I Like You xxhui, I Love You Xue Hui Xiang




face claim
SEPTEMBER 16, 1992
looking for: womeN
status: singlE

Bio give us an intoduction!

 sup mah dudes, i actually still am fairly new and unaquainted but i didn't create this on my own except with a help of few friends on some fine drunkard day... honestly send me meesages and friend requests all you want, i'll probably just leave you on read. which defeats the purpose of having a user, sorry. 

wow this was a fail. 


hui xiang is the person you could possibly say is the jekyll and hyde (not to the super extreme though). he can be sweet and kind at one point but rude and the next second. the reason people genuinely lure and fall into him as a person is his honesty. well - honesty as in being completely truthful with no filter. he has a dry humor and sarcastic reaction to majority of things. and his response to many things (people that he's close to at least) is very hostile and joking. everyone sees this as comic relief. "hui xiang is the only reason i'm so active on social media, i'm on to see what funny he says today." he's a pretty humorous guy - loves dad jokes more than his cats actually. he's such a charmer, he knows his best points a lot and often acts like a romantic around the opposite . but besides the opposite , he genuinely cares for the people that are close to him and puts them above everything else all the time. however, like everyone - he definitely has a bad side to him. "ever heard of anger management, hui xiang?" getting to know his ugly side had always been a shocking step for some people. sure, his responses showed uninterest or boredom - but all around he was a funny and weird guy. he'd rarely be angry at times. but when he was, he oftened get into huge arguments and get annoyed so easily by anything. so sometimes people try and not make him upset because he's usually the most brutal person when angry. he's so impulsive, he does before thinking and the most impatient person ever - it's practically impossible to work with him sometimes because once he has something done -- it's done, "let's move onto the next task." he's not picky but he is a hard person to please sometimes. the things people find funny, he doesn't. the things people find attractive, he doesn't. thank god, he's not a picky eater. usually something has to really wow him for him to be interested. like his two siamese cats. 

character background

hui xiang was born in nanjing, china and was the only son and the oldest growing up. he particularly wasn't close with his sister growing up because of the huge but he was close with his parents. when he turned four, his family moved to france from a job offer given to his father. five years later, he had a little sister - making them a good nine years apart. he had always been an active and creative kid. he loved sports but he as well loved books and writing stories. he was great in soccer and basketball and had a great passion for it. however, due to an injury he dropped his dream of becoming a professional athlete. in his third year of high school, he decided to go and live with his grandparents in beijing. from there, he finished high school and went off to college - majoring in human psychology.

one day, after work, his buddies and he was at the pub, when, "ugh -- another text from mom about when I'm getting married." he frowned. his friends laughed and told him to pick any girl up at the bar. "what a lame 'how'd you and mom meet' story to tell my kids one day -- 'yeah kids, nothing romantic besides your mom had a one night stand and i got her pregnant and you came out.'" he took a sip from his beer. his friends scoffed, "well you don't have to say that -" his friend scratched the back of his neck. "- or do that." hui xiang shrugged until his friends suggested he use the ILY app. hui xiang kept passing it off, saying it was dumb and unneccessary. eventually they made him the account anyways, forcing him to use it. "fine, I'll give it a try - just to get you toads off my back." 

hui xiang currently living in taipei, taiwan, he is a college professor for human psychology. everyone would say bc him being a professor at a young age and good looking, is the only reason why students would purposely fail his class - just to see him. which is untrue, but everyone knows he's an eyecandy amongst the students. he usually has four am classes, but whenever he's not working, he's either working out, checking out old music record stores or simply playing with his cats. usually on the weekends is when he tends go out and have fun with his friends and the weekdays he'll do weird stuff, like find memes and send them to his friends or work out. sometimes he sulks in front of the computer looking out cute date ideas, it's not that he doesn't want to date or marry - just no ones caught his eyes, 


one. cats
two. dad jokes
three. boba
four. being a sneakerhead
five. basketball
six. giving knowledge
seven. conspiracy theories
eight. books
nine. granola bars
ten. anything red velvet
eleven. cologne
twelve. fashion/ keeping up to date with trends


one. people who take anything too seriously (although he could be like this sometimes yikess--)
two. insects/ arachnids
three. dogs (oy, mr. sensitive & allergic)
four. overly sweet things
five. mushrooms
six. being unheard
seven.  staying in one place/ not going on adventures
eight. rude/ standoff-ish, arrogant people
nine. donuts or chocolate
ten. drunk people (he's not a lightweight nor does he get drunk(??))


