The Last Of Us: The Pipe





        T H E  L A S T  O F  U S




                        Username ; UlquiHime
                                Profile LinkClick This!


                                        Name ; Kang Eva (Korean Name: Kang Eraen)
                                        Date of birth ; 1st December 2015
                                        Gender ; Female
                                        Height ; 167cm
                                        Personality ; Eva is a hyper and roaring tornado trapped in a bottle of a lady. Being unfortunately born with ADHD, she has a hard time controlling how she talks and how she reacts. It doesn't matter whether the situation was serious or sorrow, if her ADHD acts up, she will scream and thrash about regardless of anything. And that comes as an disadvantage due to her growing up in zombie-filled apocalypse. She literally dons on the meme 'I don't give a flying ' when her ADHD acts up. But once she settles down, she will apologize for her behaviour... and probably start acting hyper all over again.
It's best to keep her away from serious and no-joking people because that will result in hell. Eva hates serious people and thinks that everything has a bright side and people are making sad and dull because of being serious. In terms of friends, Eva has a great time of making good friends. She knows the type of people she can befriends with and the type who she'd know will stab her in the back. She has a good intuition on the persona of people and thus, easily escape acting looters and bandits. But once she finds that you are trustworthy, she will be loyal and friendly to you all the way. But if you so much as betray her trust, she will not give you second chances. This is hard times people so friendships are hard to come by.
Being ADHD, she automatically has a happy aura emitting from her. She looks for the good things in life and will try her ultimate best to brighten up the situation. Most people are happy to be around her due to her happy-go-lucky aura as they are clearly deprived of that.
                                        Ulzzang ;
                                        Qing Xiao Bao 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5


                                        Life before the Infection ;


                                        She was born sometime after the infection and into the concentration camps. Her father, Kang Minho, was a security guard over there and has a loving mother, Park Anna. They lived happily in the borders but one day, the borders collapsed and in the infected they came. With a few other families, Eva's family survived out in the wild for some time. It was all going well until Eva was diagnosed with her first ADHD attack. At the campsite, Eva was prone for speaking too loudly and that eventually ruled her out as a hole in the shield. After numerous attacks, her survivor's clan has voted to kick her out of the group. Her parents strongly opposed to it, which resulted in Eva's family beind kicked out. Out in the wild and alone, the family barely made it through the day. Through hands on practice and diligent exercise, her family made it by for a whole year in the wild. But their luck soon ran out. Eva was only 16 when her parents were finally dead on her feet from the infected. Feeling more alone then ever, Eva decided to survive on her own and try to keep her ADHD in check. She surprisingly survived for 2 years solo until she met the group.


                                        Likes ; (5+)
-Clean Water
-A roof under her head
-Making a dreamcatcher from metal wires and other bits of strings
-Finding old toys (Racing cars, Barbie Dolls)
-Good Food. You can't have enough of it.
-Happy people
-Being in a group/pair
                                        Dislikes ; 
-Her ADHD acting up
-Moss covered water
-Anything green
-Rotting corspes smell
-Finding out that she has to use a gun (They scare the living out of her)
                                        Trivia ; (4+)
                                        She has a scar on her right shoulder from the ceiling crashing down on her. She survived, thankfully.
She hates stinky smells and has a face mask.
She's not a Christian but she likes to wear a cross
She actually deathly afraid of dogs (Its a trauma but will soon overcome it)
She calls her Pipe, 'Pipette'
She strangely has a revolver deep in her backpack that she uses whenever she REALLY needs it.
She tends to twitch her head out of the blue. 
She sleeps curled up in a ball
She tends to call her weapons names
She rolls her eyes and says 'No , Sherlock!' when heard something blatantly obvious
                                        Fears ;
Being alone again
People kicking her out of the group due to her ADHD
Seeing someone in trouble and not being to help at all


                                        Persona, Weapon ; (Bold your choice)
                                        The Hunting Rifle | The Assault Rifle | The Revolver | The 9mm Pistol | The Pipe | The Hatchet | The Baseball Bat


                                        2nd Weapon ; (Optional)
                                        A Kitchen Knife  She calls it, 'Jennifer'
                                        Hand-To-Hand Combat ; (7.5/8)
                                        She's really good in holding up on her own during combat due to her ADHD. She's really strong against bigger opponents but if big opponents crowd around her too much, she will be overwhelmed.
                                        Running ; (6/8)
                                        Jumping ; (5/8)
                                        Partner ;
                                        The 9mm Pistol. Adding an ADHD freak with a person who LOVES trouble is basically a formula for a serious mess. He will probably help her out in long distances while The Pipe will be able to deter enemies away. Plus, it'll be a hell of a noisy combination with the two on the battlefield.


                                        Your Love Interest ; (Bold your choice)
                                        From Your TeamFrom The Other Team
                                        Love Interest ;
                                        The 9mm Pistol. Mainly cuz they like to bicker but somehow love each other anyways. The Hatchet could be a good candidate cuz they're both so talkative. A Small crush on the Hunting Rifle but nothing intimate.
                                        Death ;
                                        Yes I would mind... Sorry!


                                        Scene Suggestion ;  Not any at the moment




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