❂ SYKotic ❂ || Jang Tae Min



Hello my name is Jang Tae Min



Are you ready ?


Name : Jang Tae Min

Nick names: Chanh ( Her Vietnamese Name, but it's a boy name)

Stage name : Ace

Birthdate : May 31, 1994

Age : 19

Ethnicity : Korean - Vietnamese 

Bloodtype : B+

Birthplace : Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Hometown : Garden Grove, California

Languages : English - Fluent | Korean - Fluent | Vietnamese - Fluent | Chinese - Conversational

Personality : 

   Her face maybe as pure and innocent as a five-year-old, but behind that - She's a erted, cocky person. No, no, not just that. She's extremely cold and rude at times. Though, that's only how she acts in front of people. Some may call her two-faced, but she isn't. She is always a winning student with great grades and attendance. Always being the teacher's pet, it caused her to think of herself kind of highly. Because she's smart too, she makes a lot of rude remarks - well sarcastic remarks, to slow people, people she hates or loathes, and haters.

Because she's erted she's dealt problems in relationship. It makes her parntner think constantly that she's cheating. She's quick on her feet and changes her mind quite often, if you can't catch up, then she'll leave you in the dust. She doesn't have time for people who are slowing her down. She's quite a flirt, too. Picking that up from her dad's trait. Ask her for favors? She'll do it. Make her do things for you frequently and constantly? Forget it. She's loud and has a 4D personality. It's odd, some say. She isn't typically the type of daughter anybody would want to take care of.  She fights back with her parents because 1) She knows she correct and her parents know it too, but won't admit it. 2) She's head-strong, she's never failed to prove anyone wrong. 3) If you don't listen to her side of the story, she'll blow and fight with you until you eventually lose. She doesn't really do her chores, she's always busy focusing on the music society, since, it's been her life since she was a kid.

 She's independent - which is great - but she's a tomboy. She knows how to communicate and be socialable with boys, she knows how to fight and she does things boy do. She tends to have two very important quotes on her mind : "Act like a Lady, Think like a Man." -Steve Harvey. And her own quote: "Yes, I'm a fake. But don't judge a book by its cover," But in the end, once you get to know her and is able to surpass her cockiness and ertedness, she's just a sweet girl with a tough additude.

Background : 

 Jang Tae Min was born in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Her dad, a Korean, was visiting Vietnam just on a little food discovery, since he was a famous chef in Korea. Her mom, a very pretty Vietnamese lady, was working in the countryside and met Tae Min's dad. Then later got married and had Tae Min. Tae Min lived in Vietnam for about two years before moving to California, USA. As, Tae Min grew up she was bullied right away once she had started Kinder. From that she learned how to stand up for herself, and bullied them back. Her dad later shows her some artists from Korea like Fin. KL, H.O.T., Seo Taji & Boys, etc. She was interested in their music, as well as some artists from Vietnam her mom had shown her. Then on she loved music, her parents frequently took her back and forth to Vietnam & Korean to visit and do pageants during their trips. When she reached the age of eight, she modeled. She sang in a little group from ages 8 to 11. Then went duo with only her and her younger cousin.

As she turned sixteen, her parents wanted her to stop doing modeling and singing. Then wanted her to become a doctor, or a lawyer. Even her older brother wanted her to become a doctor. That was the first time that Tae Soo ever talked back and said 'no' to her parents' desicion for her. She locked herself in her  room day and night composing music, and singing. But her parents then realized if that's what she wanted to be, then they let her. She and her family later opened a little cafe. Tae Min was in there 24/7 just trying to earn money for her equipment she needed when composing songs and tracks. She was happy with her older brother, her parents and her life. But, Tae Min was dumped by plenty of guys, it was because they always tend to think she was player, always flirting with other guys. Which wasn't true, she just felt that she was always more connected to guys. She waved them off and moved on knowing they only liked her for her looks. Later when she finally had auditioned for a small company, TS Entertainment, she didn't make it. But they knew she was talented so they had called over to SM and recommended her and hoped they would look her over. After that, SM had finally accepted her after ten rounds of auditioning and competitions.




Lets Get y


Idol Name : Kim Hyuna of 4minute

Links / Tumblr : 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5

Back-up Idol Name : Jeon Hyosung of SECRET

Links / Tumblr : 1 - 2  - 3 - 4 - 5

Height : 168cm

Weight : 52kg

Style : 

Casual: 1 - 2 - 3

Dorm: 1 - 2 - 3

Practice: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4

Formal: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6





Family : [Jang Min Hyuk | 48 | Dad | Professional Chef]

[Nguyen Ngoc | 42 | Mom | stay-Home mom]

[ Jang Dong Woo | 22 | Main Rapper of INFINITE]


[Yong Junhyung | BEAST - Main Rapper | Tough on the outside ; Kind and Sweet on the inside]

Friends : [Seo Joo Hyun | 21 | SNSD - 2nd Lead Vocalist]

[ Son Dong Woon | 22 | BEAST - Maknae ; Vocals]

[ Lee Sungyeol | 21 | INFINITE - Vocalist]

[ Yi Xing (Lay) | 21 | EXO - Main Dancer]

Rivals :  [ Ahn 'LE' Hyo Jin | EXID | 21 | Tough ; Determined ; Cocky | LE is probably the best rapper anyone has ever known, probably better than CL. But she's known as the female 'Junhyung'. Then there's Tae Min, she could rap as good as CL & LE combined. She has also taken the title of the 'female' Junhyung. LE didn't like that; LE had invited her out for rap battles every week with other underground rappers. Tae Min tends to get most of the votes of being better than LE. Tae Min doesn't like to be rivals with her seniors, but she knows if they want to battle with her, she'll give it her all. LE also did whatever to earn her title back

