AFF Elitists

I'm going through all of the AsianFanFic Confessions on Tumblr, and I've come across a few "elitists" confessions.

Who are they? The popular authors? The people who have been here for a long time?

I'm really confused...



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Well these 'elitists' are not really popular authors, they just think they're better than everyone else, think their plots and characters are 'unique' etc. And they feel the need to criticize others at every, little thing an author does wrong in their story.
Guess its people who think they have special rights for some reason. Who knows what that is? It could be just according to them XD That'd be funny...
This has nothing to do with the question but GEUM JAN-DI!! Sorry I had to!
this is my first time to encounter that term too.
Not necessarily popular authors... but those who think highly of themselves, think they are above everyone... that their writing is superior and they want to keep it that way. Elitists don't want others to succeed.
Pretty much the more popular ones.. from what I understand anyway. And people who think or act like they are. Something along those lines.