[Personal Info]

Username: UlquiHime
Name: El

[Character Basic Info]

Name: El Wang/ Taigong Wang 

Nickname: El / L / Tai

Patient Number: 607

Gender: Male

ual Orientation: Straight

Age: 21

Date of Birth: December 1st

Hometown: China

Ethnicity: Full Chinese

Height: 186cm

Weight: 75kg



Ulzzang or idol of choice : 1 | 2 | 3 | 4

Name of Ulzzang or idol: Lee Chi Hoon


[All About You]



Name: Tailee Wang

Age: 37

Occupation: Chef

Notes: She's the sole breadwinner for El and knows of his depression. El loves her to bits but wishes that she stops introducing him to girls his age. Critically ill with stomach cancer.

Name: -
Age: -
Occupation: -
Notes: Left Tailee when she was pregnant. El has never met him. He hates him for leaving his mum. 

Name: Ella Wang/ Taixing Wang
Age: -
Occupation: -
Notes: Died at birth. Was born first but died when her lungs failed. El feels guilty of her death.


His parents were rowdy and they had a baby before they were married. El's father feared commitment and left Tailee when she informed him of her prgnancy. He left quickly and Tailee was left to fend her self. She gave birth to twins but Ella died at birth. It traumatized Tailee and she mad a point to raise El with great care. They grew up simple and content in the rural streets of China. El made friends and everything was perfect. But that changed when El witnessed his friend's death (Look at affliction).

He grew depressed and constantly woke up screaming in the night. His mother tried to help his condition by introducing girls but that just annoyed him. In the end, after having enough of El's nightmares, Tailee decided to move to Korea. El slowly got better after that. He got more attached to God after the killing incident and would always wear a Cross Bracelet. He also decided to take up hobbies like song-writing and was surprised that he had a gifted talent. He's not a bad singer either. His neighbor were Spanish and they had a deaf 10 year old daughter in which El took care of during the weekends when the parents have to work. The girl helped him during his depressing moments and taught him sign language. El learned Spanish as well from the parents and they grew close. When he found out that his mother contracted Cancer, he transferred all of his life savings to his mother's Cancer therapy treatment and shipped himself to the Psych ward to help lessen his mothers burden. He had the parents promise to care for his mother while his gone and they agreed. They were somewhat like an extended family.

Languages: Spanish and Chinese. Basic English and Korean. And a few Sign Language.


He tends to be clumsy and easily duped. He's fairly quiet and you will have to strain your ears just to listen to him speak. He has a sweet and kind aura that results in him becoming the victim of many bullies and practical jokes. He is a tad bit cowardly and doesn't like being in trouble. He avoids adventures because it scares the hell out of him and you can bet that he can't lie. If someone is nearing the secret truth, he will start to stutter and sweat. But despite he's cowardly nature, he tends to be bold at times. If it's for a friend, he will risk being in trouble by pranking someone. But of course it will result in him being fidgety for a day or so.

He's extremely shy and uncomfortably around attractive or imodestly dressed girls, a fact that teases him to no end. He's a prone to blushing around girls and avoids looking in the eye when talking to a girl. He will pull his hood up to mask his blush around girls. He distances himself to most people and you can find him hiding in the corner, daydreaming. He will smile a tiny bit when he's around with people he knows but deep inside, he's scared of losing them. He's haunted daily by the memory of his best friend's death and because of that, he is highly protective of the people he loves. He will not tolerate people belitting his friends and might turn violent when someone he cares for is in a fight. 

But when he's alone, that's when you notice that he is depressed. He will always wear a hood so when his hood is up, you'll know that he's in his depressed moment. It is best to take him out of his moment when he's like this and usually he will get out of it. But if he ignores your first call, that's when you know you'll have to leave him alone. If you call him again when he ignored you, he will turn more egoistical and may even start cutting his wrist. Just ignore him in this stage and he will recover. 




-Nice songs

-Quiet people


-People who understands him

-Jacket hoodies



-Being surprised

-Getting into trouble

-Overly cute girls






- Daydreaming


-Song writing





The Psychosis

Affliction: Depression

Specified Affliction:

He witnissed a killing when he was 12. He was visiting his best friend's house to celebrate his birthday when he heard gunshots. He peered through the window and witnessed a robber putting a bullet through his friend's brother's head. He saw their parents lying on the ground dead with holes in their head and when he saw the robber making a move towards his friend, he snapped. He crashed into the window and knocked the robber down as he shot his friend in the stomach. El grabbed the gun and shot the robber in the skull multiple times till the bullets were empty.

He went over to his friend and tried to stop the blood from escaping. El called the ambulance and held his friend hand as they spent his friend's last moments together. His friend requested him to sing and he did. He sang (A/N: Sorry that its a girl voice! Just imaging a male singing it kay?^^;;) till his friend died and after that day he had constant nightmares and contracted depression. He dared not to be friends with anyone after the incident.

Past with affliction: After his friend's death, a penknife was his 'Best Friend'. He slit his limbs when he has his moments. He tried to kill himself when he found out his only Mother is contracted with Stomach Cancer. The depression was too much to bear and he jumped down from a building. He fell, but he survived. His ribs cracked and he was submitted into the hospital. Seeing his mother crying and begging him not to do that ever again, he realised what a burden he is. He resulted in 

Admission: After finding out that his mother had stomach cancer, he decided admit himself to the ward. He didn't want to burden his mother by having her take care of his condition. He left without his mother knowing and asked his neighbors to help his mother with her sickness. He didn't think much of his action and prayed for his mother's healthy recovery.

Treatment: Nope


Tattoos, Scars, or Birthmarks: Scars on his limbs from constant cutting. He has a birthmark on the left side of his back. He ALWAYS wear a cross bracelet and a hoodie.

Worst fear[s]: People calling him a freak, loud screeching noises, Nightmares, His friend's death.

Request for character: Do you think you'll allow the Patients to fall in love with each other? Cuz I kinda think that will make the plot a lil more intresting! ^_^

[Please acknowledge that by giving me your character, you allow me full creative ability. Not all will have a happy ending, and by submitting this character, you are acknowledging that all choices in plot are clearly to my discretion.]



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I'm SO glad someone gave me a male application.
And you know, I wasn't planning on having any kind of central romance, but I just think he would fit so well with the character I'm planning...
And what a pretty *sniff* song.
Quick question: How was he introduced to the Spanish Language, and how did he wind up in Korea?
Thank you so much for the application~
P.S. Lee Chi Hoon is my FAVORITE male ulzzang. ^^