Response: 2ne1 Comeback "Falling in Love"

Okay, some warnings are in order. One, I just woke up. Two, I have only watched this three times within the shart span I have been awake. Three, my laptop is actually being a pain. And yeah a multitude of reasons why you shouldn't take me all that seriously. But let's just get crackein' cracken! (So many failed references I want to detonate my head!)


First things first, I am at lost regarding the issue of Asiana Boeing 777 that crashed in NY yesterday. I know so little, I probably don't have much to say. The consequent cancelation of Inki and the complte withdrawal of 2ne1 from their performance is unfortunate. But I kind of feel incredibly saddened that this should be even something unexpected.

Asiana Airlines is a sponsor of YG, consequently it wouldn't be right to debut during this tragedy to a sponsor. Not mentioning the lives lost and affected by the accident. So I am kind of absurdly offended at the fanboy/girls who decided that a performance on live stage merits a tantrum in cyberspace. I kind of really wish people would grow some empathy and logic in their gardens. Put it in ther soups and salad, maybe some of it wont come out as .


But yeah, I'mma try to keep this light because yayyyy! My queens are back. I am calling this post a response because I am responding to this. Not reviewing it. So it's kind of less thinking more intuitive.

So the immediate response to this is sevvy getting out of bed which really is not something sevvy does without proper coaxing material. But yeah, sevvy is off the bed and in the quiet of the living room, grinning from excitement. The song... I loved it. There is no one who could make dislike this. I don't care what happened to my taste. JUST OH MY GOD.

This song did not need to grow on me which was exactly how I felt for Ugly, Scream, I love you, I hate you... and yeah... a lot of their songs. "Falling in love" was an all kill for sevvy. I am all fluttery and giddy. And yayyyyy!

The song is so... light and cute and just I loved the reoccuring rift for "touch me over here" I am like O.O oh gad.

I loved that they metioned Johnny Depp (hence the cracken reference earlier). I have no idea why, possibly because Johnny Depp kind of own a little space of my soul and he is the hottest man alive, (TOP-princess please, ummm, I am sorry. I mean you're the hottest princess alive! I mean you are perfect, please errrr...)

My favourite part is suprisingly Dara's!

And some you may go, that's not suprising at all, which would make you wrong. LOL. I usually either like CL's part or Bom's. OTL I am a bad Dara stan. I did like her in Ugly and Clap your Hands though. I just kind of do not like her in autotune. :3 But that's not the point. I am still talking about the song and her part just in the middle was so spot on that I could easily say that she was the most reggae part of this. Just I don't even know. I don't care if she's in autotune that was just "Bam!" right on the reggae head. And sevvy is a proud, proud daraling and yes. Oh gad. It just reminds me a lot of TOP (I'm not shipping, it's just that TOP is my bias), like how his short turns actually creates the impact, the mood. That what Dara's part was. At least for me. ;A;

As for the video... I am not that much of a fan. ;A; I mean it is visually engaging... but errr... I dunno, it kind felt seriously low budget. Which may have been the same case for Fantastic Baby but that MV had the ruggedness incorporated in the appeal, while this one kind of wanted to evoke luxury then scenic hiphop rugged thingy that just... I am sorry did not go together very well. OTL I still hate Dara's metallic crop with a passion and their choreo kind of was off. Like I don't even know. OTL

I mean I still like it, but not as much. It's like cheerios for breakfast. It's good, but it could have been better. Like having cld cereal when what you really want is steak and eggs. Um. I am hungry. OTL

I don't want to get into too much detail. But yeah, a lot of the times it was acting coy, they even had that short thing of playing... ugh. This is so awfully technical of me. OTL But yeah it's like they're toning down the ual undertones of the song by being in pigtails and kicking the sand. Even CL's face in "touch me over here" lines were wide eyed and cute and it was weird for me. It kinda felt like open "bimbo" like er, "oppa, I am so cute please molest me" which is definitely something I would hate to associate with my queens... I shall just blame this on the director and producers and hope with all my hoping fibres that this wont be the case in the long run. OTL

Dara was beautiful. Like here, Dara, please why won't you take my soul... kind of... Um. But Minzy was hella... what jdfgakgkdfgrkgf SHE WAS STUNNING. Like what happened to my little, baby, now she's way y and TAT.

Then there is my Bom.

Who was just gorgeously distracting. Like holy halp me please.

CL is as always very, very beautiful and y. And I would love to spazz some more but I dun want to eat cheerios so I am off to make my steak and eggs. Sev peacing out.


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OMG sevvy you won't believe it but I actually rummage my TL to see your spazz moment to this but it dawn on me that you're no longer there ( I'm really bad at this sevvy in twitter withdrawal syndrome).
OMG yes the song is so catchy and very light and it's giving me the *feel good vibe* and I'm soooooo hook with the touch me over here line mygaaaaaaaawd. Lol I did embarrass myself yet again in your presence lol.
love the review oh wait it's a response... i think yours is better though... aheheh i love your references... I could actually imagine you eating steak and egg... ok maybe that part is totally not related to the video.. But we both agree that it's a fun and addicting song..
HAHAHAHAHAH! SEVVU I was about to request your response for the mv/song then here i find you with this. kekek! you are cute! so cute that i want to pinch your cheeks!
Marianations #4
Wow, this is a good review. The MV has its weird parts but overall, the music just blows it up.