우리 결혼했어요 ? ! - Jung Jae Joo


i want to;
get married!  application form



Aff name: JungDongPark

what i can call you: Lou

activeness: 10





idol name: Jung Jae Joo

face claim: Jessica Jung

age: 19

date of birth: (05/31/94)

ethnicity: Korean - Vietnamese American

birthplace: Garden Grove, California

hometown: Garden Grove, California

height/weight: 164cm/ 48kg

blood type: B+

Appearance: Jae Joo treats everyday as a runway either that, or she has to feel really pretty about what she wears. She can't ever go out in public looking like a mess or else the whole day she'll regret it and keep muttering on how ugly she looks even if she looks fine. The thing is she already has a perfect pretty face to herself but she still thinks she'd look ugly without looking her best in clothes. If she were to just throw on a white t-shirt and shorts, she would need something else to make her look a little stylish. A leather jacket or anything. Her hair is always wavy and a long dark brown. Like chocolate color. Everyday is a runway, she has to be stylish no matter what. Even if it's just to get something small like go to a relative's house and pick something up and go home right away, she has to get dressed all nice. No way is she ever going in public like a trash. She likes to follow fashion on it's latest update, making her look very professional daily. She likes to wear bright colors on rainy days, just so people can spot her out of the publics eye. On sunny days, she tends to wear dark colors. One, because she just likes too, two, because dark colors like dark and grey are usually the clothes she has that also make her stand out. She has other types of clothing for sunny days too, but she just likes to the color black and grey on her skin. 

Style: Casual; oo1. |  oo2. | oo3. | oo4. | oo5. |  Formal;  oo1. | oo2. | oo3. | oo4. | oo5. | oo6.

Date;   oo1. | oo2. | oo3. | oo4. | oo5.Sleep;  oo1. | oo2. |  oo3. | oo4. |



Personality: She has always had two-face, maybe not personality wise, but the mind and looks. She has a face as pure and innocent as a five year-old, but underneath all that it's ertedness and cockiness - in front of the strangers at least, she's cocky. Though she's extremely erted no matter what, liking to joke about whatever anyone says, it triggers her mind to think of something grosser and dirtier than what's meant to be said. She hides all that though, in front of the adults or elders with her school attitude and her polite manners. Which of course she does have, she's big on manners and being respectful to elders. She's always been a Straight A student - never failed once. And if she did, it's probably something in preschool for not coloring in the lines. The things is that when school comes along, she always has to succeed and never fail. That goes for everything else that goes around her too. If she does fail, she'll feel bad and ashamed of herself and cry on the inside. She has great attendace, many awards too and always is a Teacher's Pet which causes her to think highly of herself sometimes. Not on purpose.

If people annoy her, piss her off, she doesn't take bull from anyone at all, she just comes back with a straight-up rude remark about that person. Sarcastic too, if they're 'dumb' to her. She's a kind person too, ask her to do a favor, she'll do it. She doesn't need anything in return - unless you ask her so frequently, but she changes her mind every couple of minutes. But to the point you keep on bugging her for a favor, she'll ignore you and say no. That's her own charm. At least she thinks so.

She is a huge flirt too. Just like her dad. Like Father like Daughter. She has a lot of charms in her flirting that makes guys fall for her, but the things is she's not trying too, it just comes out that way. Some people would think that she likes them but nope. Just a little misunderstanding. She had many relationship problems just cause of that. Many people in her family (aunts, uncles, etc.,) saw her as a bad influence. She's also not the type of daughter anybody would love to have. 1) She doesn't do her chores. 2) She talks back a lot because she knows she's correct all the time, but people wouldn't shut up and let her explain. 3) She always daydreams about the things in her parents opinion, not even worthy of thinking about. 4) She always opposed to whatever her parents thought was good for her, but no, it would always end in a mess. She has a quote always kept in her mind though; "Act like a Lady, Think like a Man." - Steve Harvey. 

Background: Jae Joo was born in Garden Grove, California to a Vietnamese mother and Korean father. Her parents really spoiled Jae Joo a lot ever since she was a child, and was the one who was showered with the most love. That caused many of her cousins from her mom side who lived in the U.S. hate her. She always stood to the side as she grew up. Didn't want to do anything with them because they had hit her so many times as a kid. She hated them too. Her grandma had usually taken her back and forth to Asia and home to visit family members, so she was glad she could be able to get away from them for some time.

As she grew she had been in pagaents her grandma put her in and she had won them. Got a modeling contract at age four for two years then quit because her grandma grew old and couldn't take her anywhere anymore. Later on, her cousins from Korea had come over to visit her dad, they were cool in her opinion. They loved her a lot. They lived with Jae Joo's family for a long time because their parents couldn't and weren't able to take care of them, so they were sent to live with her family. Jae Joo's grandpa lived with them too, and one night, he had a . Her grandpa was the person that took care of her through all her troubles and protected her. 

Few days later, he was in the nursing homes, still he couldn't move and he called Jae Joo to listen her voice, she had said, "Hello? Grandpa, when are you coming home? I miss you!" She was only six at the time and didn't know what was going on. After that, he was able to move just a little bit, by hearing just Jae Joo's voice. But then his heart automatically stopped beating and passed away. Because of that, some of her cousins blamed her for the cause of her grandpa's death. But only her two cousins, Mark and Brian who had lived with her - stuck by her side. When she's sad, she would sometime just look at her grandpa's photo and talk to him as if he were they with her. 


