( ♔ ) girls generation: the legacy┊Jin Hae Do

Jin, Hae Do.
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USERNAME: JungDongPark
NAME: Lou or Vy

ULZZANG: Park Sora
Gallery oo1 | Gallery oo2
PHOTOGRAPHY: Gallery oo1




character name : Jin Hae Do
nicknames / aliases Ngoc Hoa (her Vietnamese name; only her family members call her that & when the members are mad at her) Britney (her English Name) Little Sunny (because of her short height and reminding people of Sunny)
date of birth + age : May 31, 2011 & 19
height + weight 161cm & 45kg
blood type : B+
ethnicity : Korean - Vietnamese
place of birth : Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
hometown :  Garden Grove, California
languages : English & Korean - Fluent | Vietnamese - Conversational
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the breakdown : erted | Intellectual | Witty | Entusiastic
personalit: Her face maybe as pure and innocent as a five-year-old, but behind that - She's a erted, cocky person. No, no, not just that. She's extremely cold and rude at times. Though, she's a winning student with great grades and attendance. Always being the teacher's pet, it caused her to think of herself kind of highly. Because she's smart too, she makes a lot of rude remarks - well sarcastic remarks, to slow people, people she hates or loathes, and haters.
Because she's erted she's dealt problems in relationship. It makes her parntner think constantly that she's cheating. She's quick on her feet and changes her mind quite often, if you can't catch up, then she'll leave you in the dust. She doesn't have time for people who are slowing her down. She's quite a flirt, too. Picking that up from her dad's trait. Ask her for favors? She'll do it. Make her do things for you frequently and constantly? Forget it. She's loud and has a 4D personality. It's odd, some say. She isn't typically the type of daughter anybody would want to take care of.  She fights back with her parents because 1) She knows she correct and her parents know it too, but won't admit it. 2) She's head-strong, she's never failed to prove anyone wrong. 3) If you don't listen to her side of the story, she'll blow and fight with you until you eventually lose. She doesn't really do her chores, she's always busy focusing on the music society, since, it's been her life since she was a kid.
 She's independent - which is great - but she's a tomboy. She knows how to communicate and be socialable with boys, she knows how to fight and she does things boy do. She tends to have two very important quotes on her mind : "Act like a Lady, Think like a Man." -Steve Harvey. And her own quote: "Yes, I'm a fake. But don't judge a book by its cover," But in the end, once you get to know her and is able to surpass her cockiness and ertedness, she's just a sweet girl with a tough additude.
background :   Jin Hae Do was born in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Her dad, a Korean, was visiting Vietnam just on a little food discovery, since he was afamous chef in Korea. Her mom, a very pretty Vietnamese lady, was working in the countryside and met Hae Do's dad. Then later got married and had Hae Do. Hae Do lived in Vietnam for about two years before moving to California, USA. As, Hae Do grew up she was bullied right away once she had started Kinder. From that she learned how to stand up for herself, and bullied them back. Her dad later shows her some artists from Korea like Fin. KL, H.O.T., Seo Taji & Boys, etc. She was interested in their music, as well as some artists from Vietnam her mom had shown her. Then on she loved music, her parents frequently took her back and forth to Vietnam & Korean to visit and do pageants during their trips. When she reached the age of eight, she modeled. She sang in a little group from ages 8 to 11. Then went duo with only her and her younger cousin.
As she turned sixteen, her parents wanted her to stop doing modeling and singing. Then wanted her to become a doctor, or a lawyer. Even her older brother wanted her to become a doctor. That was the first time that Hae Do ever talked back and said 'no' to her parents' desicion for her. She locked herself in her  room day and night composing music, and singing. But her parents then realized if that's what she wanted to be, then they let her. She and her family later opened a little cafe. Hae Do was in there 24/7 just trying to earn money for her equipment she needed when composing songs and tracks. She was happy with her older brother, her parents and her life. But, Hae Do was dumped by plenty of guys, it was because they always tend to think she was player, always flirting with other guys. Which wasn't true, she just felt that she was always more connected to guys. She waved them off and moved on knowing they only liked her for her looks.
likes : 
- skinship
- Love Legends
- Art
- 11:11
- Alcohol (influenced by her cousins)
- Sleeping 
- Romantic Sotries
- Music
- Food
- shooting stars
- Flat abs
- Bikinis
- Flirting (a little)
dislikes : 
- spiders
- chainmails
- insects
- animals
- clowns
- slow people
- people who complain constantly
- haters
trivia : 
- Left-handed
- Has every apply product thing, but iPhones. She doesn't like the iPhones, only the Samsung Galaxys
- Known as someone who was y and had a lot of aegyo since she was 13
- Extremely smart, gets an A in everything, cries if she doesn't
- Known as the the person mind of an elder, meaning she understood everything around her and the things adults understood at a young age
- Lactose Intolerate
- Has a cute face when mad
- Likes cute babies/ kids, but adults always think of her as a bad influence.
- Heavy alcohol drinker, (since around the age 17, as said, influence by her cousins)
- Knows how to play the guitar and piano professionally.
- Instgram; @HaeHaeDo_Jin
- Twitter; @JinDoHae_Vy
- Facebook; Hae Do Britney Jin
- Me2Day; JinnieJinJin_Hae


