Do I have an amazing A-cha cover? HELL TO THE ING YES, BRAH.

Herro dere. So, yeah, you people know of that damn catchy tune by Super Junior, yeah? No, not Mr. Simple, but yes, I love that single too. I'm talking about A-cha -- I've found a seriously amazing cover for it. You'll check it out, yes? Of course you will. Because you're awesome like that, right?

...Pretty please?  See, I added "pretty"' it, right? No? Aw, okay (what a waste of a click, brah). Yes? Yay! I knew you'd do it. Go here.  You won't regret it, I promise~





P.S. It's an English cover, but honestly? That just makes it so much more epic.  Enjoy~  


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BubblyMe #1
Is that you?! AMAZING <3
quexiyun #2
Amazing :D