- skinship/ something she adores so much. Just the feeling of someone touching her or her touching some just makes her day or makes her feel giddy

- Photography/ Likes taking photos because to her they're a magical item. Something you can look at and feel as if you were there.

- guitar/ she was taught by her middle school teacher in seventh grade, she had always liked the sound of accoustic guitars and learned from him. 

- Dance/ dances are ways for her to get away from the world and express her feelings. Her favorite is to y dances.

- LoveLegends/ with so many problems in past relationships, she sometimes hopes on love legends and for them to be real. That way she doesn't feel like she'll have to live with thirty cats one day

- Cats; They're just cute furry things that are mini lions

- Food/ Nah, don't deny on food. she loves food as much as anyother human. Just to the point where she'll just spend a Friday going to different stores and buying random food to eat in her room

- sleep/ loves sleeping, a vicious beast when woken up. Longest hours of sleeping; 17 hours plus, it's a fantasy place for her. where she can be a criminal and not go to jail. A T-Rex that eats leaves.

- Her phone/ she usually texts and replies quickly to her friends, so she always waits on ends for her friends' replies

- music/ a place of simple happiness

- flat abs/ she has perfect flat abs.

- boxing/ boxes with her cousins in her free time. A good fighter too


- aegyo/ she can't do it, in photos, she can be as cute as everybody wants and look really cute! But if it's not something including photos, then no. She'll just look like she's about to murder someone if she does do aegyo

- Cheaters/ walked in on her ex-boyfriend once when she was at a friend's party and happened to walk into the wrong bedroom. She just hates them so much, it disgusts her a lot. Even cheaters on tests.

- stereotypes/ she hates them so much! she'll yell or punch someone if they even bring up an Asian stereotype. Then she'll name all the things why that race too in return. Not in a bad way or meant too, but they piss her off if someone starts saying an Asian stereotype.

- animals but cats; they scare her in so many ways, like she won't even try to look at one

- insects/ just gross little million of legs thingy

- chainmails/ the fear of chainmails makes her cling onto life so much because she won't even go to the restroom to wash her hands or whatever because she's afraid of dying

- ghosts/ just plain scary things


- pateince/ never patient. Hates slow people

- Truths; she'll tell anybody a truth, or honesty, not fakes where people try to cover it up with happiness. she'll point out their flaws and is straightforward. hates holding back on what she has to say

-Audio/ Loud as hell, can't seem to whisper. Or doesn't know how too. when she talks to some people it makes it sound like she's yelling at them a lot. 

- Envious/ she gets so jealous at times, it makes her cry. Even if it's not a guy she's dating, it pains her to see him with someone else.


- Touching people

- Sniffing people

- Sleeping really late (ex; 4-5 am)

- Taking selcas of herself

- Sleeping in class

- Talking to herself


- Spiders

- Dogs

- Ghosts

- Chainmails

Pet Peeves: 

- People touching her phone

- Little spoiled kids even though she was spoiled, but she had only crayons and paper! Not phones!

- Rude and disrespectful younger people

- being ignored when speaking

- When people call her short


- Left-Handed

- Lactose Intolerate

- Fave Male Actors; Adam Sandler | George Clooney | Chris Rock | Jackie Chan | Vin Diesel | Lee Minho | Lee Byung Hun | David Spades 

- Fave Actresses; Shin Min Ah | Shin Se kyung | Kiera Knightly | Emma Stones | Emma Watson

- Ideal Guy; Shamu♥ Probably because she still doesn't know whether Shamu's a male or female, but has a huge thing for the killer whale!

- She's Buddhist

- Alcoholic; Influenced by her two cousins Mark and Brian a lot with everything

- Immidiately falls for a guy if he smells really good

Ideal type: Jae Joo has a thing for males with deep voice and are tall. Deep voices are everything for her, she seems to like how it sounds manly and gives her so much feels when they speak. If they're tall, she just feels this comfort when she's with them that she's protected no matter what. Guys with a not so deep voice is okay, not like she's really picky but that's really her ideal type of guy. Deep voice and tall, if they have a ridiculous laugh or look on their face it's instantly a charming thing to her. She just falls how cute and lovable they are. She'll just fall for anybody with a deep voice, tall and has a ridiculous laugh. 

Plot Line: {female} Carefree Idiots/ When she's in a relationship, she doesn't care about the world or anything. As long as the two are together. They could jump off a cliff for all she cares. Nobody elses opinion matters at all. They'll do anything exciting with each other and maybe jump off a plane for fun one day.

Back-up plot line: {female} Serious Bigshots/ Because she and her partner may like to make remarks and comments that make them seem older than they are which may earn respect or so. The two like to act and talk like someone older because of how mature and witty they are.



Comments: I had a lot of fun filling this out! Originally I subscribed to this story but then unsubscribed because I didn't know how to add the photos into the little frames so I unsubscribed. But now I do! :D Anyways, hope you like my character, Jae Joo and consider her into the story! ;3

Plot Suggestions?:

- Maybe when Jae Joo first meets her partner, she's usually cold and cocky to strangers, they could have a rocky start in the beginning.

- have another guy just like her and her partner become protective of her - maybe with his deep voice trying to get her to stay with him ? c:

-  a mission for the two to face their fears together

- A party, and Jae Joo could get drunk and accidently kiss her partner /O\

Password: derpy gifs or pics of Jessica is hard. /.\ ._.



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