one. playing basketball
two. food tasting / food trips
three. watching documentaries on anything (like the time he watched a documentary on the creation of candles ;-;)
four. searching for new music (faves - r&b)


one. paying for others (like a meal or as a treat a lil too often)
three. switching languages, since he's quite fluent in french, he sometimes mixes french and mandarin together


one. left-handed
two. allergic to dogs & milk
three. coffee, boba, food addict 
four. goes on road trips almost very often
five. has an obsession over cologne and sneakers
six. speaks french and mandarin fluently, english conversational
seven. huge foodie, but will always pick packaged ramen over anything
eight. loves drinking, but takes forever for him to get into drunk mode
nine. isn't good at managing his anger, so tends to call anyone out who makes him mad
ten. hates sleeping in the dark + needs at least one night light


best friend - 24 - restuarant owner - zhang rei yu
highschool best friends they are, the two together were practically rascals and troublemakers -- kids that parents were always like "eehh, best you stay away from them." the two are always up to no good, but as they grew, they matured. but they still have some of their rascal behaviors within them. 

coworker - 26 - criminology professor - wei han shu 
the first teacher/ professor hui xiang had met when he arrived at the job. she was basically his tour guide and helper, etc. the two get along extremely and have some dealt things along the way but they're just as good as friends. 


wei han shu ;; she was the person he first met when he arrived at the university and was helped directed by her. he began to spend much more of his time with her unknowingly, the two had many common interests and the two were both intelligent and good looking. they were the eye-candy teacher couple at the school for sometime until han shu had decided to break it off after a year over text for some unknown reason besides a measly 'i need space and time to find myself'. though after two months, the two became friends again and acted like nothing ever had happened but hui xiang always suspects that theres more to why she broke up with him over text.

zhang jia fei (22) ;; she is the younger sister of his best friend. she was always often around them in high school, whenever hui xiang would come over to hang out, she'd relax in the room and laugh and make jokes with them. the three were almost inseparable in a way. however, freshmen year of college, hui xiang had changed his whole look and very much gotten more handsome than before. this grew a bubbling attraction in jia fei. about her junior year of hs when hui xiang was starting college, her boyfriend had broken up with her. she didn't run to her brother to cry but ran to hui xiang. taken aback, he didn't want to be rude and consoled her. he often began being there and around her more often seeing how fragile she was and something about it made him very much fall for her. three months after, he had asked her out. however his relationship with her didn't last very long but a mere five months. she was materialistic and had always expected him to be there, knowing he was in college and was busy at times. and like every broke college student, they couldn't exactly afford high end stuff (unless ur parents were drop dead rich), though he didn't leave her because of that. he left her after finding out that she had cheated on him because and her reasoning was 'the relationship had gotten boring'.

Ideal match What are you looking for?

i'm not a picky person when it comes to a partner/ significant other. but I would like someone who's the opposite of me. you know a ying to my yang. but then again, i'm hoping this person loves jokes and isn't overly sensitive. quite frankly, i'd dislike that. but just someone i can trust and won't expect too much of me because -- honestly i try so hard. but also, let's hope my ideal match can cook bc i've tried but i almost burnt my poor siamese cat's toys. yikes haha. OH cant forget that this person is active and wild, and always up for an adventure because i'm quite energetic. 

Perfect Date

i'm a huge er for dates. I'd honestly say that's the one thing in a relationship that i know i'm super good at. 100% perfection rate. fancy dinners, simple picnics, a little beach trip, hiking trip - whatever it is, I'm up for it. if it makes my girl happy, i'm happy. 

face claim





6'1'' / 186CM

175-180 LBS / 79-81KG




casual + outting

+ work

backup fc

love interest

love interest

JESSICA JUNG (ex-snsd)




seeing my little sister and her boyfriend dilly-dally and cuddle makes me want to have a relationship. though, i'm up for anything except the average cutesy soft relationship, pls excite me. 


