of knowing when people are lying and most of the time, they are true. Her intuitions are always right and she used that to her advantage of avoiding attention. She's very observant and withdrawn from her family.
Eva does not talk back to people who pisses her off. She just adds their name in her 'Karma List'. If they stole her food, she'll sabotage theirs. It's a give and take rule she goes by obediently. Most people think that she's a troublemaker since she has such a withdrawn character but their just wrong. She never broke a rule at all and never will. Sure she looks like it but she won't ever bug into people's business. That's one thing good about her.
She's cold-hearted when she talks. When she speaks, it's always direct. No beating around the bush, no mercy at all. If someone died, she'll announce it right out. She has no remorse in the things she do to survive.
Other people might try to befriend her, be the 'special person' who opens up a solid exterior. But Eva just finds these people annoying. She's withdrawn for a reason. She never wanted to be understood. She didn't want to be tied down with friendship and all those crap. The only people who she tolerates or actually befriends with are the people who are solitary and quiet like her. She can't stand noisy chatter-boxes so if you need someone to just stay quiet with, Eva's your girl. The atmosphere you get around her are usually solitary. She can only handle one friend in her life. She liked it to stay that way.
-Water (It's a privilege to have it)
-A sturdy tree to sleep in
-Night time
-Being solo  
-Energy bars
-The smell of rotting blood
-Trapped places
-The zombies getting closer to her
-Being unarmed
-Being called anorexic when she isn't
Pet Peeves:
-How fast her weight dissapears
-People getting into fights
-Having to drag along a wounded person
-People being in her personal bubble
-Helping out at the outdoor adventure club
-Winks her eyes a hell lot (It's a reflex)
-Scrunching up her nose when she gets irritated or disgusted
-Sleeps curled up in a ball
-She doesn't blink her eyes that much
-Being in a wide empty area
-A zombie grabbing her from behind
-Walking out without a weapon
-Her eyesight is way above average
-She can't pronounce any words that have more then three syllables (Eg. Claustophobia, disinfected, Illuminati)
-Tongue-tied easily
-Is underweight
What makes You
Ulzzang Name: Qing Xiao Bao
Ulzzang Pictures: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
Back Up Ulzzang Name: Shannon Williams
Back Up Ulzzang Pictures: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
Height: 164cm
Weight: 45kg
-Pants are ripped from wear and tear.
-Has a tattoo on her right shoulder.
-A scar on her left calf from a tripping accident.
-She always wear a face mask
-She always have her hood up
Hidden Pasts
She was quiet and careful. She took the news about the outbreak quite calmly and quickly set out to get provisions. She was packed and ready to go with her family but they had already left without her. They've always forgotten her. She grabbed her mom's slicing knife from the kitchen and barricaded her home. She made sure her house was sealed up tight and once she was satisfied, she took to the treehouse in her backyard. The tree is tall and huge. The treehouse was well hidden and the only give away was the rope ladder dangling from it. Eva stayed in her treehouse all day and only return to her house when she needed to take a loo or stock up her things.
Once the food supplies were gone, Eva had to move from her tree house and scavenge at other parts of the city. She stumbled upon the police building and took a few guns and rounds. She slept in the trees above ground in the day and come out to scavenge at night. She spotted a few survivors and left them alone. Even when they were in need of help, Eva stayed hidden. If the group has food supplies and meds, Eva would sneak and steal a few of them. Not enough to be spotted but enough for her. That's how she was found by the survivors.
Eva was the fifth child of 12 children. Her parents were rowdy, having here and there. Her father never knew how to wear a and thus, the noisy family. Being the fifth child, it was easy for her family to forget about her. It doesn't help that her quiet nature masks her presence. Eva was obedient, always doing what her parents ask her to do, if they could remember her at all. She grew up in a solitary and quiet life, with the exception of everyone talking behind her back. In school, at work, in her neighborhood, almost everyone labeled her as the 'Strange' kid. People were frightened of her, staying out of her way. She didn't mind. She liked it that way.
Eva's house was small and cramped. Everything was a huge mess and her parents expect her to take care of her brothers and sisters while they worked. Eva did so, cleaning up poop and helping out with their homework. But she grew more irritated about it and grew to dislike children, even small babies. She couldn't stand the noises they make so when night sets in and everything calms down, Eva could finally unwind in her own little world.
Eva was blessed with a perfect face and in school, she has a handful of admirers. Girls find her annoying and a for her quiet and solitary attitude while boys just find her a challenge. All of them want the trophy for scoring the hardest girl to pick up which she is. Eva knew all of the crap going on around her so she harshly rejected every single confession. She wasn't looking for a fake love life and no way is she looking for one right now. When people start to notice how thin she is becoming, they guessed she was an anorexic, which is not true. Eva's one of the people who digest their food easily. She was tormented more for that.
Things took for a change when she joined her school's outdoor adventure club. Eva liked going out in the wilderness, away from humanity. But because of that, her studies detoriated. She had to stay back a year for failing miserablely. But she didn't cared. She liked staying in the outdoor adventure club.
She had an ankle injury from rock climbing and it was swollen really bad. The doctor told her to rest but Eva needed to take care of siblings so the wound didn't heal properly. 
The only time when she felt like life was actually fun to live in when night settles in. She would sneak out of her house and have a few jogs around the neighborhood, working on being stealthy and energetic. She wished the night stayed for 24/7 so that she didn't have to listen to all the crap in her house.
