Jay Park comes to Europe ~ !

He posted it on instagram three hours ago

He'll come to The Netherlands, UK and Germany

omg I screamed so ing loud you can't imagine





he's for me just as awesome as zico, okay.........If the concert isn't in
Berlin but closer I'm totally gonna go there, and I won't care what my
parents will say, I can use all MY ing money to go there because
I actually have a lot

If they act like that time I wanted to go to the Teen Top, jfc I swear -.-'''

I was even able to buy a VIP ticket on my own

well, whatever, brb dying and shouting around ~ ♥ *spreads love in
form of white chocolate*


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hyeinee #1
wow really???
fatDream #2
ASDFGJKLKJHGDA I am so happy right now TT.TT