▐░ : HAEDO APARTMENTS ↺ Lee Jin Rang.




username :JungDongPark

nickname : Lou

activity level : 10 

comments/questions : Nothing, much. Just that I had fun filling out this form! Hope you like my character! ^-^

scene request(s) : 

  • Seokmin and Jung So could finally meet through Jin Rang. 
  • Seokmin asks her out on a date
  • the rest up to you author-nim ~

scene suggestion(s) : I can't think of any soo... up to you author-nim! ^^

password :   My Love ~


( change the picture above to your ulzzang. width 300px )


ulzzang : Kang Ji Won

pictures : Gallery oo1.

back-up : Jung Minhee

pictures : Gallery oo1 | Gallery oo2 

appearance : n/a

style : Jae Joo treats everyday as a runway either that, or she has to feel really pretty about what she wears. She can't ever go out in public looking like a mess or else the whole day she'll regret it and keep muttering on how ugly she looks even if she looks fine. The thing is she already has a perfect pretty face to herself but she still thinks she'd look ugly without looking her best in clothes. If she were to just throw on a white t-shirt and shorts, she would need something else to make her look a little stylish. A leather jacket or anything. Her hair is always wavy and a long dark brown. Like chocolate color. Everyday is a runway, she has to be stylish no matter what. Even if it's just to get something small like go to a relative's house and pick something up and go home right away, she has to get dressed all nice. No way is she ever going in public like a trash. She likes to follow fashion on it's latest update, making her look very professional daily

extras : Tattoos on her left shoulder blade; "Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man." & Cartilage piercings on her right ear.


name : Lee Jin Rang

other name(s) : Aileen Lee

nickname(s) : n/a

age : 19

birthday : ( 05/31 )

birthplace : Garden Grove, California

hometown : LA, California

ethnicity : Korean - Vietnamese

language(s) : English & Korean(spoke it at home all the time) - Fluent | Vietnamese  - Conversational

height & weight : 168 cm & 53 kg

blood type : B





personality : 

     She has a bit of a two-face. Not personality wise - but face wise. Her face maybe as sweet and innocent as a five year-olds, but underneath all that layer is pure cockiness and ertedness - well cocky towards strangers.  She's erted in a way that whatever anyone says she can twist it into something dirtier and grossier than what's meant. Or look at a random object or whatever and thing gross things about it. She can talk on and on forever about erted things without ever getting grossed out. In front of adults or elders - it's a little different. She shows off her smart side. Not wanting the elders to think bad about her. She's a constant Straight-A student, a person with many awards and acheivements. She's always been a teacher's Pet too, so most the time, adults respect her. 

She is quite straightforward and honest. She's very blunt about everything. She hates having to bottle things up and cover it with sugar happiness. If anybody pisses her off, annoy her or anything - she'll turn and tell someone and honest and rude negative point about them, She sometimes has no heart and most of the time, doesn't care if the person gets hurt after hearing her rude remark towards them. She has a short-temper too. She's quite a flirt too - like her father. It doesn't intend to come out that way but it just does. She has a charm that guys just instantly get attracted too. She likes to make sarcastic remarks when she's bored and when she's with someone she doesn't like. She is a nice person but doesn't show it. Ask her a favor, she'll do it - but want nothing in return. Ask her frequently, she'll change her mind and ignore you. 

She's absolutely not the typ of daughter anybody would love to take care of; 1) She talks back to her parents because she knows she's right, but no one ever shuts up and let her explain. 2) She daydreams about useless things her parents think are useless 3) she never does her chores. She's always lived by a quote; "Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man." - Steve Harvey.


background : 

Born and rasied in California, Jin Rang lived her life like any normal child. Only thing different was she was a busy child. During the age of three, her grandma had put her into modeling pagaents and she won them. She won them frequently enough to get a modeling contract from a photographer in Asia, Her grandma took her back and forth to Asia to shoot. But after her grandma reached old age, Jin Rang stopped modeling and continued her life of school.

When she reached middle school - she wanted to start her modeling career again. Her parents disapproved of it, but she really wanted to work hard. So her brother had helped her. She did a couple of shoots here and there but then ended it. Due to school. When she had reached age sixteen - she was contacted by a magazine editor in Korea and asked her to work for them. Immidiately she accepted. She lived in Korea with her grandma over there. What she was as a child helped her grow up to be a model again. When she was eighteen she moved out of her grandma's house and went to look for a place to live. 