father : (Jin Hong Lee / 52 / Professional Chef / Strict | Short-tempered | Mean | Blunt / The two aren't really close, between the two they fight like cats and dogs. He had always forced Hae Do in to doing things that he 'thought' was best for her. He never took the time to listen to her side of the story.)
mother : (Nguyen Thuy / 48 / Stay-home / Strict | Short-tempered | Caring but hides it | Over-Protective / The two aren't close either. Thuy always knew her daughter was smart, coming back with smart remarks. But she always pretended Hae Do wasn't and said she was a kid and didn't know anything)
siblings : ( Jin 'Jason' Lee / 25 / Student @ USC / Kind | Funny | Caring | Witty / Jason always wanted a younger sister and he got one. The two never fought because Jason always cared for his younger sister and didn't like fighting with her. He always gave her kind advice.)
(Jin 'Maylee' Min / 16 / Student @ Centennial Highschool / Cocky | Rude | Loud | Judgemental / Maylee and Hae Do have NEVER ever gotten along. From when the first time Maylee hit Hae Do as a child, she knew Maylee was gonna be the trouble one. She always gotten into trouble. When she reached the age of 14 she smoked and did drugs and Hae Do hated her for that. Even though Maylee had stopped, she would aways be out partying. Which annoyed the whole family and Hae Do would be the one having to care of her. And Hae Do hates having to take care of someone if it's not her fault for what happened to them)
idol relative 
the mentor : ( Yong Junhyung / 43 / Rapper, Actor, Rapping Trainer / Straightforward | Optimistic | Tough | Caring / He is a Rapping trainer for Hae Do because she had always wanted to be the 'female Junhyung'.
friends : ( Alison Ruelas / 20 / student  / Out-going | Funny | Bubbly | Bright / The two had always been best friends since middle school. The two did everything together. Alison had a created a group of six friends they both got along well together. Alison had been the leader, while Hae Do was the ones with brains, the erted one, the moodmaker and the who approved things.)
(Ezbon Choi / 19 / student / Quiet | Funny | Cold (to strangers) | Bright | Ezbon was part of their group too, she was the quiet one. Betweem Hae Do and her they were the only the Asians in that group and probably (maybe) the whole school. The two created a strong bond because of that.)
rival : 
( Emmie Joo / 19 / Moodmaker of Legends / Emmie is probably the most rude, cocky, and bossy person people will ever meet. She went to the same high school and middle school as Hae Do. She had always did whatever to get closer and be part of Hae Do's group. But of course, Hae Do, the approver, didn't let her. Emmie tended to make rumors about others and cause drama. Emmie did whatever to prove to people that Hae Do isn't is cool or different as people thought, and that she was a big fake. Emmie and Hae Do hated each other from then)


which snsd member do you want to be? : Kim Hyoyeon
position : 
Vocalist ; Main Dancer
personal fanclub name : Aceshin
trainee history : In the beginning, Hae Do didn't want to audition for a big company because she knew they had expected a lot, and this was only her first time, and she didn't know what she was lacking. So she auditioned for TS Entertainment, she didn't make it. But then TS had called SM and sent her porftfolio over to them to have them look her over. After that she auditioned at SM, through ten rounds she became a trainee. Through her trainee life, it was hard and exhausting, but she took it all as a positive. She didn't care, all she did was work hard for her dream.
extra jobs :  MC, Actress

