♡Miss Kiss || Hwang Vy || Vy



"Hwang Vy"

name: Hwang Vy

*second name: Hwang MiMi

age: 17

birth date: (31/5/1996)

birth Place: Ho Chi Minh (Saigon), Vietnam

hometown: California, USA.

ethnicity: Half Vietnamese | Half Korean

languages: Korean - Fluent | English - Fluent | Vietnamese - Fluent |




Her face maybe as pure and innocent as a five-year-old, but behind that - She's a erted, cocky person. No, no, not just that. She's extremely cold and rude at times. Though, that's only how she acts in front of people. Some may call her two-faced, but she isn't. She is always a winning student with great grades and attendance. Always being the teacher's pet, it caused her to think of herself kind of highly. Because she's smart too, she makes a lot of rude remarks - well sarcastic remarks, to slow people, people she hates or loathes, and haters.


Because she's erted she's dealt problems in relationship. It makes her parntner think constantly that she's cheating. She's quick on her feet and changes her mind quite often, if you can't catch up, then she'll leave you in the dust. She doesn't have time for people who are slowing her down. She's quite a flirt, too. Picking that up from her dad's trait. Ask her for favors? She'll do it. Make her do things for you frequently and constantly? Forget it. She's loud and has a 4D personality. It's odd, some say. She isn't typically the type of daughter anybody would want to take care of.  She fights back with her parents because 1) She knows she correct and her parents know it too, but won't admit it. 2) She's head-strong, she's never failed to prove anyone wrong. 3) If you don't listen to her side of the story, she'll blow and fight with you until you eventually lose. She doesn't really do her chores, she's always busy focusing on the music society, since, it's been her life since she was a kid.


 She's independent - which is great - but she's a tomboy. She knows how to communicate and be socialable with boys, she knows how to fight and she does things boy do. She tends to have two very important quotes on her mind : "Act like a Lady, Think like a Man." - Steve Harvey. And her own quote: "Yes, I'm a fake. But don't judge a book by its cover," But in the end, once you get to know her and is able to surpass her cockiness and ertedness, she's just a sweet girl with a tough additude.



Hwang Vy was born in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Her dad, a Korean, was visiting Vietnam just on a little food discovery, since he was a famous chef in Korea. Her mom, a very pretty Vietnamese lady, was working in the countryside and met Vy's dad. Then later got married and had Vy. Vy lived in Vietnam for about two years before moving to California, USA. As, Vy grew up she was bullied right away once she had started Kinder. From that she learned how to stand up for herself, and bullied them back. Her dad later shows her some artists from Korea like Fin. KL, H.O.T., Seo Taji & Boys, etc. She was interested in their music, as well as some artists from Vietnam her mom had shown her. Then on she loved music, her parents frequently took her back and forth to Vietnam & Korean to visit and do pageants during their trips. When she reached the age of eight, she modeled. She sang in a little group from ages 8 to 11. Then went duo with only her and her younger cousin.


As she turned sixteen, her parents wanted her to stop doing modeling and singing. Then wanted her to become a doctor, or a lawyer. Even her little brother wanted her to become a doctor. That was the first time that Vy ever talked back and said 'no' to her parents' desicion for her. She locked herself in her  room day and night composing music, and singing. But her parents then realized if that's what she wanted to be, then they let her. She and her family later opened a little cafe. Vy was in there 24/7 just trying to earn money for her equipment she needed when composing songs and tracks. She was happy with her little brother, her parents and her life. But, Vy was dumped by plenty of guys, it was because they always tend to think she was player, always flirting with other guys. Which wasn't true, she just felt that she was always more connected to guys. She waved them off and moved on knowing they only liked her for her looks.



- (x'D)

- Hello Kitty

- Music

- Spicy Food

- Food

- Sleeping

- Love legends

- Shooting stars

- 11:11

- Her phone

- Shoes

- Art

- Rapping

- Skinship

- Mystery/ Criminal Movies/Shows



- Spiders

- Clowns

- Animals

- Haters

- Slow People

- Fakes

- People who complain constantly

- Annoying people



- Composing music

- Composing lyrics

- Rapping

- Playing the guitar

- Dancing

- Reading



- Crying to easily

- Goes to bed really late

- Talk really loud when angry or pissed making it sound like she's yelling at the person.



- Wrist tattoo that says, "Inspiration"

- Shoulder tattoo that says her quote, "Yes, I'm a fake, but don't judge a book by it's cover."

- Loves Mickey Mouse

- Obsessed with every K-Pop group

- Has a cute face when mad

- Has a Kpop look-a-like (Hyuna ~)

- Her hair is always in a bun when at home

- Wears glasses secretly

- Had braces

- Still sleeps with a night-light

- Rollercoasters relieve her stress. Only if she's at an amusement park with her friends or family.



idol face: Hyuna

back-up face: Nana (Afterschool)

height: 165 cm.

weight: 53kg.


-casual: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4

-dorm: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4

-formal: 1 | 2 | 3

-airport: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5




love interest name:

Kim, Yoo Kwon (Ukwon) - Block B


Best Friends, but she's crushing on him

how you meet?:

Before debut: When Vy was visiting her family members in Korea from her dad side, she went to pick up some groceries for her grandparents. As she was just daydreaming as she walked into the streets, she was bumped into a few boys and fell. They were kinda in a hurry, none of them helped her up. Except Ukwon, he helped her up and said sorry about his older friends bumping into her like that. Still being in Korea for a month, she later saw him in the streets frequently. He then asked her for her name and number. They soon became really good friends after hanging out together for awhile.


how you treat each other?:


They treat each other like husband & wife. Nagging one another because they care for each other. They're also playful, that's why in public people think they're dating. But they're not. Sometimes Vy feels like they were meant to be together, but she knows it won't ever happen since Ukwon never returned those feelings back. Or recognized her feelings for him. The Block B members and her leader always tease them because they act like old married couples. In depression times, Ukwon's always cheering her up, hugging her and taking her out. Vy's always doing stupid things to cheer up Ukwon.


back-up love interest: 

Jang Dong Woo - Infinite


Dating - One year & a half

how you meet?: 

Before debut: Vy's family was visiting an old friend one day. It was her dad's cousin's older brother's friend. When Vy was introduced to her dad's old friend's son, Dongwoo, they didn't technically like each other at first. Dongwoo thought she seemed to simple and Vy thought Dongwoo looked a little too high at times. The parents thought they'd be really cute together and one day Vy was just touring his house and stepped into his room. She didn't know he was showering in their so the parents locked the two up in there for about a day. Then the two clicked after being forced to see each other for a few times.

how you treat each other:


They treat each other like husband & wife. She always by his side and he's always by hers. Those two are like glue there is no way anything can break them apart. It's just sometimes tiring due to their schedules to see each other. But they love each other a lot. 


*stage name:  Vy

persona: Quiet Playcard

position: Main Rapper, Lead Dancer

back-up position: Main Vocal, Visual

*fanclub name + color: 

Aces +  ......          

how long you have been training: 4.5 years

weakness:  Little Babies & Turtles

special talent:

- Guitar, Piano, Flute & Trumpet

- Skateboard

- Gymnastics 








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i did the review of your character. please look at the chapter two ^^