Kang Kikwang || 37 ; 16th March || Father || 5. He forgets Eva's name most of the time. || A sleazy man. He never wore a and doesn't manage his family well. He works as a drug dealer. || Eva's family left before she could get in the car. She don't know what happened to them.
Brittany Wilson || 36 ; 20th December || Mother || 6. She only finds Eva when she needs someone to take care of the kids. || Caring to her other children. Dislike Eva for her quiet personality. Wishes that Eva talks more often. || Eva's family left before she could get in the car. She don't know what happened to them.
11 other siblings which are not worth mentioning. 6 girls (including her) and 6 boys.
*Friends: None
What can You Do
1. Outdoor survival skills.
2. Her eyesight is above average.
3. She can sneak around like a pro. Nobody can detect her unless she wants them to.
4. Experienced in cooking and baby sitting (As if that would help in anything)
Side effects:
1. She has an ankle injury that never quite healed properly. It might always come back and hinder her from escaping the zombies.
2. She panicks when she is not armed and might cause trouble.
3. She's easily fatigued if haven't eaten for a day. 
Weapon: Slicing Knife (Stephano) || Short Range || She uses it quite well. Experience from cooking at home. (Lol) || Took it from kitchen when outbreak started.
Back Up weapon: Sniper Rifle (Jennifer) || Long Range || Quite fairly despite no proper training || Found in police office building. 
1. She had an ankle injury.
2. She gets hunger pains easily (Which Dizzyness, fatigue, nosebleed)
3. She's a chicken when trying to go out in someplace exposed. (She rather stay indoors or in tight areas. She grew up that way)
4. She loses it when a zombie grabs her from behind. 
Intelligence: 8/10 (In survival. Book smarts? You're looking at the wrong person)
Strength: 7/10
Speed: 9/10
Stealth: 10/10
Stamina: 7/10
Endurance: 6/10
Resolve: 6/10
Intuition: 10/10
Agility: 7/10
Bravery: 6/10
Trusting: 5/10
Trustworthy: 5/10
*Additional details: She names her weapons. 
Who Can You Love
Partner: Yim Siwan (ZE:A)
Age: 20
Personality: He's a good actor. He looks like a timid man, afraid of his own shadow but when zombies are around him, just got DOWN. He turns violent and crazy. He fights his own battles and is not one to mess up. He's shy around people, always smiling and nice. He's trusting and caring to everyone in the group, always making a point to have everyone's  back in dire situations. This personality was developed from his harsh chilhood life as an abused boy in the orphanage. He was tormented a lot and beaten up every single day. Nightmares are constantly haunting him so he is usually tired and fatigued. He stand up for people when they made a mistake but he too has his own limits. If they've gotten too far, he would let them deal with the consequences.
Abilities: Survival skills. Had gun training as his brother was a police officer. He has a little medical know-how and infections are his limits. Anything other then that are beyond his abilities.
Relationship: One-sided love. Siwan is in love with her whereas Eva is not. Siwan is her senior in school and both are in the outdoor adventure club. He usually helps her out when she needs help as nobody else would want to help her. They were the quiet sort of friend. Both being lonely, they somehow understood each other enough to be around together. They wouldn't talk that much, just about school and the club. They eat together at lunch and go home together as they live in the same street. Siwan knows Eva does not return his feelings but he will wait for her. He loves her too much to let go of her.
Interaction: Eva stays quiet around him, letting him be . They both know each other enough to understand what each other wants. If Eva needs some water, Siwan would get it for her. If Siwan is woken up from nightmares, Eva would coo him back to sleep. Their relationship is often due to I.O.Us. Eva owns Siwan something, she would help him. Siwan helps Eva most of the time so she's always in his debt. Eva does notice signs that Siwan is in love with her, but is grateful the he doesn't smother her with chocolates or anything. Siwan wishes that Eva would stop seeing him as a friend and more as a  lover.
*Anything Else?: Nope
Back Up Partner: Kim Dongjun (ZE:A)
Age: 20
*Anything Else?
Scene requests:
*Group is trapped in a room with zombies clawing their way in through windows and doors.* 
Siwan: *turns to Eva* If we don't make it out of this alive, I just want you to know-  *Grabs Eva's hand. Eva's turns to face him* I love you.
Eva: *Widened eyes. Zombies breaks into the room and group starts to fight them off* I don't think that's the best time!
Siwan: *Fights a zombie* Now may be the only time! *Grabs both of Eva's shoulders* I Love You. *Kisses her on the lips*
Kekeke, I know. I'm a er for cheesy things. If you need help to visualize this scene, here's a clip where I got the idea from. Just ignore the 'Will you marry me' Part. It's quite close to what I have in mind. ^_^
Can I Trust You
*Enemy/Rival: Ferlyn Wong (SKarf)
*Age: 20
*Reason: She wanted Siwan as her boyfriend but Siwan rejected her. Seeing him and Eva together makes her tick so she's always out to mess with Eva. Eva didn't care about her, not wanting to stoop down her level. 
Are you ready
Comments: I hope you get to write this story. It's realy interesting! 
*Suggestions: How about the group rides a train to the ocean or something. I know, I'm following the 'Walking Dead' plot. I know, plagiarism.
Sacrifice: I would sacrifice my rival. got it coming for her! XD
I hope you enjoyed filling out the application ^^
If you have any more questions, please message me. 


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