Normally, hui xiang would never ever even message a girl first or anything. he just had the app because of his friends and just decided to use it more often. he eventually scrolled and landed upon jessica jung's profile. her bio itself, was quirky and funny - making him chuckle a little. she didn't seem like the overly desperate girls like everyone else online. when they first began messaging, of course, it was awkward like every other encounter, but when they got used to each other, their messages together were filled with jokes, insults and weird memes actually. they can range from talking about how much hair does a fish have to is the solar system friends with any other systems? just weird questions you'd hear from a six year old, but is actually from people in their 20s. in the beginning, hui xiang couldn't tell if she was purposely doing it, but he got an arrogant type vibe from her -- and he'd usually dislike it, but it attracted him in an odd way. she found him charming, but didn't want to be seem too easy so she played hard to get, cocky. of course, to both of their friends, their friends could easily describe their relationship with each other as something not to pressuring or materialistic. it's filled with good humble laughs. to both of them, their not typically each other's ideals.

" i'm not your ideal girl." 

"my ideal is just something that i inserted
because the website asked me so."

"but that is what you're looking for, Isn't it?"

"it'd be nice, but i'm glad you aren't my ideal, I'd already
know what to expect from and it wouldn't be a  

fun surprise unfolding you."

"well, same goes for you then, pierre."  


between jessica and hui xiang, they have special nicknames for each other, but for hui xiang he rarely lets anyone call him as pierre except his family members and friends and partners, though he lets jessica. while he often calls jessica nicknames like guppyfish because she sends him cute selfies or things like noodle cup. she'd sometimes call him shrek or slender man just because of his height. the two actually plan to meet one day, but there's no specific date or event they want it's just an idea.


seoul, sk

petite, small, slender


looking for...men


adventurous • compassionate • loyal • jealous • impatient • short-tempered
jessica jung was born in california, she had grown up very close and in tact with her family. she had always been an energetic child and was constantly into sports. in fact, she was put in soccer and that was her sport. she had grown advanced and really good into it, leading her to be captain of her team in high school, however by her junior year in high school, her parents had decided to go back to seoul, sk and live. of course, the language was never a problem for her as she had grown up having to speak it very often. but the sudden move made her really not want to pursue soccer, it was just a hobby to her in a way. she majored in interior designing when she went of to college and of course after she graduated, she became an interior designer. 

chilling at her friends studio apartment, she asked her friend, "hey, jooah, how did you meet your boyfriend again?" her friend simply replied, "on ILY." sitting up straight, she sighed, "how could you trust a website though, what if they're a bunch of like erts or serial killers, etc?" she sipped her coffee, unsure of it. "look, you've met him and the website seems to have good ratings of everyone dating with no problems. you should try it." jooah suggested. "I've been thinking about it." with jooah whining and persuading her that the app wasn't filled with s, she finally created her own profile. 

her only intentions were zero hookups and possibly a meaningful relationship. if there was anything she disliked, it was hookups and short relationships where she was being used. she cherished relationships very much and was majority of the time looking for long-term. offline, she has her work life, with clients calling her asking her to help pick colors, furnitures, etc to decorate for whatever event. you could always find her at the hardware/ furniture store looking for colors and things to make an area gorgeous. if she wasn't doing that, she was always outing, hiking, at the beach or relaxing at the coffee shop with her friends. 

back up love interest




hehehe omg, i love this concept gjfdcgfv but i finally finished DD': but hopefully you like him gfdjvfjh 


scene or general
- jessica and him arguing over the co-worker bc she's jealous + they're still friends 
- hui xiang flying over to meet her, however, it's as a surprise though


password - blood, sweat and tears by bts ((':  but omg i had this thing where i was like what if bts doesn't stand for bangtan boys but its stands for blood sweat and tears bc blood sweat and tears is actually bst, but bts is bst just switched around ojnofvrnv ok sorry for rambling hehehehe



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