Naruto App | Uchiha Yukiko



The real you:

Username: UlquiHime

Name: Hime

Activeness: 7-8




Name: Uchiha Yukiko (Meaning 'Rare Child')

Gender: Female

Birthday: March 16th

Parents: Sakura and Sasuke

Place of birth: Konoha

Current Village: Konoha



You as a ninja: 


Yukiko is polite and fragile girl. Her parent's have taught her to be formal and polite to everyone and Yukiko does so obediently. She's a fillial child, always looking out for her family. Being the youngest, you would have thought she is a spoiled little brat, well you're dead wrong. She is the complete opposite of that. She's resourceful and kind towards people. Smiling shyly at strangers, you'll feel incredibly comfortable around her. She's a good child, not wanting to bring dishonor to her clan's name. But unfortunately, she is always the hot topic of gossip when she enters a street or a mall. People would be sparing glances at her, looking at her up and down, knowing that she is the only child of Sasuke Uchiha without a Sharingan. Students teases her when she fails at the Ninja Academy, calling her worthless to be in the most famous household of Uchiha. They brought her down with their torment and it was too much for a girl like her to handle. She tries to do well in the Academy but her scores were average, always below her siblings. When she tries to show her father a good grade she had gotten, he would put her down by saying her siblings had got better then her.

The strained relationship she had with her father due to his expectations brought down her self-esteem. She is a slow learner, learning at her own pace and does not cope well in strained situations. That does not mash well with Sasuke's harsh training. After every failed attempt, Yukiko gets more and more depressed on herself. She spends hours alone crying in the attic in solitude. This shaped her into becoming a silent and withdrawn character. She speaks in a soft voice, always overshadowed by her siblings. After her mother found out how much her daughter is going through, Sakura personally trained Yukiko. She drilled Yukiko the same way Tsunade did for her. Gradually, Yukiko grew more confident about herself, her chakra control surpassing her Second Elder Brother and her medical-ninjutsu is only a point below Sakura's.

Throughout Sakura's training, Yukiko grew to be an independant figure. She is careful and always punctual on every mission. Yukiko's determined nature and hard-working performance has become the trump card for every mission. She has pride in her work as a medical-nin and will do her best in every mission. You can trust her to succeed her role in a mission, she is not one to fail. The only thing that is worrisome in the heat of battle is her empathy. Being a passive nature, she tries her best to spare her opponents. Instead of killing an enemy, she will only attack their chakra points with her senbon. She has never killed an opponent before, never having the guts to do it. That is her Achilles Heel. Most opponents uses that to their advantage, feigning injury and striking her down. She tries to do her best in her missions and is grateful when people help her. But the only goal that she want to strive for, is to hear her father say to her, "Yukiko, I'm proud of you."

Dreams (optional): Wants to prove to her father and siblings that she isn't useless. 


-Seafood Ramen


-Practicing with her Mom

-Pranking and playing with the Uzumaki Kids

-Being praised

-Achieving a grade higher then her siblings

-Medical Ninjutsu

-Her family


-Failing at school

-Seeing people talking behind her back

-People teasing her for not having the Sharingan


-Being overshadowed by her siblings

-Failing in a mission



-Her father being dissapointed in her

-Seeing her teammates die right before her eyes


-Keeps her head down when embarrassed or scared

-Ties up her long hair whenever in a mission

-Crying alone when feeling depressed

-Smiling brightly when with friends


Preffered chakra nature(s): Lightning

Weapon: Senbon, poison needles shooter and kunai

Stats chart from Ninja Academy: 









Hand seals
































Jutsu (optional): Rasengan as she is unable to perform the lightning blade due to her lack of Sharingan. She would like to experiment it, joining the Rasengan with lightning. 



Ulzzang: Qing Xao Bao. 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 (As a child. Christina Fernandez Lee.)

Back up Ulzzang: Park Hyo Jin. 1 | 2 | 3 | 4

Style: On her neck. Hinata-style in the first season.