[Kim Hyoyeon | Girls' Generation (SNSD) | Determined ; Fun | She's a fun person alright, but not to her rivals. Hyoyeon one day was just watching the trainees train, and was there to help point out their mistakes and get them better. Out of the whole ocean, she spotted Tae Min. She straight up called Tae Min out to battle with. Rapping, beatboxing and b-girling, since Tae Min was skilled in all of that. All the trainees watched including the SM artists watched behind the window with the CEO. Over and over, Tae Min was chose over Hyoyeon as the person who was more skilled and talented. Tae Min didn't like to be rivals with her seniors of course, espacially with someone that successful in the industry. But she uses this as a way to get better. Hyoyeon had promised whatever to get better than someone who was younger than her, because to her getting beat by someone younger than her is an embarressment.



My Baby




Lovers Name : YiXing (Lay)

Age : 21

Group : EXO

Relationship : Friends

How long have you been together : [ If dating]

How you treat eachother : The two treat each other like wife & husbands. The two care for each other enormously. Nagging each other, watching out for each other.




Back-up lovers Name : Bang Yongguk

Age : 22

Group: B.A.P.

Relationship : Dating

How long have you been together : Two years

How you treat eachother : Yongguk is a tough person, but people are surprised that he's a caring and loving boyfriend. He treats her as his wife, and she treats him her husband. The two are like glue, they can't be separated unless it's work schedules than maybe. But usually in the freetimes, you'll either see the two together or texting each other.







- B-girling

- Rapping 

- Beatboxing

- Sleeping

- Music

- Food

- Art

- 11:11

- Love Legends

- Criminal/Mystery shows

- Polaroid photos

Dislikes :

- Spiders

- Insects

- Slow people

- People who complain constantly

- Haters

- Fakes

Hobbies :

- Composing music/ lyrics

- Playing the guitar

- Taking photographs

Habits :

- Sniffing people

- Touching people

- Talking really loud making it seem like she's yelling

- Going to bed really late (Ex: 5 a.m.)

Weakness : 

- Cute babies

- Clowns

Trivia : 

 - Shoulder tattoo that says her quote, "Yes, I'm a fake, but don't judge a book by it's cover." (and she's had it since she was fifteen, in place where they give tattoos to fifteen year olds, or older.)

- Loves Mickey Mouse

- Obsessed with every K-Pop group

- Has a cute face when mad

- Back-up dancer for Orange Caramel's Bangkok City ; Jay Park's Know Your Name at Music Core & Inkigayo ; Lee Hi's Rose

- Starred in: SHINee's Dream Girl, Why so Serious? ; BTOB's 2nd Confession ; Hello Venus' Venus ; Swing's Would You? ; EXID's Who'z That Girl ; VIXX's On and On, Hyde

- Had braces

- Wears glasses secretly

- Still sleeps with a night-light

- Hair is always in a messy bun at home

- Sleeps frequently

- Has a book collection over thirty books or more

- Has a hat collection ( 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 )

- Has a cussing problem which makes her cuss in almost every sentence

- A HUGE nerd, A in everything and never fails

 Knows how to B-girl

- Goes to the boxing arena to box when frustrated

- Her only favorite colors are grey, black, white

- Her longest record of sleeping was twenty-six hours, in the bathtub due to school when she was tired.

- Role-Models: Ravi from VIXX | Jay Park | Dok2 | Yubin from Wonder Girls | Amber from f(x) | Lime from Hello Venus | Yongguk from B.A.P | Chanyeol from EXO | Eli from U-KISS |

- Known as a Baby-Faced iness, due to when she was 13 she learned a lot about doing y dances, and was able to seduce a lot of guys. Even she wasn't trying too.

- She plays the guitar & piano

- She has a lot of secrets that no one knows because they're too deep and can cause people to worry

- Tends to have suicide thoughts when she's in real pain

- Her ideal type is: VIXX's Hongbin or Ravi, Leo too. Or TVXQ's Yunho

- Instagram - @taeminni_jang

- Twitter - @Taetaemin

- Facebook - Tae Min Jang

- Me2Day - Taetaeril_


HeLoveTheWay I RideIt


Persona : Quiet Joker

Position : Main Rapper, Leader, Vocalist

Back-up Position : Lead Dancer, Vocalist & Sub-Rapper

Personal fanclub name & color : Jokers &                      


Trainee Life : Her trainee life is hard, probably every trainee life is. But she never once took it as a bad thing. She looked everything as a positive thing. She's made plenty of enemies and friends. She took anything thrown at her as a challenge to finish and complete it strong.

Trainne Years : Five years and a half






comments : I HAD SO MUCH FILLING THIS OUT~~~~ Author-nim ^-^ I really hope you like her~ Hope you accept her too~

request :

SYKotic on Weekly Idol

SYKotic on All the Kpop

SYKotic on Beatles Code 2

Lay kisses Tae Min

Tae Min goes on WGM with an EXO member causing Lay to get jealous.

LE finally beats Tae Min for the first time (but Tae Min let LE win because she felt bad)

suggestions :


Henry - Trap

Lee Hyori - Amor Mio (feat. Park Ji Young of Honey-G)

David Choi - Rollercoaster

After School - First Love






Thanks For Applying ! - Love Kiseops_Wife_


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