the problems of being a snsd member :  A problem being Hyoyeon is that she sometimes can't dance as hard and give out all her energy as much as Hyoyeon did. She tries as hard each time but runs out of breath. Another thing was she gets hated a lot, because as a trainee she was popular with the seniors and younger trainees. People liked her a lot, some people were jealous her talent and looks.
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"how did you find out about the original snsd and did you like them?" :
"Well, acutally I had admired the older groups, Super Junior, SHINee, Fin. K.L., H.O.T., SNSD, etc., all the groups that debuted before 2012. I was actually a fan of all 300 hundred groups, but I mostly focused on the groups I extremely liked! Not every single groups, just the ones I focused on a lot. So, one day I stumbled across my parents CDs and saw Bigbang's Haru Haru and listened to it. I searched on Youtube to watch the video, and on the list of suggestions said 'Girls' Generation - GEE (Official Music Video) and I clicked on it. I was amazed by their choreography and music song I started to listen to them and follow them. Watched all their variety shows they were on. I became a Hardcore SONE after that. My parents were huge SONEs too, but they hid the CDs from because they thought since I was so young, I'd damage their special CDs since they loved SNSD so much."
"how did you find out about the auditions?" : My mentor, who I really love and admire, did tell my about the SNSD auditions. But I didn't think I could be able to be another cute and fresh copy of them, because they were so original! They were the Queens leading the Hallyu wave! But He had told me to give it a shot."
"who is your favorite snsd member?" : "Wow, this is so hard. I love everyone. Maybe... Taeyeon. Because Taeyeon had such great leadership, and she was a forever young dorky person. She was everything that I hoped to grow up and be like. I really did love her, she was dorky, kind and such a great leader in leading SNSD, that's why Girl's Generation got so far."
"old sones and other kpop fans will have mix reactions toward the new girls generation. how will you deal with the reactions the public has?" : "I would cry, if the old sones and other kpop fandoms from then support us, it'd be great for them to see something old re-live again. But if the newer generation of fandoms or some old fandoms don't support us, I would be a little discouraged. Because I want people to remember the girls who were legendary artists again and not forget them."
"if you're choosen, how will you portray your snsd member's personality?" : "I will try hard to become a great dancer as Hyoyeon and push myself to the limit. Because that's what she did, and never quit. Become the Dancing Queen."


               love interest : Yoo Yoo Min

Honest; He doesn't care if he hurts your feelings or not, he'll tell you what's wrong with you or what you're doing wrong. People shouldn't take it as a bad, he's just coming out the truth. He hates having to keep something in him when he wants to tell you your flaws. He'll never tell a lie because everything he says is already honesty.
Loyalty; He's extremely loyal. You can tell him a secret, and he keeps it a secret with all his heart as if it's a million dollars and he's hiding. If you were to tell him to do something, he'll do it for you because that's what friends do.
Kind/ Soft-hearted; He had always felt bad for the poor. He always bought them food or gave them money. He spent his time helping at the charities or homeless center. He consoles people frequently if their down. He is never going to leave someone their alone crying, he'll even walk up to a stranger if they're sad and try to console them.
Impatient; Not that he always a schedule, he just doesn't like waiting. It annoys him for some reason. He doesn't like to wait for then more thirty-seconds. If he's suppose to meet someone at a certain, he has to be there at time. If someone is suppose to meet him a certain time, people better be there a time.
visual Park Hyung Seok
occupation Actor
how you two met : Yoo Min is an actor under SM too, and one day Hae Do was walking around the company and then accidently bumped into Yoo Min, making him drop all his scripts for his current drama. Hae Do apologized and helped him pick it all up, since Hae Do heard that he was an impatient and helped him quickly. Somehow he wasn't in hurry all of a sudden that day. He had reached his phone out and called his manager saying to cancel his schedule that day. He turned to Hae Do and decided to have some coffee with her and she accepted. Yoo Min had that 'three seconds' to fall in love thing.
relationship : The two act like couples around each other, making others really think they're dating.
outcome : The two to be in a relationship by the end of the story.

COMMENTS: I HAD EXTREME fun filling this out! ^-^ Hope you like Hae Do and accept her,

I worked really hard on her. Since I started at 12 in the morning, now it's like 9 am that

I finally finish... So yeah, hope you like/ accept her author-nim! P.S., I'm sorry for messing up on the basic info area! Because I'm still new to source codes, I kinds of messed up... /bows/ I'm sorry!
SUGGESTIONS: Songs?; B.A.P's Coffee Shop | after School's First Love | Girls' Day's Female 

President | 4minute's Is It Poppin? | SHINee's Green Rain
SCENE REQUESTS: I like to leave it up to you, Author-nim ~ ^-^






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