Other: Piercings on both ears

Height: 161 cm

Weight: 44kg

Looks: Takes after her father's dark hair and her mom's long legs. She takes a good mixture of both of her parent's face. Sasuke's face shape and Sakura's green eyes were given to her, making her look very beautiful and unique.


Your relationships:


Sakura Haruno | Yukiko is closer to her mom then her dad. Without a Kekkei Genkei, her mom understands how she feels. Sakura's usually the one who comforts Yukiko and helps train her on chakra control and medical ninjutsu when her father is teaching her sibings the Kekkei Genkai. Sakura is Yukiko's confidante. Yukiko always tells the truth to her mother, always being there by her side. Yukiko feels she is closer to her mom then her siblings as they both can understand each other more. Sakura tries to persuade Sasuke to lighten up the load on Yukiko's shoulders but he continues to bring Yukiko's self-esteem down. Seeing Yukiko fragile, Sakura will turn aggressive to anyone who harms her.


Sasuke Uchiha | Sasuke finds Yukiko a dissapointment as she does not possess the Sharingan. Hence, he neglects her in training, seeing her fail in excersises and blaming her failings on her for not having the Kekkei Genkai. Yukiko felt neglected and sad, feeling overshadowed by her dad and siblings so she made it her goal to prove to them she can be a capable ninja of the Uchiha clan. Yukiko knows he means well and she wants to make her father accept her for who she is (for not having the Sharingan). 


Uchiha Kimiko | Elder Sister | Yukiko is distant from her elder sister, being 10 years apart. The only time they actually talked and had fun together was when Yukiko was a baby toddler and her siblings played with her. But after they found out that she did not possess the Sharingan, Kimiko grew more distant from Yukiko. Yukiko grew very wary of her sister when they are training together, feeling intimidated by her.

??? | Elder Brother (Kimiko's twin) | They got along averagely well together. In contrast to his twin, he accepts Yukiko for not having the Kekkei Genkai. Yukiko always spar with her brother and they both look out for each other. However, her brother sometimes feel hesitant on dotting on her so much. He hates that Yukiko is always failing to keep up to the family's expectations and people talk down on the clan whenever Yukiko messed up in the Academy. He hates her for doing that but tolerates her as she is part of the family.

??? | Second Elder Brother (Middle Child) | With both of them being only 3 years apart, Yukiko and her brother understand each other well. Her brother doesn't care that she does not possess the Sharingan, accepting Yukiko for being who she is. He stands up for Yukiko and usually beats up the bullies that torment her. They both like to play pranks on the younger Uzumaki kids and the four of them would usually hang at Ichiraku Ramen.


Love interest: Seungri

Personality: He's a funny and carefree boy. He's righteous to people, always wanting things to be fair and square. He hates to break rules but is quite prone to be sunk in his friend's pranks. Seungri is loyal to his friends and will not tolerate people tormenting others. He's confident and quite self-absorbed, thinking what he does is always right. Seungri is quite a sensitive guy, always tearing up at the smallest amount of sad moments. He sees and injured puppy, he'll tear up. He dropped his ice cream, he'll cry. He watches a sappy and sad melodrama on TV, he'll ing cry a tsunami. But the good thing about him is that he doesn't wail like a girl on PMS. He'll just sniff and tear up, the suffer in silence mode. That's why he's always labeled as the 'Crybaby'. 

How you guys interact: Seungri gets all shy and smiley around Yukiko. Yukiko wonders why he does that, being oblivious to his actions and acts friendly around. Their quite close friends, finding each other fun to be around with. Yukiko does not know of Seungri's affection to her.

