That Sad Moment When You Finish the Last Episode of a Kdrama T.T

I hate last episodes. It's just so sad how it's ending and it won't ever continue on again. I feel this way even if it does have a happy ending.

P.S. cliffhangers are the worst!!

Last night I bawled my eyes out so hard at the last episode of Gu Family Book. I don't usually cry like that (maybe I was just emotional) but I was seriously sobbing my off.



You should watch it though. This is one of the best dramas I've ever watched. If you like a kickass-tragic-romance-historical-mythical drama I recommend GFB :D

The main girl Yeol Wool gets shot my a musket accidently. They shooter missed his target ( the General) and hit her instead. If that's not tragic enough she has a prolonged death. I knew she was going to die eventually. That was her fate. But not like this. Everyone was crying and in deep mourn. Even the strong and stoic bodyguard guy Gon teared up. Kang Chi the gumiho who loved Yeol Wool was sobbing hysterically as he held the deceased girl in his arms. Yes, she freaking died in his arms. That's when the tears really started falling.

This is a historical drama so it took place around 1600 422 years later in 2013 Kang Chi the immortal gumiho is somehow rich. His adopted father was reincarnated into his butler. The bodyguard and general are like FBI agents or something. And his true love Yeol Wool is a police officer. And her name is the same too. He sees her under a peach tree with a crescent moon (a bad luck sign) The look at each other and then...

It's over just like that. 24 episodes done and over with. So sad T.T

I hope there's a season two... although I know what's going to happen, unless fate changes. I would love to see all this play out in the present world.

I hate last episodes. It's just so sad how it's ending and it won't ever continue on again. I feel this way even if it is happy.



Short (sad T.T) rant over. Here's a pic of Gu Family Book!! :)











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wyllaya #1
Yeah i know the feeling... but then there's another one who comes along and you're all exited until you realise that you will have to say goodbye to this one too