There, she found Haedo Apartments. She liked that the apartment was very modern. It was also a covinient place for her to live since it wasn't so far from her school nor her agency when she had to work. It helped her when she needed to go to school or work. 

likes : 

  • Skinship
  • Photography
  • Bubble Tea
  • Movies
  • Love Legends
  • Shooting Stars
  • Romantic Stories
  • Cats
  • Guitar 
  • Books
  • Criminal/ Mystery Shows

dislikes : 

  • Animals (except for Cats)
  • Spiders
  • Insects
  • Ghosts
  • Chainmails
  • Stereotypes

habits : 

  • touching people
  • sniffing people
  • staying up late (ex; until 4am)

hobbies : 

  • writing stories
  • playing her guitar
  • taking photos
  • playing her saxaphone

trivia : 

  • Left-Handed
  • Lactose-Intolerate
  • Has two pet cats named; Jisoo & Doji
  • Plays the piano - basic
  • Can professionally play the guitar and saxaphone
  • She practices her boxing skills
  • She likes to play a lot of sports
  • She doesn't know how to cook
  • She's a heavy sleeper
  • Twitter: LeeJinJin
  • Instagram: Jinrang_lee 

family :

Father : Lee Bu Jin : 48 : Professional Chef : Strict | Quiet | Anti-Social : Between Jin Rang and her father, the two don't talk as much. They would always fight when they see each other - there's never any use to get the two to get along. They'll get along in front of other family members but usually the two don't talk. : 2

Mother : Tran Chi : 45 : Stay-home mom : Strict | Wise | Kind : Jin Rang and her mother get along, but not as much either. They fight constantly because whenever Jin Rang talks back to prove a point, her mother gets angered and would always result in more hate and fight. The two will talk sometimes. : 3

Brother : Lee Jason : 26 : Medical Major Student : Out-going | Loud | Funny | Caring : The two are extremely close. They always crack jokes at each other and spend plenty of time together. When they're not busy with school or work, they'll call each other on the phone and talk. Or maybe go out together if Jin Rang ever went back to the states to visit or Jason visits her in Korea. : 7

friends : 

Best Friend : Kim Hyuna : 21 : Model : Bubbly | Sensitive | Funny : The two clicked immidiately when they first became friends. The two always hung out with each other and people will find them doing anything together : 7

Friend : Choi Eun Joo : 19 : student : Loud | Tomboy | Rowdy : The two hang out from time to time - usually after school or so. Eun Joo likes to shout a lot and so does Jin Rang. So the two would be really wild and weird and shout sometimes. That made them friends instantly.



name : Lee Seokmin 

personality : Lee Seokmin is that awkward prankster guy next door. He's quite quirky and easy to joke around. He can be serious only when he has to be. He can brighten up any sad mood. Easy person to make fun of and bully. 

how they met : They live on the same floor. When Jin Rang first moved in Seokmin had came over to welcome her to the apartments. They sat and talked for awhile, they had immidiately clicked due to same interests. 

why does she likes him : Jin Rang likes Seokmin because he's everything she likes in a guy. Her ideal type. He's funny and tall, and quirky. 

interaction : The two always hug each other when they see each other. Not little hugs but warm comfy hugs. 

back-up : Hong Ji Soo


name : Kim Jung So (OC)

job : Photographer

personality : Jung So is very quiet and anti-social. He tends give off a cold and harsh look but not really. He's really kind once you get to know him.

how they met : Jung So and her through a mutual friend. The two had met up at a Cafe. It took quite awhile for the two to actually talk to each other since it was awkward. But after that it went smoothly.

reason : Jung So knew or found out about Seokmin through Jin Rang when she went on talking about him at times. Jung So would get jealous easily and would hope to eventually get Jin Rang to like him more than Seokmin.

interaction : Because Jung So is quite anti-social and quiet, it's hard for the two to communicate sometimes. It usually ends with awkward conversations or silences.

back-up : Shin Joon Hyuk (OC)


what do you do for a living? 

"Hello! For a living, I work as a part-time model for W Korea & Stylenanda, I'm also a cafe waitress on the weekends. I'm a student majoring in criminalogy."

which floor? 

"Seventh floor."

room type? two bedrooms 

do you live alone? or no? 

"Nope, I don't live alone. I have a cousin from the states that lives with me. But he's never home often due to work and business." 




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