Meetup: Yukiko was walking home from school, taking the long route to burn time and entered a secluded alleyway. There she heard a stifled meow, like kitten being trapped. Hurriedly, Yukiko investigated and found a kitten trapped behind a grate. The grate was stuck from rust and the kitten was injured. Terrified, Yukiko went out to find help and in her haste, accidentally bumped into Seungri who was eating his ice cream. Seungri teared up a little bit and when Yukiko explained the kitten situation, the pair quickly went back to kitten. Seungri got a metal rod from the ground and together, they pried the grate opened and freed the kitten. Seungri started tearing up after seeing the injured kitten and Yukiko told him to man up. Yukiko dressed the wound and Seungri volunteered to take care of it. They exchanged greetings and Seungri was smitten by Yukiko and her polite nature. 


Backup love interest: Ryeowook 

Backup personality: [Same]

How you interact: [Same]

Backup meetup: [Same]


Best friend(s): Sungjong | Sungjong is quite the character. He is loud and girlish, always overeacting to things. He's extremely naive and faithful, making him the subject of pranking. His oblivious nature and perfect face attracts the girls in the academy and Yukiko had to be the one who gets him out of unpleasant situations. Sungjong views Yukiko like a little sister and he babies her most of the time. Yukiko doesn't mind. She liked him when he does that. They're relationship is somewhat like Mother-To-Daughter, the mom being Sungjong. He cares for her well-being and Yukiko does the same for him. 


Enemy(s): Chaerin (CL) | CL is a proud and haughty person. Always feeling superior to everyone, she is arrogant to her peers. CL detest Yukiko when she failed in the excersises. Yukiko never understood why Chaerin hated her so much. Yukiko would usually greet CL politely and she'll answer back with an arrogant 'Hmph'. CL usually talks behind Yukiko's back, bringing her down for not being a child with the Sharingan. Yukiko get annoyed around her but she just tolerates CL's torment. 



Preferred Squad:


Hyuuga Neji | He is a harsh sensei to live up to. Always strict and no fun in games. Neji trains his students strictly but his intentions are good. He is strict in training but always, after every mission is completed, he would treat his squad to a sushi restaurant. They'll eat and Neji will go debrief of their mission. He has sets his expectations on his students but instead of putting them down when they failed, he will encourage them to do better. Neji sees Hinata in Yukiko eyes. Their similarities are uncanny, both being unsure and gentle in their missions. He decided to train Yukiko out of her shell just like he trained with Hinata.

Team members: 

Bom | Bom is a 4D person, always in and out from reality. She's a klutz most of the time and is extremely sensitive. She has a sweet personality but is aggresive when provoked. Somewhat like a cuddly man-eating lion cub. She talks in 3 person, using her name instead of me. (Eg. 'Bom is hungry.' 'Don't talk to Bom's friend like that!'. 'Bom likes corn'.) During missions, she can be serious when the situation calls for it but most of the time, she's just a ditzy girl. Yukiko has a nice relationship with Bom despite Bom being friends with CL. Bom acts all cuddly and cute around Yukiko and Yukiko can't help but care for her.

Kai | Kai is the serious boy in the group. His cold face and distant nature makes him somewhat the leader of the two. Other people might beg to differ, seeing him more of a caretaker to the klutzy Bom and soft-spoken Yukiko. Kai strict nature is quite comical as none of his teammates actually take him seriously during trainings. Kai is easily frustrated because of being teamed up with two girls. He constantly wants to be a leader but Neji finds him still too immature. Despite scolding his teamates and getting frustrated, Kai actually cares for them. He values them like a second family, going to lengths to help them out. He looks at Yukiko like an elder sister as she has a mature aura around her and looks at Bom like a younger sister for her klutzy manner. In missions, Kai is usually the one who gives out orders but will occasionally asks Yukiko's advice as he feels like he is not ready. Yukiko cares for Kai deeply, always guiding him through missions, wanting him to succeed in them.



OTHER (all optional):

Favorite Naruto Characters: Hinata! Kekeke. And Gaara. I had a fangirl dream they were together! XD

Anything you think I should know: You rock! That's all. Thanks for creating this story!

I am moose: I am pie. -_-




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