This is what i call a tribute for SHINee's anniversary

i don't even know who this person is... I randomly stumbled upon this video while searching for SHINee's 5th anniversary celebration party videos  ^^

I really love for her making it... she plays piano very amazingly... I hope shinee gets to watch this too...

She did an amazing job T.T 

Brings back all the memories.. T.T

Each song is so special...

I know all u guys will recognise the songs..

If not then

in order

1. Replay - the song with which SHINee stole all the noona's hearts ^^

2. Juliette - the song that made every girl wish SHINee was their romeo :)

3. Ring Ding Dong - the song they make us go crazy saying "i'm gwenchanan bad boyy~~~" XD

4. Jo Jo - the song that made every girl wanted to be called Jo Jo ( my love)  by SHINee ^_^

5. Lucifer - the song that converted all the inncont shawols into erts XD

6. Hello -  the cutsie SHINee. gahhh who can forget this ^^ every girl wishes they had a bf like them lol

7. Sherlock - Ohhh detective SHINee (y) and the best dance ever of SHINee (ofcourse after Lucifer) XD

8. Dream girl - well don't you wish to be one for SHINee?? XD 


our babies have grown up wonderfully ^^

here's the link

click me

please tell me how you like it.. ^^ if u don't then don't worry.. ^^

have a nice day ^^ or night or wateva lol XD

lub ya all..



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It's really good. =)
only saw this now and lkghlghhgfhghk :'( These boys...that cover kjghkfjghfdkjdk!!
wyllaya #3 you said it brings back a lot of memory... she did a good job... i like them all... except JOJO i can't stand that song lol... anyway thanks